**Anti TT Quick Solution - PED saver**

Jul 7, 2012
Twilight Zone (@_@)
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�� Anti TT Quick Solution - Your PED saving provider ヽ(^o^)丿

EntropiaTrade.com - ATTQS Link

Contact: Bryan Drifter007 Fonseca

Contact: Killarious K-Max Maximillion

Status: Active

Current Monthly limit: 8k PED = 2k PED Weekly

Rates: 40% SOC & 30% Normal price

Introducing my service, the Anti Trade Terminal Quick Solution. \(^o^)/

I have had this service idea for a long time, so then I eventually started it up. The goal of this service is to buy items at TT value and then sell it for MU with the help of other people, and then split a percentage of the profit with them. Let me explain a little. I see many times people TT stuff they either don't have time to sell, cant afford to wait for a good price, want to sell fast for ammo and many other reasons. So i offer this program here to help with this problem. I will now explain how this program works in detail below.

1). We buy the items at TT price from a customer.

2). If the item is a non stackable it will immediately be put into auction or sale at my desired MU. If the item is a stackable it will only be put for sale immediately if it is at my desired quantity levels.

3). If the item sold to me at TT is a stackable and not at the desired quantity level it will be put into storage until more is acquired by the same avatar. Once at a desired level I will resume the selling of it.

4). If after 7 days the item does not sell at auction or by trade with my desired MU. I will then proceed to either TT the items or hold them for a later date.

5). At the end of the month I look at my logs and return a share of the MU of each item sold that i bought for TT to each avatar. Current share split is DFA society members get 40% split of the MU I earn for selling each of there would be TT'ed items. Non members get 30% MU split, meaning DFA sales I get 60% & non DFA I get 70% of MU earned.

SOC only referral program *
When you refer a non society member to the program and I earn at least 50 PED in MU from them in a single month I will increase your MU profit 1% from the current 40% up to a maximum of 50% !

Buying Sweat* - 20 to 40 PED worth weekly

Currently there is a monthly limit to how much I can buy at TT. As my business grows and when I choose I will raise the limit. At the top of the page i will list the monthly limit and update it accordingly. Current Limit is 8000 PED a month = 2000 PED a week.

On the top of this page are the avatar names to contact if you want to make a deal, feel free also to contact us through other means such as the live chat on our site, forums, DFA site and of course through the official ATTQS store located at Omegaton CityDelta Block A, Shop #1. At the shop we like to interact with are customers and provide a hands on experience. Besides the normal shop maintenance, we like to have one day a week that we each spend at the shop to assist customers. K-Max can be found there at Wednesdays between 00:00 - 01:00 MA time and Drifter007 can be found there Fridays between 21:00 to 22:00 MA time.

So if you have stuff to unload, let that trade terminal keep its PED and come to me and profit (^O^). I will update this page as I make developments to the program. Thanks for taking the time and reading about ATTQS !

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God I hope you have a large ped card.

God I hope you have a large ped card.


lol i figured it could possibly get a little crazy so i listed a monthly limit at the top of my first post. Hopefully as my service grows so will the limit ;).
Change the limit to 2k ped per day and im in ;-)

pretty good idea, someone else was working on a similar concept:

Lots of work, good luck!


I'm kinda lazy on this auction part myself and would look for some service like this. BUT and there is a big one... :p

I want be to able to keep my current cycle/day that is from 3000-5000ped. I would like to then sell all of the loot at TT and work out a "special" % on it since it will be allowing a higher earning for you also. So give me a PM if you (or anyone else I guess) want to see if something like this can work. I need to be allowed to hunt for 25-30k/week for it to work.

Would also like to have a personal list on for example google docs where I could see the expected min. markup so I could stack items that are "below normal" at the time.

