Info: Calypso Teleporters (new: March 2018)


Old Alpha
Aug 7, 2009
Note: If you are looking for coordinates rather than a name you can check here and here for teleporter lists sorted by position.

For all of you who prefer to see the teleporters on a map, please have a look at Larry's Calypso map.

Teleporters: 117

Aegis Mound74230, 85859
Ahh...the Atrax25921, 46796(former Ahh...the Estophyls)
(renamed Dec 2017)
Akmuul Island25133, 27321
Amethera Outback Land #1531006, 30008
Angelica's Paradise22129, 46878(former Atami's Paradise)
(renamed Jun 2014)
Ashi82242, 78326
Athena Spaceport71641, 68185
Atlantis Archipelago61494, 68922
Atlas Haven71677, 82337
BIG Industries ~ OLA 0134692, 36303(renamed 2019)
BIG Industries ~ OLA 4229064, 58722(renamed 2019)
BIG Industries ~ Saba Camp17953, 46657(former Saba Camp; renamed 2019)
Billy's Spaceship Afterworld62003, 80263
Bilton Towers33472, 47347
Boreas74368, 67332
Camp Caravan87158, 89492
Camp Echidna79521, 87853
Camp Echidna East Hangar80997, 87525
Camp Echidna North Hangar77868, 88972
Camp Icarus63216, 74370
Camp Phoenix62475, 82572(new coords Nov 2013)
Cape Corinth61750, 87915(new coords Mar 2015)
Cayuze20175, 39704
Chilled Hogglo and Maffoid23033, 44207
Chimera Canyons78509, 82352
Chug's Hideout68161, 74754
Club Sweat37623, 39348(former Shavante)
Corinth East Hangars A64830, 86055(new coords Nov 2013)
Corinth East Hangars B64992, 85828(new coords Nov 2013)
Corinth West Hangars A60805, 86645(new coords Nov 2013)
Corinth West Hangars B60978, 86280(new coords Nov 2013)
East Scylla Mountains75042, 72629
Emerald Lakes Mall31578, 50206
Eos71412, 69463
Fort Ares80000, 80243
Fort Argus75581, 92655
Fort Cayuze19785, 36399
Fort Fury68209, 79053
Fort Ithaca68527, 87953
Fort Lahar66995, 74881(new tp Oct 2016)
Fort Medusa68831, 84382(new coords Mar 2016)
Fort Pandora84781, 85241(new coords Apr 2016)
Fort Sisyphus62140, 85402(new tp Dec 2016)
Fort Troy80503, 68308
Fort Victoria55199, 60153
Fort Zeus86535, 94697
Genesis Amethera Headquarters34249, 48217
Half Moon Bay63384, 87518(new coords Mar 2015)
Half Moon Cove63502, 89176(new coords Mar 2015)
Hestia66982, 76522(new tp Oct 2016)
Hogglo Ranch18051, 59339(new tp Dec 2014)
Honuri80745, 91837
Isle of Troy80305, 66326(new tp Oct 2016)
Isslye85383, 91402
Jameson's Reach35401, 60115
Jason Centre75703, 80225
Jurra Plateu70695, 71596
