Info: Brads Beauty Serivice


Jun 21, 2008
Avatar Name
Brads Colouring Service
Brad's Beauty Service

Welcome to my thread below you find everything you need for Body, Face, Hair alteration's I offer very friendly service and more then 20 yrs of XP I can be on anytime to suite your need's on calypso chat today

Discord contact : ( Aaron007#6173 )

Hair Stylist : 100% all unlocked LvL 31

Can also do all beard's, all eye brow's, all hair colouring also so please come chat to me for any question you may have.


Body Sculpting

Body sculpting is LvL 30 I can do all alteration's (can do all except 2 things in legs section) so please come chat to have a look at some alterations today

Face Sculpting

Face sculpting is LvL 26 I can do most alteration's so please come chat to have a look at some alterations today get the face you deserve

Colouring & Texturing

I offer FREE colouring and texturing I am LvL 39 Colour and LvL 15 Texturing just make sure you bring the 323 can's or texture per each field you will also get back the 90% TT return after the job is complete ( TIP'S WELCOME ) come chat to me today

P.S please leave a picture and comment below of the awesome work I do for you I plan to stay and offer his wonderful service for my fellow entropian's
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bump bump bump
ty buddy for info i make sure people get what they want even if come from my own pocket
i know Brad only by name for years n years ... i bump anyways because way to less people care about beauty and coloring these days ....
Bump for Brads, I contacted him on Discord and he logged right in to help me with what I needed textured!
ty guys for your nice comment's copntact me day or night no matter the time if you use discord
Free bump for Brad's service. Just got this done. Easy to get ahold of, patient, and quick!
ty guys much apricated
thank you all who using me for both coloring and texturing aswell as beauty service and people who adding me discord so they can contact me day or night all your job's getting done by a professional
thx for fast and super service!
I really hope MA adds more haircuts in UE5
my pleasure mate i hope to see you again