I believe a good answer is the result of 2010. I am happy a 54% of the time, and in the rest: no.
In my opinion, the experience of playing Entropia Universe, have several levels.
One is inside the game. But there is often possible to lose money, and not always this, results in a happy experience. There is another level of gaming experience that consists of the activities inside of societies. For example, although I am not a web programmer, I have fun doing the website of my society. In these, I can not lose money. When I feel sad inside Entropia Universe, I'll go to my website panel, to add or modify something of my site.
Another level of experience in the game is to participate in the forums. Sharing with the community, to win reputation; to be an active player for community. Unfortunately this type of experience was broken somewhat, when 711 sold the database of EF.
Database that, 711 have not recovered. However, the fools of Mindark, instead of posting their messages and threads on all forums, like in this, or in Entropia Planets; they continue giving support to 711.
I do not think that he deserves a prize. Because, an important part of the experience of playing in the forums were lost with that sale, and it feel a negative behaviour through the abandonment of the database later.
Sometimes Mindark is nothing intelligent to try to increase the happiness of the game experience, because even outside the game, customers can be happy. For example, time before, Mindark had a section on its own website to put links or announces from web sites of societies, Now, I think that not exists anymore. Or if exist, is only for personal friends of them.
That's the reason because I thought that with a new CEO could have some improvement in the happiness that someone can have in the experience of Entropia Universe as a whole. But now with Timkrats again, I think everything will be in the status quo, and the results of these statistics (Are you happy EU participant, or not?) will continue to be 50-50 for a long time. Thats remembers me how happy can i be, when I must to pay my taxes for the betterment of my country. However, maybe we should have something better than that. Do not you think? .-

What do you think Falkao??