Battle Royale .... In Entropia.

yeah the after party was nice :) I want more pvp events for sure
AWWWWWW, im sorry jaKst3r, i thought he was protecting his teammate, i am glad to see where his loyalty lies....weeeeeee for cK family!!! hehe

Well, if not for that and two more communication failures, our little raiding party could have had some more members! I tried to scrap an improvised team, considering the time i had since the joining of the event and the begging of the same!
On that very day, when Jak asked me if you could be a part of the "team"! I said no, i couldn't add you to the "team" me, Jak and Sass were part of because the event had already started and i was forbidden to add people to it, but this didn't stand for you not being able to be a part of the group! Either i didn't explain myself that good, (yes, i'm a mess with written english, honest!) or you and Jak misunderstood it because i would have never turned an helping hand away! Sorg, Sarah and Slasha were also unable to join the team, but they ended up moving along with the group and displayed an excellent behavior despite the inability to communicate fluently with/as a group!

As an ending result, we payed that by seeing Jak cut down Sarah who had placed her trust in him :(
Also we could have had Daina's help, since Jak was on PM's with her... :scratch2:
And next time, i have to be carefull when saying to Sorg "We should get Wizz...", without explaining my full thoughts, which were to get him on our team... No need to say that Sorg did get him alright! :silly2:
Well, if not for that and two more communication failures, our little raiding party could have had some more members!

I messed up on the communication front, I should have been more direct - unfortunately with little time for consensus I was concerned about becoming overly demanding - especially considering my initial position as reserve!.. I was also regretably all charged up for some pkpkpk :) I have learnt much from the experience tbh and look forward to victory in 2010. I also had some regret for dismembering Sarah :s

Next time I will ask questions first, slash later (or maybe not given that I am, at heart both cKs & a pKer ;)) !!!


p.s. pls see sig for details..
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Thankyou for the write-ups I've received so far, I'm getting a much clearer idea of the events that took place. I think there are only 3 big "Hazy" area's I need to deal with before I'm happy and can continue my Novella.

One is the events around the "Omega massacre" - 3 of the 4 people involved sent me rather conflicting reports.... (It seems Silva and Omega ended up in the same building, neither one of them spotting that the other was there until the GE's arrived. And even after then, reports differ somewhat...)

Another is later in the game, the events that lead up to, what seems, Sass being hunted down by Ozi's team, which led them into the conflict with Da's team for the final group fight. I know what happened after that, but there is a layer of fog around how it got to that point - need write-ups in particualr from Sorg, but also Slasha, Wizzszz and the others who lost there lives just before the last 2 teams clashed.

The biggest hazy spot though, revolves how the "war-zone" erupted close to the stairwell. I know that Gluepot and Ah somehow ended up going North of Simon the Guides team, and Jamhot tried to protect them from a relative distance, though outside of Simon's protection, what I'm yet to figure out is how exactly this fight kicked off...Both Ah and Gluepot tell me they ran in to protect the other person after they were attacked. I know Sarah and Jinx ended up getting involved almost immediatly while Jackst3r and Sorg were outside the area taking down Capital. But I still don't know exactly how that fight all kicked off. Need reports from Lobbe, Sarah and Jinx on this (And everything else) soon please. :)

I'd rather you sent me it in a PM so I can keep info to myself until the Novella is finished, but post it here if you prefer, I don't mind.
As I remember, Sorg's group were running north from the TP area and were clear of the buildings when we caught up to them. We came running from the East (Da, Skam etc were to the SE up high on a bridge at that point). At the time I wasn't sure how this skirmish would end, so I opened with blasts from the ML35, first hitting Sass with two shots and then Sorg with two shots. Not sure if any of the other 4 shots landed any damage. I think the big hits gave us the edge and were the reason we didn't lose anyone. I was very conflicted as to whether to keep the big gun up my sleave til the end, but then wasn't sure if I would even live thru the battle and didn't want to die having not used the shots.

