Sorry I dont talk to morons.
Another moron missing the point I see, well its expected dont worry, you will pass 1st grade with some help.
Yeah vegetables in general that dont think before posting.
Nonsense. I am trying to rip you off. Not only do I now have all your ped, but I have also stolen your Mojo. Muwhahahahaha!!!!!
If you ever want to see a global or a HOF with your name next to it again, you must find the avatar Oscar Hurrikane Skyquake, steal his underwear and deliver them to a TDO representative at Sakura City. Once we have Hurri's underwear proudly flying from the flagpole at our super-secret TDO HQ, your Mojo will be returned unharmed and you may resume normal looting.
Have a really nice day!
I'm glad you made peds, I really am. But, that is not the point. MA is screwing players, a freaking blazer after 15 plus peds to kill. That is just wrong!! I'm glad you made hof's and globs' and who know's an ATH. But, MA is not paying for it, other players are with 'shit' loot.
Your talking about the underpants, right?
Think you need to take a look at yourself in the mirror. Resorting to name calling and verbal abuse is not "thinking before you post".
Why waste time and effort writing 100 words when it all can be sumed up in one? Maybe you should read and think, and also read previuous posts before you try and be a hero.
Actually, I read the whole thread, you started off with some good posts, but blew it when someone challenged you, now your just reinforcing what I stated in my earlier post.
if you would have read it enough you would prolly see why I called him a moron.
Sorry I dont talk to morons.
Why whine if you decide to gamble, as a total noobie on top of that. based on your 2 mob calculating experience. If you had spent 2 weeks and millions of ammo spent on them, and still have come to this very conclusion that would have been a whole different situation.
This is just another whine thread created from a two day luck seaking noobie that this game could have lived without. There will be NO present from Santa for you this year![]()
Seoul, the answer why MA makes mobs with so high HP that can have no looters is because people some people love it that way.
People who complain about heavy losses on big trox, yet the first thing they want to find after VU10 is what? The big troxes.
People with 5 year experience who go mining at CND (certainly not for the balanced results up there?) and then start an thread about how much CND is an joke now.
To balance things out a bit, the same person decides to hunt some longtooth. A 5k HP mob that said person already learned can drop quite nasty lines of no looters. Surprisingly enough that gave some unbalanced results as well. So what next to do to get back on track? Ahhh, back to CND for some nice balanced mining, right?
And if that doesn't work out one can always go for those really hughe new mobs, they are so fat they must pay out!
People who have astonishing short memory when it comes to "f..., that did not work out well", even though they use EF as notepad for their more frustrating experiences. Those are the reason why MA thinks we love extreme return patterns. And no, they don't care what you write here on EF about it, you already voted ingame, with the way you spend your peds there.
Don't take it too personal Seoul, but i couldn't resist.![]()
Good thing not all people think the same, if you would have read it enough you would prolly see why I called him a moron. But I guess you have to work on that. No one is perfect![]()
I'm glad you made peds, I really am. But, that is not the point. MA is screwing players, a freaking blazer after 15 plus peds to kill. That is just wrong!! I'm glad you made hof's and globs' and who know's an ATH. But, MA is not paying for it, other players are with 'shit' loot.
Let's see, five years in game, about 500 bucks a month deposits, over 200k skills, 285 HP, yep, Im a "two day luck seaking noobie that this game could have lived without." Spoken like a FHC of MA.
The soul of Asia...
What's really funny
is that after five years
you're still spending/losing 500 bucks a month
on a game that you
could and should be playing for free.
Right. I guess this is what MA really wants, freeloaders like you and not 500$/month depositors. What`s the purpose of your empty rhetoric. This is how you play the game for free? Trolling on forums mocking a real player and heavy depositor that keeps this thing going?
Kill a couple of 1000's of those and then you can make an opinion about their loots.
If you don't like it, don't do it.
And if you've deposited $500 a month for 5 years and only have 200k skills, maybe EU is not the right place for you.
If you play Jenga and when its your turn and pull 1 block out and dont knock over the tower do you walk away and say at the end of the day Im a winner and not a loser.....
I wonder if any those who continue to bombard the forum with their tales of woe, MA screwed me and I'm losing gadazillions of ped every day...
Really play the game?
I know they think they play this game, I know they talk like they play this game, but I think they are playing some other game, such as Roulette, perhaps Russian Roulette*, where everything they do, like the OP* for two years, all but guarantees big losses and ultimately a bitter, ranting, depressing gaming suicide and a death song on EF.
If you can’t answer yes… Everything else about #Globals, #Hofs, #Super Guns vs #Super Mobs, #Years, #Tiers and tears... is just blowing expensive smoke up people’s asses to massage a losing ego.
Play for
*They will argue other metaphoric comparisons such as poker or craps, even slots… because a sissy name like Roulette doesn’t quite fit their, globaling, hoffing, hunterman, minerman, machoman, male egos... but it’s Roulette.
When Brooklyn speaks this is what is seen by:
Brooklyn ->![]()