Btw, can you do this service on items with low sales volume only or does it have to be all the loot? Just mentioning it because often it's easy to sell off high sales stackables/items but the ones with low sales volume often require you to know crafters or users of that item so you can sell outside auction.
I'm kinda lazy on this auction part myself and would look for some service like this. BUT and there is a big one... :p

I want be to able to keep my current cycle/day that is from 3000-5000ped. I would like to then sell all of the loot at TT and work out a "special" % on it since it will be allowing a higher earning for you also. So give me a PM if you (or anyone else I guess) want to see if something like this can work. I need to be allowed to hunt for 25-30k/week for it to work.

Would also like to have a personal list on for example google docs where I could see the expected min. markup so I could stack items that are "below normal" at the time.

Btw, can you do this service on items with low sales volume only or does it have to be all the loot? Just mentioning it because often it's easy to sell off high sales stackables/items but the ones with low sales volume often require you to know crafters or users of that item so you can sell outside auction.

PM sent, hope to hear from you soon.
I don't want to sound too negative, but this is a simple fail because of lack of PEDs.

I once was thinking of a TT service like this, just that I would run it with 300k PED card, but even then I would get stuck a lot and would have to TT lowest crap regularly. So, 2500 PED service is a total waste of time and resources from both parties.

You could say I almost get sad when I hear the amount of cash you guys have for running business ideas in Entropia.
i think he is on the right track to offer a unique trade service.

i would concentrate on the delivery pickup and on not so many customers..

eg all the tradebales they tt to you you just note a total ammount tted by xx player

start with maybe 1% guranteed MU and if it runs good optional tips

so instead of locking up peds andor tting they pm you 15 before end of hunt..

people will like that i think as their potential loss is only 1% plus the tip..

this will help you raise your bankroll and maybe later or depending on what a hunter focuses you can raise the guarantee

to note every single thing from many ppl is much to timeconsuming

better use the time to get the stuff sold at best price and im sure you will fnd crafter whatever who will buy specially in the <110% range

eg. you gurantee 2%, 2% is for your service and you sell at 105 or 106% should work

specially if you bypass the auction fee it will be profitable

counting on regular playtime and continuity

i think your on th right track
I don't want to sound too negative, but this is a simple fail because of lack of PEDs.

I once was thinking of a TT service like this, just that I would run it with 300k PED card, but even then I would get stuck a lot and would have to TT lowest crap regularly. So, 2500 PED service is a total waste of time and resources from both parties.

You could say I almost get sad when I hear the amount of cash you guys have for running business ideas in Entropia.

You are entitled to your opinion as i am to my own. And my opinion is you are wrong. :wise:

i think he is on the right track to offer a unique trade service.

i would concentrate on the delivery pickup and on not so many customers..

eg all the tradebales they tt to you you just note a total ammount tted by xx player

start with maybe 1% guranteed MU and if it runs good optional tips

so instead of locking up peds andor tting they pm you 15 before end of hunt..

people will like that i think as their potential loss is only 1% plus the tip..

this will help you raise your bankroll and maybe later or depending on what a hunter focuses you can raise the guarantee

to note every single thing from many ppl is much to timeconsuming

better use the time to get the stuff sold at best price and im sure you will fnd crafter whatever who will buy specially in the <110% range

eg. you gurantee 2%, 2% is for your service and you sell at 105 or 106% should work

specially if you bypass the auction fee it will be profitable

counting on regular playtime and continuity

i think your on th right track

Some pretty good ideas there :), My service may need a little more tweaking but i think its fine the way its set up atm but im always happy to here ideas for improvment. I like the sound of some sort of gurantee, maybe i will implement it soon some how. Thanks for the suggestions :beerchug:
Subscribing... i really hope this will really work out good. I miss the old STTS so bad.. i hope this will be something similar and soon you will have bigger budget.

From my point of view what i really liked about STTS:
  • very little work from my side: i just appeared at scheduled right time, right place and handed all TT stuff i could not sell myself (usually small stacks that take ages for gather enough for bigger stack).
  • i did not have to track anything myself - i really trusted Josh (STTS man) and he was actually paying me some markup with each week (i guess monthly is way more convinient for both sides). I have no idea if he was paying full % promised but i did not even want to try and check him and i doubt he was cheating. Basicly i trusted him completly :).
  • there was this loyalty STTS points he invented for keeping more clients. I am not really sure how it worked but its nice to see some of them points growing (even not knowing what exactly they mean) :laugh:. Of course this may be too confusing so this is optional imho.