After cutting down Sorg and his crew there began the most sustained and relentless man hunt in EU's history I believe. My group of 4 (Gamble, Calin, Chaos and myself) chasing Sass for what seemed an eternity. She led us all over the area for at least 10 minutes, maybe more. During the chase I could see Da's crew on my radar as Sass led us dangerously close numerous times. At some point Da's crew came down off the bridge (position was due east of the TP out near the edge of the event zone) and engaged us. First to drop was Sass who by that stage had barely a wisper of health remaining.

Then the battle with Da et al began.

Hope that helps :)
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One is the events around the "Omega massacre" - 3 of the 4 people involved sent me rather conflicting reports.... (It seems Silva and Omega ended up in the same building, neither one of them spotting that the other was there until the GE's arrived. And even after then, reports differ somewhat...)

The GE's were there when I arrived, I didn't notice Silva but it is possible she was there. I started fighting Mrs. GE but accidentally bumped her out of PVP, so then turned and killed Mr. GE who was shooting at me. It was then that I saw Silva, and killed her. Then I saw Mrs. GE who was back in the event zone, so I chased after her and killed her.

Hope that helps :)
Earlier today GE gave me a tour of where exactly he went, and what happened in each area before ur massacre, I've pieced that one together now, just the other 2 spots I need a bit more clarification on before I can go ahead and continue writing. Will wait a few days and then start bugging the key people involved in them, Sorg, Sarah etc. Thanks tho. :)
Also we could have had Daina's help, since Jak was on PM's with her... :scratch2:

I was with Ah, trying to protect her but my powerfist wasn't very helpful :laugh:
If you remember, towards the end of the fight I hinted at an alliance, but you guys didn't reply positively so it didn't happen :(
Well, my story is short, coz I didn't last long (thanks to Omega!).

Running off alone, trying to avoid the gazes of the others as they decided what their own strategy was, I headed to where it seemed clearest of human occupancy. Coming across a road that had collapsed I had a quick look to make sure I was not being watched and then hiding well the cool blue glow from my low level TT sword, I snuggled into the collapsed tarmak, becoming well hidden apart from my tell tale, and very visible, green dot. The sands of time had hardly had much chance to fall before I saw two or three green dots heading my way. Trying not to shake too much and holding my breath I lay in silence squinting up and around me as much as I could in the confinements of my hiding place, I tried not to wonder if indeed it would become my tomb. Two of the dots seemed to give up or at least they went away but one remained and I could see his feet almost right above me, standing waiting and wondering where his prey could be. Suddenly the charmed surface of the tarmak gave way and he was there beside me, a glowing terrifying fist of iron ready to take my life. I sprang up and as I turned to run, my weapon still housed out of sight, his hard sharp blow wounded me and as I ran to hide behind a broken wall though I was relieved to see he was not still coming after me. Noticing some other figures not so far from me behind other walls and being way to afraid to openly trust them I decided to head back to the safety of my little hiding zone, whilst carefully checking there were no green dots in the area as I went. Just as I settled back down I was suddenly approached by a killer, one of ninja status as he arrived so fast and silent it was almost like he materialised beside me. In sudden panic I got up and tried to run, but this time, having been caught by total surprise I could not find my way out of the charmed tarmak and caught myself on its edge, giving him that fraction of a second he needed to cut me down with his very large and powerful ninja sword. The last thing I saw before the all encompassing blue glow that announced the arrival of the dreaded Skull of Death was a hooded green swathed figure revealing only a set of eyes, cold, calculating and satisfied................
Me,LS gluepot and ah joined simon the guide and jamhot and the rest:)

Then jamhot got killed and the rest of us ran N but there came jakster or whatever he's called :) and he killed me hope that helps some
Me,LS gluepot and ah joined simon the guide and jamhot and the rest:)

Then jamhot got killed and the rest of us ran N but there came jakster or whatever he's called :) and he killed me hope that helps some

Not really lol - going to use this as an example of what I'm looking for from the people that I haven't yet got a PM from.

