Selling: Smilgs - selling beauty surgeon skills + tools, colorer, tailor skills


Dec 7, 2005
Avatar Name
Girts Smilgs Niedra
Looking to sell beauty, coloring, tailoring skills + tools, looking for bulk trades
Some of the few professions in game that are profitable on every transaction + skill gains as an extra
PM me in forum, in-game availability is very limited
Note - subject to all listed MU - will check auction prices before selling, if the auction trends have shifted the auction has priority over the list

Beauty surgeon

My profstandings before extraction were (after transfer the result would be somewhat lower, can use chipping optimizer to find out):
  • Hair Stylist - lvl 36
  • Body Sculptor - lvl 30
  • Face Sculptor - lvl 29
Beauty surgeon skills, tt and MU% below - BO for all skills 40k
  • Hair Stylist - 10.22+13.94+9.69+6.78+12.28+9.79+10.03+6.7+12.98+8.62+10.51+5.79=117.4tt, 13k%
  • Body Sculpting - 10.38+13.16+10.13+9.7+5.47=48.85tt, 13k%
  • Face Sculpting - 11.55+11.13+12.78+5.62=41.1tt, 13k%
  • Plastic Surgery - 9.67+10.37+9.62+8.18+5.54=43.4tt, 13k%
  • Beauty Sense - 7.07+11.32+11.56+9.29+7.92+6.34+9.71+6.59+10.53+2.54=82.91tt, 13k%
Beauty surgeon tools (chairs and tools) - not to be sold while I have the skills - tt+2k
Beauty surgeon materials, quite a bunch - not to be sold while I have the skills 2.5k for the lot


  • Coloring - 14.47+9.29+7.92+6.34+9.71+6.56+10.56+10.57=75.46tt, 6k%
  • Color Matching - 5.51+5.4=10.91tt, 19k%
  • given away with buying these, very small amounts of Coloring Methodology, Make Textile, Quality Sense, Fashion Design, Carpentry
Leftover tailoring skills
  • Tailoring - 10+5.32+6.91+6.43+10.56=39.25tt, 6k%
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bump it up right now
bump it up right now
bump it up right now
bump it up right now
bump it up right now
bump it up right now!!!
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