Limnadian District71250, 79094
Livas Heights66402, 85486(new tp Oct 2016)
Lorfat's Prize31289, 43619(former Timbesha; renamed Dec 2013)
Medusa Teleporter53416, 69336(new coords Dec 2018)
Memorial Island22647, 32018
Minopolis87441, 85163
Myrene Island19305, 27061
Naga Island Teleporter52259, 72164
Nate Valley36690, 33303
Naval Station Triton40409, 58713
Nea's Place29354, 35517
New Oxford33729, 47701
New Switzerland26329, 60844
New Treasure Island Main Hangar37089, 53136(new tp Nov 2021 close to former Treasure Island Castle)
New Treasure Island North Hangar A39349, 54833(renamed Nov 2021)
New Treasure Island North Hangar B39809, 55233(renamed Nov 2021)
New Treasure Island Northern Shores40268, 55495(renamed Nov 2021)
North Space Base A88119, 96672
North Space Base B88574, 95646
North Space Base Docks A88602, 94458
North Space Base Docks B88545, 93898
Notus66763, 70142
Nymphtown87070, 78472
Odysseus Landing54283, 64902
OLA 17 The Salty Flats31551, 35756(new tp Mar 2018)
Omegaton West Habitat25665, 37648
Orthos West Mound64099, 77246
Osere81164, 72667
Oshiri Hearts21809, 61326
Ouroboros Island Teleporter55584, 72147(new tp Jun 2015)
Oyster Isle17683, 35384
Pemphredo Island Teleporter50903, 68490(new tp Jun 2015)
Port Atlantis61413, 75219
Port Atlantis Mall61623, 75192
Rei's Defence37102, 29190
Rogue Plains78048, 96385
Rogue Plains East79528, 97421
Rogue Plains West78225, 96955
Sakura City39671, 30222
Segna Forest18518, 44413
Shinook Jungle27812, 50921
Shinook River27944, 45425
Silver Ridge33011, 37895
Solfais Crater21307, 53843
Southern Ithaca70849, 85745(new tp Oct 2016)
Tetania's-by-the-sea!35224, 26856
That Freaking Cold Place18768, 51539(new tp Jun 2019)
The Land of Oz36391, 35217(new tp Jun 2021)
The MegaVolt59082, 84466(tp since 2012, new coords Nov 2013)
(former Skiron; renamed 2010 and 2013)
Treasure Island City35139, 49845
Tukar85618, 75751
Twin Peaks77774, 76679
Twin Peaks Mall77924, 76539
Winter Park18516, 45730
Wolverine Hope37843, 46784
Z's Little Farm29158, 56001
Zephyrus69989, 66926
Zonnestraaltje36226, 44092(former Miwak; renamed Dec 2013)
Zychion Citade69540, 77433
~ Royal Club ~30840, 40282(new coords Dec 2015)
Calypso Gateway Televator63229, 74203(Sleipnir at Camp Icarus beach)
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Well ... here it is: The new, still editable Calypso teleporter list. :)