So Lobbe, here is what I have gathered about what happened to you so far, and I need you to PM me "Fill in the blanks." Questions.

First of all you went just NE of the TP and seemed to decide to forge an alliance with LS (Haven't heard his story yet.) You then met Roadkill and Emil, talked about the possibility of an alliance between the 4 of you, but for whatever reason you ended up going in opposite directions.

At some point after that, you either attacked, or were attacked by Bones and killed him. (Bones was the 2nd to die between 5 and 10 mins into the game.)
Before or after that you met up with Ah and Gluepot and travelled with them, I think, around the Eastern edge of the map, down to the south, where ur 4 met Simon the guides team, and you formed a kinda shaky alliance, tho it seems most of your team kept a distance, especially when Ah and Gluepot ended up north when the big riot kicked off. Gluepot escaped that alive, and Jackst3rs team persued Simon's, and cut them all down including urself. LS was the last to fall before Jakst3r noticed Jak Bam solo nearby.

So PM me any corrections to what I've pieced together so far, and in particular fill in the blanks for me. :)

As I said, this is also an example of what I'm looking for from anyone else who hasn't PM'd me there story or told it in the thread yet.
I wanna make sure the "Backbone" is as accurate as possible to what really happened before I continue writing the story. Extra tidbits are a big bonus for me as well though.

Cat, you don't need anything else from me at this point, right?
Lol, you are relieved of duty Oleg, thankyou for all your help.

If you have any screenshots that capture who killed who around the central area though, that could be a big help. I've a few blanks to fill out there, and one thats in despute. (Not sure if it was Sass or Sorg that killed Wizzszz.)

And also I need you to get me a meeting with ReadBird and some point in-game, as he's the only one I didn't get a photo of.

Other than that, it's all good. :)
I didn't take any screenies at all, just noted down some info on paper as it was happening, and only what I've already given you.
...Gluepot escaped that alive, and Jackst3rs team persued Simon's...

From my vantage point it seemed like Sorg/Jak's team were pursuing me, so I ran passed as many GDs on my radar as I could in hopes that the aggro would bounce around - hopefully off of me!
It worked, and I managed to escape. I hid in a corner and then went through my PM boxes to contact somebody who knew somebody who knows somebody who knows Da. I located Da, and formed a new alliance that was shaky at best. They kept asking what my second weapon was (one asked, I said I would keep it secret. Then the next asked, and I said I would keep it secret. Then a PM came in and somebody else asked lol) - I thought they would kill me early on for not telling them my weapon, but I stayed calm and simply tried to avoid talking. We stayed on the bridge until that "last fight" which has already been described.
i think it was sass who killed wizzzz
OK, so lots more back-stories and PM's sent to me, and even a few tours of Zychion to help me work out the geography - the "Back-bone" now looks like this:

(Omega to begin with but this didn't count)

1. Calin - Killed by Bones (As I said, the trigger happy would die first - Calin was the first to open fire, and the first to die.)

LS and Lobbe joined. Roadkill and Emil nearly did too, but the 4 didn't, and went in oppisitte directions.

2. Bones - Killed by Lobbe (Not sure what happened here yet.)

Ozi formed his team recruiting his friend Gamble, and 3 totally random people - Readbird, Cail and Chaos.

3. David the Guide - Killed by Cail

It appears Ozi's primary objective, now he had a good team with him, was to pick off anyone solo nearby - David the Guide was the first solo person they saw, due to the "pre-game" incident between Omega and Capital. At this stage it seems that Capitol deserted David after saving his life, and it was a case of "wrong place at wrong time

Omega's Massacre.