Just my thoughts on this one. Mayby you will find something usefull. Basicly most of your clients will not be checking you and rather trusting you so you might as well skip perfect loging (or keep them tracked on demand) as long people will see they are actually making even small peds from something they would normally feed TT with.

I think i already have you in FL :).

Subscribing... i really hope this will really work out good. I miss the old STTS so bad.. i hope this will be something similar and soon you will have bigger budget.

From my point of view what i really liked about STTS:
  • very little work from my side: i just appeared at scheduled right time, right place and handed all TT stuff i could not sell myself (usually small stacks that take ages for gather enough for bigger stack).
  • i did not have to track anything myself - i really trusted Josh (STTS man) and he was actually paying me some markup with each week (i guess monthly is way more convinient for both sides). I have no idea if he was paying full % promised but i did not even want to try and check him and i doubt he was cheating. Basicly i trusted him completly :).
  • there was this loyalty STTS points he invented for keeping more clients. I am not really sure how it worked but its nice to see some of them points growing (even not knowing what exactly they mean) :laugh:. Of course this may be too confusing so this is optional imho.

Just my thoughts on this one. Mayby you will find something usefull. Basicly most of your clients will not be checking you and rather trusting you so you might as well skip perfect loging (or keep them tracked on demand) as long people will see they are actually making even small peds from something they would normally feed TT with.

I think i already have you in FL :).


Yea i do have you on my FL =) . I never had the oppertunity of using the STTS service but hopefully this service will turn out as good as STTS was. Im possibly going to increase the monthly limit soon, so stay tuned !
Interesting idea. Reminds me of STTS a lot too. Hopefully you'll have better luck than they did with that.

I'd follow this advice if you can somehow:
specially if you bypass the auction fee it will be profitable

I think the auction fees is what ultimately caused STTS to fall apart over time. Too many loses to the auction fees can break you if your profit potential is already fairly small. Auction is a double edged sword.

a chain of stores similar to what Zombie stores are doing with an umbrella logo/theme/name would be interesting.

Best way I can think that'd be possible to avoid auction fees is get a bunch of traders that are online full time, or alternatively team up with some shop owners who are willing to throw the stuff in their shops and willing to do screen shots, etc. to get it going... Shop owners 'know' who buys stuff just as well as p2p traders do because of the messages we get in game with the shop that tells us who purchased, etc. That type of info in screenshots, etc. could be useful in setting up some type of an payback plan of some sort, etc. Perhaps each person that donates x amount of peds can get in to some sort of big deal with you or something... maybe the highest donaters get dibs on the stuff that the auction last resort doesn't sell or something at tt price?...

There's a lot of social interaction potential that something like this has. I fondly remember the 'lines' for STTS and various little get togethers with U.B.E.R from back in the day. Developed a lot of friendships in those gatherings. It's nice that someone's trying to bring that type of thing back.

If you do set it up in shops, etc. make sure that the stuff only stays in the shop a certain amount of time and is then either rotated to another shop, to auction, or to others, etc. There's far too many shops in game at the moment that have the same inventory in them for months or years. Variety brings in buyers. If you do want to get shops involved, I might be able to free up some slots in my shop, and I'm sure some others might too. ... but well, on the other hand, maybe not since the profit potential is so low - but that shouldn't stop em I think... Those shop owners that don't want to get too heavily involved might set aside a display area for it with it's 10 slots, or a shopkeeper in the display, etc.