If you are looking for some information in the original thread, you can find it here.

Would be great, if one of the Mods could unsticky the old one and sticky the new one, so that players get up-to-date information. Tyvm! :tiphat:
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Quick orientation: Calypso teleporters sorted by LONG

17683, 35384 Oyster Isle
17953, 46657 Saba Camp
18051, 59339 Hogglo Ranch
18516, 45730 Winter Park
18518, 44413 Segna Forest
18768, 51539That Freaking Cold Place
19305, 27061 Myrene Island
19785, 36399 Fort Cayuze
20175, 39704 Cayuze
21307, 53843 Solfais Crater
21809, 61326 Oshiri Hearts
22129, 46878 Angelica's Paradise
22647, 32018 Memorial Island
23033, 44207 Chilled Hogglo and Maffoid
25133, 27321 Akmuul Island
25665, 37648 Omegaton West Habitat
25921, 46796 Ahh...the Atrax
26329, 60844 New Switzerland
27812, 50921 Shinook Jungle
27944, 45425 Shinook River
29064, 58722 ~ BIG Industries OLA 42 ~
29158, 56001 Z's Little Farm
29354, 35517 Nea's Place
30840, 40282 ~ Royal Club ~
31006, 30008 Amethera Outback Land #15
31289, 43619 Lorfat's Prize
31551, 35756 OLA 17 The Salty Flats
31578, 50206 Emerald Lakes Mall
33011, 37895 Silver Ridge
33472, 47347 Bilton Towers
33729, 47701 New Oxford
34249, 48217 Genesis Amethera Headquarters
34692, 36303 ~ BIG Industries OLA 01 ~
35139, 49845 Treasure Island City
35224, 26856 Tetania's-by-the-sea!
35401, 60115 Jameson's Reach
36226, 44092 Zonnestraaltje
36391, 35217 The Land of Oz
36690, 33303 Nate Valley
37056, 53599 New Treasure Island Main Hangar
37102, 29190 Rei's Defence
37623, 39348 Club Sweat
37843, 46784 Wolverine Hope
39349, 54833 New Treasure Island North Hangar A
39671, 30222 Sakura City
39809, 55233 New Treasure Island North Hangar B
40268, 55495 New Treasure Island Northern Shores
40409, 58713 Naval Station Triton
50903, 68490 Pemphredo Island Teleporter
52259, 72164 Naga Island Teleporter
53416, 69336 Medusa Teleporter
54283, 64902 Odysseus Landing
55199, 60153 Fort Victoria
55584, 72147 Ouroboros Island Teleporter
59082, 84466 The MegaVolt
60805, 86645 Corinth West Hangars A
60978, 86280 Corinth West Hangars B
61413, 75219 Port Atlantis
61494, 68922 Atlantis Archipelago
61623, 75192 Port Atlantis Mall
61750, 87915 Cape Corinth
62003, 80263 Billy's Spaceship Afterworld
62140, 85402 Fort Sisyphus
62475, 82572 Camp Phoenix
63216, 74370 Camp Icarus
63384, 87518 Half Moon Bay
63502, 89176 Half Moon Cove
64099, 77246 Orthos West Mound
64830, 86055 Corinth East Hangars A
64992, 85828 Corinth East Hangars B
66402, 85486 Livas Heights
66763, 70142 Notus
66982, 76522 Hestia
66995, 74881 Fort Lahar
68161, 74754 Chug's Hideout
68209, 79053 Fort Fury
68527, 87953 Fort Ithaca
68831, 84382 Fort Medusa
69540, 77433 Zychion Citade
69989, 66926 Zephyrus
70695, 71596 Jurra Plateu
70849, 85745 Southern Ithaca
71250, 79094 Limnadian District
71412, 69463 Eos
71641, 68185 Athena Spaceport
71677, 82337 Atlas Haven
74230, 85859 Aegis Mound
74368, 67332 Boreas
75042, 72629 East Scylla Mountains
75581, 92655 Fort Argus
75703, 80225 Jason Centre
77774, 76679 Twin Peaks
77868, 88972 Camp Echidna North Hangar
77924, 76539 Twin Peaks Mall
78048, 96385 Rogue Plains
78225, 96955 Rogue Plains West
78509, 82352 Chimera Canyons
79521, 87853 Camp Echidna
79528, 97421 Rogue Plains East
80000, 80243 Fort Ares
80305, 66326 Isle of Troy
80503, 68308 Fort Troy
80745, 91837 Honuri
80997, 87525 Camp Echidna East Hangar
81164, 72667 Osere
82242, 78326 Ashi
84781, 85241 Fort Pandora
85383, 91402 Isslye
85618, 75751 Tukar
86535, 94697 Fort Zeus
87070, 78472 Nymphtown
87158, 89492 Camp Caravan
87441, 85163 Minopolis
88119, 96672 North Space Base A
88545, 93898 North Space Base Docks B
88574, 95646 North Space Base B
88602, 94458 North Space Base Docks A
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Quick orientation: Calypso teleporters sorted by LAT

