Anyone tiered a 2350 yet?


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
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Maria Mesh
Has anyone tried tiering a 2350 yet? Hunting the last few days, mine is now sitting on .7. I'm wondering if I should try it at .9 or forget it. Anyone have the ingredient list for it? Would it be worth it... probably not since 2600 is a lot more economic... ?
Tier 1 on auction for +100 12 hours ago
Has anyone tried tiering a 2350 yet? Hunting the last few days, mine is now sitting on .7. I'm wondering if I should try it at .9 or forget it. Anyone have the ingredient list for it? Would it be worth it... probably not since 2600 is a lot more economic... ?
I was the first colonist to Tier up an Emk-2350 (in Dec 22nd). Sadly I don't have a screenshot with the ingredients.

I will soon Tier it up to level 2 (I have the fap ready for it but I will wait until I loot more of the necessary ingredients). I'm not sure if this is the best fap to tier up if 'Eco' is what you are looking for. I'm doing it because (the PEDs involved are low and) this is the fastest Fap in game (41 heals per minute) and any increase on its heal amount (even if small) will make a nice improvement.

As a side note, this was the fap that I used the most during the Merry Mayhem this year against Chompers. You can be surprised by how such small heal amounts can be so well compensated by the speed of this fap.

P.S. Getting this fap from Tier 1.0 to 1.9 took me way way much longer than what it did from 0 to 0.9. This is normal (higher tier levels take more time to achieve) even though the Tier 2 level indicated in the specification of my fap is much higher than what it indicates for Tier 1.
Ek kit...

gratz. nice to hear it worked for ya.