4. GE - Killed by Omega
5. Silva - Killed by Omega
6. Mistress GE - Killed by Omega

All three of the dead here share one thing in common - not one of them saw Omega come close on the radar until it was too late. Worked out very well for Omega given he had a Melee weapon (Kat)
Also, it was around this time that Ozi's team tried to lead an assault on Da's team up on the top of the destroyed road - Da fired a couple of rockets into them tho, and they all retreated, with no casaulties, deciding Da was not who they should be targeting at this point.

7. Emil - Killed by Jackst3r
8. Roadkill - Killed by Jackst3r

Jackst3rs blood-thurst kicked off here, and though how Capital ended up nearby is unkown at this stage, it was still Jacks3r that ended up hunting him down, but the result was:

9. John Capitol - Killed by Sorg

At some point before this Ah, Gluepot, Lobbe and LS ended up traveling together, tho according to Ah, they didn't form an "alliance" as such.
Then, one of what is still a major "Hazy spot" Gluepot and Ah ended up in a fight with Jinx and Sarah Hawkwood - yet to work out how this one kicked off.
Omega also happened to come back from his massacre at the same time as this all started.

Mass fight at the base of the stair-well. (My understanding of this is that most of the people involved managed to escape mid-fight.)

10. Omega - Killed by Jackst3r (Omega and Jackst3r both being by far the most bloodthirsty in the game at this stage - this fight resulted in a kind of pre-ending climax.)
11. Jamhot - Killed by Sorg (Who was apparantly trying to protect Ah and Gluepot from a relative distance.)
12. Sarah - Killed by Jackst3r (Killing his own teammate in an attempt to protect Ah.)

What I learned more recently is that Gluepots attempt to escape from this riot, forced her to run directly into the nearest team - Simon the Guides, in an attempt to distract them - and it worked! She escaped.
Tho, in the meantime, over the other side of the map....

Assault on the TDO Stronghold by Ozi's team.

13. Rockchick - Killed by ReadBird
14. Ghana - Killed by Cail
15. Readbird - Killed by FireMaiden
16. Spike - Killed by Cail
17. Firemaiden - Killled by Gamble

Back over to where we were looking at just before the assault, a bit east of the centre, and one of the riots instigators was put to rest - by a team member of which the leader had already killed to try and protect:

18. Ah - Killed by Sorg

Jackst3rs team attack Simon the Guides team

Led in by Gluepot, but as Simon's team ran North to try and win the game without killing anyone, Jackst3rs team felt there method was a better way of winning, and this particular team fight was a one-sided massacre:

19. Pike - Killed by Sorg
20. Sim - Killed by Slasha
21. Lobbe - Killed by Jackst3r
22. Simon the Guide - Killed by Slasha
23. LS - Killed by Jinx

At this point, Gluepot managed to escape her persuers altogether, and decided to head towards Da's team for refuge, having already signeled for help when Ah was under attack. Jackst3rs team, and Jackst3r hmself, were distracted when Jak Bam ended up in the vicinty, and seriously hurt Jakst3r. Not heard Sorg's version of events yet, but given Jackst3rs kill record, I believe thats when Sorg took his chance.

24. Jakst3r - Killed by Sorg - takes over the team.
25. Jak - Killed by Sass

And that was the end of the "Riot" - things calmed down again a bit after that.
So then, what was now Sorg's team (Sorg, Sasha, Sass and Jinx) went to the East to recover for a bit. They then headed across the North of the zone, and ran into where Xena and Kold had been hiding the whole time. This next bit is still a bit fuzzy.

It seems that as Sorg, Slasha and Jinx entered combat with Xena and Kold - It was only the 4th member of the team - Sass, who noticed that Ozi's group was coming up from below - she decided to run, but unfortunately, was the one that Ozi had targeted first - and was even using his primary weapon. Ozi started chasing Sass back south, while the rest of them fought it out.

