Info: Calypso Land Deed ROI tracker

yo, can somebody link to official statement what planet activity goes into CLDTs?
2 pec. That’s…. Worse than I ever thought could happen. Essentially a 33% dip from the lowest we’ve seen from calypso in a long time (going by dividends)
Careful there, it could have been 2,99 pec for all we know.
As opaque as I've expected. Thank you regardless.

SInce it's basically just a direct % of MA's revenue, it comes down to what exactly goes into MA's revenue. But it had changed over time. In the past (15+ years ago) they insisted that they only take a cut off decay. Later they said it includes other sources like AH fees. Later again they said in an AMA that AH fees are returned to the lootpool. For all we know, the policies are being changed in real-time depending on how badly they need to fix their ledgers.
SInce it's basically just a direct % of MA's revenue, it comes down to what exactly goes into MA's revenue. But it had changed over time. In the past (15+ years ago) they insisted that they only take a cut off decay. Later they said it includes other sources like AH fees. Later again they said in an AMA that AH fees are returned to the lootpool. For all we know, the policies are being changed in real-time depending on how badly they need to fix their ledgers.
Valuable insight from someone who could observe narratives over long years. Will bookmark the answer. Thank you again!