Base Damage/Second info is wrong?


Jul 19, 2006
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John Teacher Capital
Came across an oddity involving the damage/second listed on weapon info. In short, they seem off. Worse, they seem off in odd ways. (I know that hurt your head. Read on.)
In theory, the damage/second stat comes from a basic formula:

(max damage X attacks per minute) / 60

(I know the parentheses are not needed, just easier to read that way)
Yes we know it's a DPS that's impossible to achieve, but I understand why MA uses that number. It's solid. Anyway, if I'm wrong about this formula, please correct me.

So let's test it.

Adjusted Bukin Rifle
TT Sollomate (L)

Both guns max 7 damage and 44 attacks/minute. so math says (7*44)/60=5.133333333333333 rounded to 5.1

Adjusted Bukin Rifle: Damage/second = 5.1 (perfect)
TT Sollomate (L): Damage/second = 5.2 (why?)

Tried with multiple other weapons and while the dmg/sec stat is always close, it's almost never exactly right.

Sure, I may get why the formula is off if I'm not doing the math same as MA intended, BUT....

Why would weapons with exact same damage and attack speed have different DPS stats? :scratch:


(BTW, found the time they added this info WAY back in 2017. How time flies )
Well that's strange. 😁 I guess it's used/min rounded up. For example one might be 44 uses and other 44.4.
that is correct answer
what about in cases when the base stats are below the calculation? Does that mean the attacks/min is LESS than stated?

I.E. 42 attacks/min can actually be 41.6?
It's a game. Mindark changes everything after it's purchased. Stats don't matter to the company so why should they to you?
I.E. 42 attacks/min can actually be 41.6?

yes, reload speed has decimals and is rounded when shown in weapons info. Someone tested this with one of those hunting trackers.

We cant be sure of the exact reload speed, but with MA dps it can be approximated.

MA dps is not wrong, just unrealistic and imprecise
Good to know. Thanks folks
MA doesn't really seem to know how to round numbers properly. They always seem to choose the wrong option in any situation. That's the reason you can see 100% on missions/skill progress without actually reaching that level/completing. They should be rounding down in these situations but they round up for some unknown reason. I think they just don't grok maths very well.
MA doesn't really seem to know how to round numbers properly. They always seem to choose the wrong option in any situation. That's the reason you can see 100% on missions/skill progress without actually reaching that level/completing. They should be rounding down in these situations but they round up for some unknown reason. I think they just don't grok maths very well.
What's worse, they round same values differently in different places. Go figure.