24. Xena - Killed by Sorg.
25. Kold - Killed by someone in Sorgs team
26. Wizzszz - Killed by Sorg or Sass? (I'm yet to work out how Sass managed to kill Wizzszz while she was running from Ozi - but this is one of the hazy area's I'm still trying to get to the bottom of. Need ur wright-up Wizzszz!)
27. Sorg - Killed by Slasha (I'm pretty sure this was an accident, given the circumstance that they were in at the time, but still need a report (well, more detailed report) from both.)

Whats a certenty by this point is that the remaining 3 members of Ozi's team (Not including himself as he was off chasing Sass) got close enough to use there swords here.

28. Jinx - Killed by Cail
29. Slasha - Killed by Gamble

Sorg's team, as well as Xena and Kold were all dead at the end of this, and Ozi's team tried to catch up with Ozi, who by now was on an ever-lasting man-hunt to kill off Sass. She knew, of course, having no-one else left to back her up, and having Ozi's entire team hunting her down, her only chance was to run them towards Da's team, the only other people still alive, in a hope they might kill each other off.

Da's team, knowing exactly who Ozi had teamed with due to the failed attempt at attacking there position earlier on, saw this, and knew that all that was left was there own team, Ozi's team, and Sass. Sass was the only distraction they could use, so they attacked while she was still alive, and the final showdown began:

Ozi's team and Da's team clash.

30. Cail - Killed by Da
31. Ido - Killed by ????
32. Gamble - Killed by Da
33. Sass - Killed by Da
34. Ozi - Killed by Da

I'm assuming that when Chaos saw the rest of his team all killed by the same person, he decided that wasn't someone he wanted to try and fight, so he ran. Eventually though, Da got him.

35. Chaos - Killed by Da

The Finale

36. Da - Killed by Gluepot (Gluepot had been keeping her primary weapon unused and out of sight the whole time.)
37. Gluepot - Suicide, kind of... (Interestingly, it meant that Skam won without killing anyone at all....

Survivor - Skam

So, this is how the "Back-bone" is looking now. Not too much to go before I'm happy with it and can get on with writing. Still would like any corrections from anyone... (In particualar in the final showdown - as Da tells me that after Chaos ran then Gamble was the only one left who stood and fought - though Oleg's records show that Ozi was the last to die in that fight, so still need clarification on this, and any other bits that you can offer me please. :) )
All good for me until the Ah/Gluepot fight part.

I was actually trying to kill Ah, not protect her (yep i know i'm bad :laugh:), ran after her for like 5 mins before getting her (all with TT sword).
Then tried to kill gluepot, but was only doing some 1 dmg on the shogun with the sword, so gave up.

I think after that we started chasing the Simon team like you wrote it, and headed to Jak to kill him. Seems Jackster took a firestorm hit, and then the melee fight started, and accidently killed Jackster during the fight :(.

Then i spotted 2 dots hidding north of the zone, and we killed both of them (Xena and Kold i guess). After that, i was at half HP left, so we waited for regen, when we sa Wizz passing in front of us.
Jinx and me misunderstood, she wanted to invite him in team by saying (Let's get him?) but we killed him too fast lol.

Then i wanted to look for the explosive ammos in north part, and that's when Ozi team attacked us.
Got killed pretty quick, so not sure what happened during that fight.

Hope that help :).

wizz died just b4 our(jax/sorgs) clashed with the other team i persued wizz one way round the building he hid behind while sass ran round the other side, i think sass was chased after the rest of our team (certainly me) were dead, in fact wizz died just after we killed the 2 that were hiding out near the turret (Xenna /kold) , and i got the kill on one if not both of them and accidentaly shot sorg several times while we both chased them down , killing sorg was a total accident (if i did ,didnt realise but could have done since he was trying to get close to targets with his sword and often got in the way of my shots.) after wizz died we noticed the other group getting nearer , i fired at the closest one (in ojs , but dont remember who it was) then they all rushed in , i ran too late and was caught up by a couple of avatars , who were more agile than i ,and after a few hits i was killed.
Ah, Sorg, That does actually help a lot, thanks. :)

