Question: Can someone explain to me the prices on some of these guns.


Apr 27, 2021
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joseph Mrjoe perez
My question is straightforward, whats with some of the prices on these UL guns. (No i'm not complaining about a inflate in prices). Some of these I get ya know High Eff and or Good damage/pec, but some of these weapons are barely better than the tt (L)s. I understand that having a UL gun with the same stats is obviously a lot better than having a L gun with the same stats cuz of tiering, not having to pay MU each time etc. But I seriously dont see the value in half of these guns. Is it just the rarity and how little there are in the market. Do people just like to feel special by owning a gun with not that many copies out? If anyone could give me a explanation it would be much appreciated, thanks.
Ul sib. Enough said.
post some example, i cant really recall any UL gun that is barely better than TT limited ones, and have any MU other than few peds.
Xentech riffles is one of those.
They are not worth much more then TT weapons

Better for noobs to use tt and cycle the few ped they got
because math. The question you asked couldn’t be more vague.

take a simple 100p L gun at 110% that’s 10 peds wasted per gun. Burn 1 per day. That’s 300p wasted per month. Or 3650p wasted in a year. If u shoot this much the. Buying an ark Maddox or ep-41 adj would serve you much better.

more math will tell you more answers if a gun is worth it for you or not. Each person plays differently and each gun will either be better or worse for someone.
OP is talking about Assasin rifle

However at the end of the day, it is Seller's/Buyer's choice to list/buy whatever amount.