50k ped minimum
What excatly is protean dna i have heard of it however i do not know what is.
He is working on 2.o
i am trying to create a new user ranch where they can protected and learn before entering the cold world of entropia. This way they can build their skills etc
If you are gearing the LA towards new users.... I guess exa DNA would be the way to go maybe? Or merp or something?
What excatly is protean dna i have heard of it however i do not know what is.
why don't you buy CND and provide free transport?
why don't you buy CND and provide free transport?
there are already too many little merps LAs, and exa roam free everywhere. Big exa not a noob mob.
What he needs is for pets to come back so he can park one at swamp with a particular advert....
Edit....merp not a noob mob either really
I want to buy it and then let ppl use it for events for free.....am I still crazy?
Hey there,
without rudimentary knowledge i would not suggest to buy a LA. Unless you are one of the lucky ones who don't need to care for money.
My advice would be to collect some knowledge about EU in genral and about Land managment in special first.
Anyway your decision gl
Pretty much you have to figure it like any other investment...try to get a 7 to 10% annual return on you money.
I understand how land works and the econmics behind it. Thanks for your concern looking out for the new users. Although I believe I have done some pretty good DD on what I am trying to do. Although I am new to the forum I believe I would not qualify as a new user.
I am intrested in what a CN is I am not familar with all of the abberivations. However the whole is intresting to me I am open to any suggestions thanks in advance
FYI "Unless you are one of the lucky ones who don't need to care for money. " is a very insulting statement to people who have busted their a** for years to save and invest slowly putting off what they want to do for a bigger dream. I sure you did not mean it that way however 90 % of the "rich" did not start off that way