See, I had assumed, that as you guys all met by the broken TP you knew that Jackst3r wanted to protect Ah, even more so when he killed Sarah to try to keep her safe, and I thought that when you killed Ah you realised as soon as the "riot" had calmed down that Jakst3r would turn on you for killing her, so you took the oppertunity to take him down when you saw Jak Bam reducing him to minimal health.
But it was an accident? Twice!? :p

Thanks for confirmation on the Wizzss situation. Looks to me like he was the longest surviving "solo" participant of the Battle Royale. If only Jinx had phrased her words better, he may have lived longer, but these things happen. :)

Still unsure who killed Kold - I know u got Xena, but who got Kold?
Ozi formed his team recruiting his friend Gamble, and 3 totally random people - Readbird, Cail and Chaos.

3. David the Guide - Killed by Cail

It appears Ozi's primary objective, now he had a good team with him, was to pick off anyone solo nearby - David the Guide was the first solo person they saw, due to the "pre-game" incident between Omega and Capital. At this stage it seems that Capitol deserted David after saving his life, and it was a case of "wrong place at wrong time...

...Jackst3rs blood-thurst kicked off here, and though how Capital ended up nearby is unkown at this stage, it was still Jacks3r that ended up hunting him down, but the result was:

9. John Capitol - Killed by Sorg

For my part, yes I was again close to David's position at the beginning, back in my cozy hiding spot. I saw Ozi's team show up. They headed straight toward David (being a lone green dot) and took him out. Being 4 of them and one of me, saving David was no longer an option, (sorry David) so I stayed hidden. They then searched for me. They saw my GD on radar, but spent much time trying to locate me. Since I was hidden on the bridge above them, it was quite entertaining watching them run around below me.

Finally one of them came to the front of the bridge, found me and climbed up. I took one of my escape routes and lead them on a chase. I eventually eluded them and wound up on the other end of the bridge (just past where the after-game massacre occurred, where the bridge touches the ground again.). I actually stood close to a group over there. Sorry. Can't remember who. However, at this point I saw Jackst3rs come at me. I evaded him, running around the pillars below, but giving up was not in his nature, and I couldn't get an opening to retaliate.

I ran away from the pillars, heading for plan C-2 and that's when Sorg nailed me.

One of my personal favorite parts was while runnign away from Ozi's group in the beginning. I head toward the stairwell, (escape plan 2-a) and as I reached the door, it opened up with someone pointing a rifle in my face. :eek: I turned hard left and bolted.
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Thanks Slasha. You killed Kold then, Xena confirmed she was killed by Sorg.

Judging by Calin's screen-shots, it was Gamble that chose to wear OJ's that day, so that's who u hit. Tho from this I can say in some certainty that my "BackBone" has a number of deaths in the in-correct order....I will review. :)
I eventually eluded them and wound up on the other end of the bridge (just past where the after-game massacre occurred, where the bridge touches the ground again.). I actually stood close to a group over there. Sorry. Can't remember who. However, at this point I saw Jackst3rs come at me. I evaded him, running around the pillars below, but giving up was not in his nature, and I couldn't get an opening to retaliate.

If I've got the time-scale correct, that would have been Lobbe, LS, Ah and Gluepot coming down that side as you crossed over the top.

Man, when I take up the Novella of this event again I'm probably gonna spend hours in this thread picking up bits and pieces to put it all together. Lol, at least my inbox won't be full, deleted about 150 messages in preperation for this a day after it took place.
What I learned more recently is that Gluepots attempt to escape from this riot, forced her to run directly into the nearest team - Simon the Guides, in an attempt to distract them - and it worked! She escaped.
Tho, in the meantime, over the other side of the map....

Assault on the TDO Stronghold by Ozi's team.