One tactic I used to use that I highly suggest that folks that do want to get in to this type of thing do is drain that darn auction of any tt priced stuff. Every day it still amazes me how many folks put start bids at tt price or below tt prices. Most of the bids on that stuff WILL get overbid. However, speaking personally, I can tell you that if you have enough peds to boomerang there's a lot out there that you can get your hands on over time. For low level folks, that sort of activity can actually be a nice little 'break' from sweating. It's always interesting and fun to see a lost bid bounce back to your pedcard... fresh 'ammo' to do it all over again, and again, and again. Get a few dozen people throwing a few hundred bucks on auction paying tt prices to feed in to thing and it only can grow, even if some of it does have to be TTed. If you do TT stuff, be sure to offer to sell it at TT price in the end to others involved. It's a nice little way to payback for participation.

If you do go with shop/shopkeeper type team ups, be sure to filter it somewhat... one shop for weapons, one for armor, one for certain types of stackables, one for clothes, etc. Nothing's worse than a tt+1 store that has a wide variety of crap that no one can find anything in since it's all a bunch of various stuff instead of something that has a focus in one niche area.

Also, if you do go with shops or shopkeepers, remember that MINIMUM in any shop's markup is tt+1 in addition to the tax fee, and that shopkeepers decay 10 pec per sale and they also have the +1 MINIMUM in addition to taxes, so overhead with shopkeepers is actually slightly higher than normal shops.

Some have started sweater buying type stuff in some shops. Maybe take that idea and run with it too... Collect the sweat and the tt food at the same time. Sell it in the same shops or through the same p2p traders in huge stacks.
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Interesting idea. Reminds me of STTS a lot too. Hopefully you'll have better luck than they did with that.

I'd follow this advice if you can somehow:

I think the auction fees is what ultimately caused STTS to fall apart over time. Too many loses to the auction fees can break you if your profit potential is already fairly small. Auction is a double edged sword.

a chain of stores similar to what Zombie stores are doing with an umbrella logo/theme/name would be interesting.

Best way I can think that'd be possible to avoid auction fees is get a bunch of traders that are online full time, or alternatively team up with some shop owners who are willing to throw the stuff in their shops and willing to do screen shots, etc. to get it going... Shop owners 'know' who buys stuff just as well as p2p traders do because of the messages we get in game with the shop that tells us who purchased, etc. That type of info in screenshots, etc. could be useful in setting up some type of an payback plan of some sort, etc. Perhaps each person that donates x amount of peds can get in to some sort of big deal with you or something... maybe the highest donaters get dibs on the stuff that the auction last resort doesn't sell or something at tt price?...

There's a lot of social interaction potential that something like this has. I fondly remember the 'lines' for STTS and various little get togethers with U.B.E.R from back in the day. Developed a lot of friendships in those gatherings. It's nice that someone's trying to bring that type of thing back.

If you do set it up in shops, etc. make sure that the stuff only stays in the shop a certain amount of time and is then either rotated to another shop, to auction, or to others, etc. There's far too many shops in game at the moment that have the same inventory in them for months or years. Variety brings in buyers. If you do want to get shops involved, I might be able to free up some slots in my shop, and I'm sure some others might too. ... but well, on the other hand, maybe not since the profit potential is so low - but that shouldn't stop em I think... Those shop owners that don't want to get too heavily involved might set aside a display area for it with it's 10 slots, or a shopkeeper in the display, etc.

One tactic I used to use that I highly suggest that folks that do want to get in to this type of thing do is drain that darn auction of any tt priced stuff. Every day it still amazes me how many folks put start bids at tt price or below tt prices. Most of the bids on that stuff WILL get overbid. However, speaking personally, I can tell you that if you have enough peds to boomerang there's a lot out there that you can get your hands on over time. For low level folks, that sort of activity can actually be a nice little 'break' from sweating. It's always interesting and fun to see a lost bid bounce back to your pedcard... fresh 'ammo' to do it all over again, and again, and again. Get a few dozen people throwing a few hundred bucks on auction paying tt prices to feed in to thing and it only can grow, even if some of it does have to be TTed. If you do TT stuff, be sure to offer to sell it at TT price in the end to others involved. It's a nice little way to payback for participation.