35224, 26856 Tetania's-by-the-sea!
19305, 27061 Myrene Island
25133, 27321 Akmuul Island
37102, 29190 Rei's Defence
31006, 30008 Amethera Outback Land #15
39671, 30222 Sakura City
22647, 32018 Memorial Island
36690, 33303 Nate Valley
36391, 35217 The Land of Oz
17683, 35384 Oyster Isle
29354, 35517 Nea's Place
31551, 35756 OLA 17 The Salty Flats
34692, 36303 ~ BIG Industries OLA 01 ~
19785, 36399 Fort Cayuze
25665, 37648 Omegaton West Habitat
33011, 37895 Silver Ridge
37623, 39348 Club Sweat
20175, 39704 Cayuze
30840, 40282 ~ Royal Club ~
31289, 43619 Lorfat's Prize
36226, 44092 Zonnestraaltje
23033, 44207 Chilled Hogglo and Maffoid
18518, 44413 Segna Forest
27944, 45425 Shinook River
18516, 45730 Winter Park
17953, 46657 Saba Camp
37843, 46784 Wolverine Hope
25921, 46796 Ahh...the Atrax
22129, 46878 Angelica's Paradise
33472, 47347 Bilton Towers
33729, 47701 New Oxford
34249, 48217 Genesis Amethera Headquarters
35139, 49845 Treasure Island City
31578, 50206 Emerald Lakes Mall
27812, 50921 Shinook Jungle
18768, 51539 That Freaking Cold Place
37056, 53599 New Treasure Island Main Hangar
21307, 53843 Solfais Crater
39349, 54833 New Treasure Island North Hangar A
39809, 55233 New Treasure Island North Hangar B
40268, 55495 New Treasure Island Northern Shores
29158, 56001 Z's Little Farm
40409, 58713 Naval Station Triton
29064, 58722 ~ BIG Industries OLA 42 ~
18051, 59339 Hogglo Ranch
35401, 60115 Jameson's Reach
55199, 60153 Fort Victoria
26329, 60844 New Switzerland
21809, 61326 Oshiri Hearts
54283, 64902 Odysseus Landing
80305, 66326 Isle of Troy
69989, 66926 Zephyrus
74368, 67332 Boreas
71641, 68185 Athena Spaceport
80503, 68308 Fort Troy
50903, 68490 Pemphredo Island Teleporter
61494, 68922 Atlantis Archipelago
53416, 69336 Medusa Teleporter
71412, 69463 Eos
66763, 70142 Notus
70695, 71596 Jurra Plateu
55584, 72147 Ouroboros Island Teleporter
52259, 72164 Naga Island Teleporter
75042, 72629 East Scylla Mountains
81164, 72667 Osere
63216, 74370 Camp Icarus
68161, 74754 Chug's Hideout
66995, 74881 Fort Lahar
61623, 75192 Port Atlantis Mall
61413, 75219 Port Atlantis
85618, 75751 Tukar
66982, 76522 Hestia
77924, 76539 Twin Peaks Mall
77774, 76679 Twin Peaks
64099, 77246 Orthos West Mound
69540, 77433 Zychion Citade
82242, 78326 Ashi
87070, 78472 Nymphtown
68209, 79053 Fort Fury
71250, 79094 Limnadian District
75703, 80225 Jason Centre
80000, 80243 Fort Ares
62003, 80263 Billy's Spaceship Afterworld
71677, 82337 Atlas Haven
78509, 82352 Chimera Canyons
62475, 82572 Camp Phoenix
68831, 84382 Fort Medusa
59082, 84466 The MegaVolt
87441, 85163 Minopolis
84781, 85241 Fort Pandora
62140, 85402 Fort Sisyphus
66402, 85486 Livas Heights
70849, 85745 Southern Ithaca
64992, 85828 Corinth East Hangars B
74230, 85859 Aegis Mound
64830, 86055 Corinth East Hangars A
60978, 86280 Corinth West Hangars B
60805, 86645 Corinth West Hangars A
63384, 87518 Half Moon Bay
80997, 87525 Camp Echidna East Hangar
79521, 87853 Camp Echidna
61750, 87915 Cape Corinth
68527, 87953 Fort Ithaca
77868, 88972 Camp Echidna North Hangar
63502, 89176 Half Moon Cove
87158, 89492 Camp Caravan
85383, 91402 Isslye
80745, 91837 Honuri
75581, 92655 Fort Argus
88545, 93898 North Space Base Docks B
88602, 94458 North Space Base Docks A
86535, 94697 Fort Zeus
88574, 95646 North Space Base B
78048, 96385 Rogue Plains
88119, 96672 North Space Base A
78225, 96955 Rogue Plains West
79528, 97421 Rogue Plains East
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Added: Teleporter lists sortet by LONG/LAT

Ever wondered if a teleporter was close to your current position? - You can check that quickly now. Just look up your coords on the tp lists sorted by longitude and latitude.
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Thank You Nisha!

