News: Announcing Triton Industries Shares

Hmm, don't think I will go anywhere near these. This saturation of the economy does not bode well for those with existing deeds. If MA improved the gameplay and fixed the bugs they may attract new players. This is a way that the revenue steam could improve. If this happens, then sure release new deeds but currently without info from MA about what is going on with Unreal 5 there is a lot of uncertaintity in the economy.
This is not a good look...

You cannot sell virtual property like NTI for, what was it, $500k usd? And then let it rot and abandon your investors, then turn around and do it all over again, and again... At some point it will backfire, and so it is now.

I'm glad that something has finally been released on the New Ark Moon, but those investors have also been generally abandonned to be honest...

How many more? As long as people keep buying I guess...?
to be fair though, players keep buying them so...nothing stops them at all.

money talks, speak with your wallet folks.

be smart
Everyone saying no ty.
I'm betting the shares will be sold out in the first hour.

Its abit hard.

1. TWEN is here, people have invest their money in TWEN Tokens / Items
2. Nothing spectaculous about these Deeds.
3. Info isnt anywhere ... about them. All you know its -> they gona be 500k ! End of Story.

I want Boreas Shares !!! That n00bs whos sweating there they must pay ! ITS OUR SWEAT!!! They are taking our sweats !!!
I don't want to jump to conclusions, but one question raised above would interest me to learn the answer to: Is revenue which previously was going to CLD shares being redirected to Triton shares now? Thank you in advance for clarification.
Its abit hard.

1. TWEN is here, people have invest their money in TWEN Tokens / Items
2. Nothing spectaculous about these Deeds.
3. Info isnt anywhere ... about them. All you know its -> they gona be 500k ! End of Story.

I want Boreas Shares !!! That n00bs whos sweating there they must pay ! ITS OUR SWEAT!!! They are taking our sweats !!!

Twen TEWN Mayhem there is too much gear floating arround but not enough people to use it WHY ? Because nobody is crazy enough to spend 5-10k on virtual gun in a game where it takes years to retrun your original investments and items loose value because Ma keeps pumping new and new items. . Entropia is one of the most expensive if not the most expensive mmo to play out there . Ma needs to start figuring to make money from atracting more players to the game and not skin people on the few available activities left in the game that is why numbers shrink year after year. Naturally they found their comfortable corner and dont want to change anything by trying to fix the economy the number of players shrink with each year. And there are those chosen few who go out of their way to convince themselves and the rest of us that everything is fine the way it is . And the reason for all of this is the huge gap required to fill to play this game what does it take in $ to play comfortable each month without chasing profit 100 to a 1000$ ? That gents is what keeps people away from playing even tho Entropia is one of the most unique games on the market that and the lack of things to do. The only thing currently besides entropia that has somewhat distant similarity is Star CItizen and their developers are called greedy yet people spend thousands of $ without the possibility to withrdaw yet in star citizen you can buy a ship from 40-1000$ and just have fun without worry ( xxxx can i afford to pay that much each month). This is what also keeps many players away since in some countries that is a lot of $. Yes i know life is not fair you will say but MA needs to make the game more acessible to different communities to inshure the game increase in populaton. Investment wise people still live to cut corners and hate grinding even games where you can't actually withdraw anything.
Interesting that they didn't add an offering price for them.
Can you clarify if this will represent the other 50% of the PP gross revenue for Triton, with the first 50% going to CLDs?

Perhaps provide some estimated revenue numbers.
This was just the fun teaser. Let's not forget that. ALL, yes all, the details about the shares will come as we stay tuned, hardly daring to breathe.
OFC info on shares might not include other info we might like, but that's maybe for the best, eh?
fuk me sideways.. :D

Mindark.. guys we are short a bit of a cash for xmas party this year.. Any ideas? ... here it is :D ....

How much development was done on TI.. ? :D ... so this is next cash grab .

good luck who ever decides to go for these....
After the compet burn I wont hold shares , and Almost feel the UR5 is another compet in the making

MA can sell all the shares they want ,I'm not buying
all i have say . omega lul
Sell for 10, buy the shares back for 8. This is genius!

But seriously, isn't Sand King fairly popular? Shouldnt these be paying out nicely? I can follow the calculations for pay outs on the first page but I just have no clue if any of the inputs/assertion are true. Is it really gonna be this little?
Sell for 10, buy the shares back for 8. This is genius!

But seriously, isn't Sand King fairly popular? Shouldnt these be paying out nicely? I can follow the calculations for pay outs on the first page but I just have no clue if any of the inputs/assertion are true. Is it really gonna be this little?
Aren't all the shares basically this little?

Don't forget everyone, Mindark will make more then payout anyway from the shares exchanging hands. Every sale/purchase of shares from one person to another cost a fee of more than they'll make in like a year of owning the share.

What's interesting is they did actually update Sandking Island in the last couple of years.

They fixed a lot of the spawns for every mob on the Island .
Gonna buy some as soon as I hit some decent multi on FOMA after 5 years of meh. Thank you for an opportunity Mindark.
Aren't all the shares basically this little?

Don't forget everyone, Mindark will make more then payout anyway from the shares exchanging hands. Every sale/purchase of shares from one person to another cost a fee of more than they'll make in like a year of owning the share.

What's interesting is they did actually update Sandking Island in the last couple of years.

They fixed a lot of the spawns for every mob on the Island .
but "fixing" isnt the same as developing though
I didnt bring any negative comments towards Mindark in a long time (might be first lol). Anyway, why would anyone invest in your shares when you guys didn't give anything to investors (CP and TI) after those shares were sold ? Most annoying part is the spawn on some sold areas its soooo poor it can't even handle a hunter.