If you do go with shop/shopkeeper type team ups, be sure to filter it somewhat... one shop for weapons, one for armor, one for certain types of stackables, one for clothes, etc. Nothing's worse than a tt+1 store that has a wide variety of crap that no one can find anything in since it's all a bunch of various stuff instead of something that has a focus in one niche area.

Also, if you do go with shops or shopkeepers, remember that MINIMUM in any shop's markup is tt+1 in addition to the tax fee, and that shopkeepers decay 10 pec per sale and they also have the +1 MINIMUM in addition to taxes, so overhead with shopkeepers is actually slightly higher than normal shops.

Some have started sweater buying type stuff in some shops. Maybe take that idea and run with it too... Collect the sweat and the tt food at the same time. Sell it in the same shops or through the same p2p traders in huge stacks.

Thanks, lots of helpful stuff ! Some of the ideas you posted i already have there and a few soon that arent will be as the service grows :thumbup:. That sucks i didnt know that shopkeepers decay with each sale :/ .
Limit Update

Monthly: 8k PED
Weekly: 2k PED

B.U.M.P :yay:

pretty good idea, someone else was working on a similar concept:

Lots of work, good luck!



STTS died because it took too much time, profits were too little and a lot of stuff being dumped on him was unsellable.

As long as the OP sticks only to ores, enmaters, animal oils, wools and animal hides (not skins) he should be ok.
Thanks, lots of helpful stuff ! Some of the ideas you posted i already have there and a few soon that arent will be as the service grows :thumbup:. That sucks i didnt know that shopkeepers decay with each sale :/ .

Uh... did you put your in game avatar name in the op or your forum avatar yet? Searched for SilentDrifter92 in player registry in game just now and no results came up?... Kinda hard to start up something like this if it's hard to get you on fl. ;)

P.S. added link to this thread in my sig and in the ol stts threads. You are welcome. :)
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Uh... did you put your in game avatar name in the op or your forum avatar yet? Searched for SilentDrifter92 in player registry in game just now and no results came up?... Kinda hard to start up something like this if it's hard to get you on fl. ;)

P.S. added link to this thread in my sig and in the ol stts threads. You are welcome. :)

whoops lol ill add my name now :dunce:. Thanks i appreciate the help :D. I wouldnt go as far as saying its the new STTS, all though maybe quite similar.
Sounds good to me :)
I just dint get one part... Im a small player in here, so if I sell you 10ped of hide, and you already have 140ped of hide in stock, will you try to sell this 150 ped or will you hold on to my hide untill "my stock" raise so it become possible to sell?

Best of luck with this project, community needs something like this :)
Sounds good to me :)
I just dint get one part... Im a small player in here, so if I sell you 10ped of hide, and you already have 140ped of hide in stock, will you try to sell this 150 ped or will you hold on to my hide untill "my stock" raise so it become possible to sell?


Depending on the market i may either sell both at the same time or the person who came to me first. Of course if the amounts are way too much of the person who came first if im selling theres first, i will slow down the sale of that over abundant item until eventually letting someone else get a turn. If the item is not in the quanity i desire to sell it i will put it in storage until the same avatar delivers me more of the same item.

Best of luck with this project, community needs something like this :)

:D thanks man, appreciate it.
Depending on the market i may either sell both at the same time or the person who came to me first. Of course if the amounts are way too much of the person who came first if im selling theres first, i will slow down the sale of that over abundant item until eventually letting someone else get a turn. If the item is not in the quanity i desire to sell it i will put it in storage until the same avatar delivers me more of the same item.

For small players maybe it would be good to be able to sell his small quantity together with other players. You will have higher turnaround and dont need to have mtrl in stock just waiting for more to come.
Just my two pecs
For small players maybe it would be good to be able to sell his small quantity together with other players. You will have higher turnaround and dont need to have mtrl in stock just waiting for more to come.
Just my two pecs

I do sell smaller quanities at the same time as larger ones from different people. But if you mean mix stackables from different people and sell it as one, then no i will probably not do that as it will be very confusing and hard to manage.