13. Rockchick - Killed by ReadBird
14. Ghana - Killed by Cail
15. Readbird - Killed by FireMaiden
16. Spike - Killed by Cail
17. Firemaiden - Killled by Gamble

Back over to where we were looking at just before the assault, a bit east of the centre, and one of the riots instigators was put to rest - by a team member of which the leader had already killed to try and protect:

18. Ah - Killed by Sorg

Pretty sure I fled the scene after Ah was killed, as described by Sorg :)
So, this is how the "Back-bone" is looking now. Not too much to go before I'm happy with it and can get on with writing. Still would like any corrections from anyone... (In particualar in the final showdown - as Da tells me that after Chaos ran then Gamble was the only one left who stood and fought - though Oleg's records show that Ozi was the last to die in that fight, so still need clarification on this, and any other bits that you can offer me please. :) )

Gamble definitely died before Chaos. I distinctly remember that when Chaos died it left what I thought was an interesting showdown, because of Da and Skam being allies and because I'd noticed throughout that Daina was doing very well at staying out of trouble as much as possible.

I think what Da probably meant is that Chaos ran away when the two teams clashed (with Sassy caught somewhere in the middle), leaving Gamble and the others to their death. Then Da went off in pursuit of Chaos after killing the others.

i fired at the closest one (in ojs , but dont remember who it was) then they all rushed in , i ran too late and was caught up by a couple of avatars , who were more agile than i ,and after a few hits i was killed.

And I can confirm Gamble was the one in OJs (and I think the only student who was).
Sorg did a lot of damage, but the "killed" message stated Sass.

The second Oleg told me that i have only a TT knife my strategy was clear: to stay out of the trouble as long as possible and wait until the limited shots on the bigger guns are wasted and the survivors wounded....

I had the health bars of everyone dragged on my screen and closed the killed ones - as the last bars were all out of sight, i decided to check the situation.

Staying out of the safe zone brought me too far north, close to Sorg and Sass, waiting near the turret north of the TP - i trapped myself in one of the broken buildings as i tried to head west to find others (great idea - trying to make as much use of the coverage as possible :p )

My hairdresser backstabbed me... Sass killed me while i was trying to at least wound him... :p
But well, with that unlucky weapon choice i knew i'd be dead meat...
Yes, I'm not disputing that part, I know that after that fight Skam went back to the road, and gluepot headed east while Da chased Chaos, eventually hunting him down.

The part that I'm disputing is the order in which Ozi's team were taken out. We have it on record that other than Chaos, Ozi was the last man standing, tho Da says that Ozi was taken down before that, and when Chaos fled Gamble was the only one remaining that was prepared to attempt to stand and fight against Da. I know for sure Da used his last "rocket" on Cail - as he had a much visibly powerful weapon than Gamble did, for all Da knew Gamble might have been holding a TT sword. So Cail was certainly among the first to fall in that last group fight.

So, trying to work out the hazy patch in that last area....We know Chaos fled, and that right at the end Gluepot and Skam went in there other directions while Da hunted down Chaos. I think the hazy spot mainly revolves around did Ozi and Da end up in a powerhouse showdown at that point, or did Ozi die first, and Gamble was the one who was suddenly solo after Cail and Ozi died, and Chaos fled?
Sorg did a lot of damage, but the "killed" message stated Sass.

Thanks, tho this is the third time I've changed this - I don't suppose any of the three of you happen to have a screenshot of this moment? :)
Thanks, tho this is the third time I've changed this - I don't suppose any of the three of you happen to have a screenshot of this moment? :)

No screenie of that, i'm afraid - but i'm 100% sure
i did form alliances, (2nd pm i sent you Cat says it, i just rechecked to make sure) but i wasnt in any team, i had several private chats open...jamhot, daina, jaKst3r for starters.... :) something was taking my health down other than a tt first hit was 65 i had a 35 and 45..the rest i didnt pay attention to, i was running for my life...literally.....hehe
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