That is an amazing list you put together and the updates. This list will come in handy for everyone and 'Thank You so much ' for your hard work and effort. :yay:

Greatly appreciated..:thumbup::tiphat:
If its not too much to ask, how about a jpg map with them? Some people are more visual
If its not too much to ask, how about a jpg map with them? Some people are more visual

I agree. Actually, I've experimented with some options to provide a tp map, but up to now I have not found a suitable and effective way of generating a map that is easy to create, read and maintain.

If I come up with something I like, you'll find it right here on PCF. :)
New coords for Medusa Teleporter

The Medusa Teleporter has been moved to 53416, 69336.

It is inside the building now, bottom floor.

Shout-out to Graden Foss for sending me the waypoint! I'm not on Caly right now. :thumbup:
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New tp: That Freaking Cold Place

There is a new tp: That Freaking Cold Place (18768, 51539).

The new tp allows easy access to 2 LAs: That Freaking Cold Place and Eldorado.

Thanks again, Graden! :wtg:
BIG Industries tps (slightly) renamed

This happened probably quite a while ago, but I'm not sure, when the tps were renamed and changed their position in the tp list.

~ BIG Industries OLA 01 ~....has changed to....BIG Industries ~ OLA01
~ BIG Industries OLA 42 ~....has changed to....BIG Industries ~ OLA42
Saba Camp..........................has changed to....BIG Industries ~ Saba Camp
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forwarded this thread to a newbie friend, thanks alot! :yup: linked

If its not too much to ask, how about a jpg map with them? Some people are more visual

Soooo ... all of your requests and prayers have been answered. :yay:

I added a link to Larry's Calypso map in the first post of this thread.

Enjoy and remember to give the guy some rep for his great work. :)
New tp: The Land of Oz

There is a new tp: The Land of Oz (36391, 35217).

Thank you very much, Graden, for keeping the list up to date! :tiphat:
Just so people are aware, when you go to the new TP location (The Land of Oz), it does NOT get added to your TP list. You can go there, use the TP, walk around it, etc., but it does not register as a new TP in your list of TP locations. So yes it is a new TP, but it is not discoverable.
Actually, scratch that. It is discoverable. I had to run in a large circle around it and it finally gave me the notification. It's not on the actual teleporter.

One other thing to note, it is completely swarmed by mobs. There are no turrets. I know I saw large Merps and Atrax. I was completely encircled by mobs attacking me so I couldn't see all what was around me. I'm sure there was at least one other mob type.
Actually, scratch that. It is discoverable. I had to run in a large circle around it and it finally gave me the notification. It's not on the actual teleporter.

One other thing to note, it is completely swarmed by mobs. There are no turrets. I know I saw large Merps and Atrax. I was completely encircled by mobs attacking me so I couldn't see all what was around me. I'm sure there was at least one other mob type.
Fungoids if I'm not mistaking
and some necuno
Strange, I could not find it? Found revive but no TP - will try again
Just bumping this as useful information, as I've just added the 118th TP to my list of Calypso Teleporters.
Treasure Island lost 2 teleporters (Riverside and Volcanic Edge), and remaining ones have been renamed.

AFAIC the final result is not very userfriendly, even the Main Hangar TP is in the middle of an hangar, a poor location choice.
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Treasure Island lost 2 teleporters (Riverside and Volcanic Edge), and remaining ones have been renamed.

AFAIC the final result is not very userfriendly, even the Main Hangar TP is in the middle of an hangar, a poor location choice.

Thank you very much for pointing out those changes!
Removed/renamed/new tps on Treasure Island

There are several changes on Treasure Island:

The following tps have been removed:

  • Treasure Island Castle
  • Treasure Island Riverside
  • Treasure Island Volcanic Edge

The following tps have been renamed:

  • New Treasure Island Northern Shores (former Treasure Island Northern Shores)
  • New Treasure Island North Hangar A (former Treasure Island North Hangar A)
  • New Treasure Island North Hangar B (former Treasure Island North Hangar B)

New tp (close to former Treasure Island Castle):

  • New Treasure Island Main Hangar 37056, 53599