Capital Crafting Contest II


Jul 19, 2006
Avatar Name
John Teacher Capital
Time: Sat. Jan. 26 @ 17:00 MA time
Place: Hades C TP

(Sorry for the short notice. I was planning on Feb. 2, but WoF obligations supersede.)

The Crafting Event
  • Entrance fee will be announced at event time, but will not exceed 300ped.
  • Entrance fee will cover materials cost.
  • All contestants will meet at Hades C TP. We'll all run to the crafting location.
  • All contestants will pay the entrance fee and be given BP, book and enough materials for a specific amount of clicks.
  • All contestants must use the crafting machines in that area.
  • Ready. Set. Craft!!!
  • All materials, and BPs must be shown to the judges in trade window.
  • Crafters get to keep the crafted item/res. BPs will be handed back.

There will be 2 ways to win.

How to win:
Prize #1 - Highest global total
Prize #2 - Most crafted material (excluding res)

Multiple globals will be added together, so 53 and 86 ped globals will beat a 100 ped global

The prizes:
Winner #1 - 400 peds
Winner #2 - 400 peds

All entrants, please announce your intention to enter on this thread please, so we can gauge how much material to buy. Thank you.

Also thanks to MS9, the contestants will get free tickets to another bar brawl.

List of contestants so far
Billiac (Rupture)
Garion75 (Belgarion)

P.S. Looking for sponsors to donate any extra prizes. Please note there will be 2 winners.

EDIT: Thanks to MS9 for donating to the prize pool and making the after party bar brawl.
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Which print will be clicked? Old all-skill one or the Book II SIB kind?
That'll be noon my time, so I should be up by then. ;) Sign me up! In-game name: Rupture.
Is this to be a normal crafting comp like the first or is this the "tailoring" version?
Is this to be a normal crafting comp like the first or is this the "tailoring" version?

Regular crafting. A component or weapon or armor or...

Tailoring contests will have to wait until I figure out some details. :(
Unfortunately I have a RL obligation on that Day--Sunday would have worked but I am a no go for Saturday.. Good Luck to all who enter--it is truely a great event and I wish I could have been there for it.
A few things to note ...

First ... I am donating 200 ped toward the prize pool :D

Second ... I am out picking pockets to increase it even more :wtg:

Third ... I plan on being there, so sign up now and bring your craziest self to the event, because I just might capture it all on film for the "CCCII" video. Watch the "CCCI" video to get an idea of how this all comes together, but also that it's the people who make the event and not the event itself. Even a crafting event has its moments of fun, but it's the animation of the avatars that add this dimension that gives me plenty to work with in my videos, and I love it. :silly2:

Now get in here and sign up ... it's quite the creative event, and produces a bit of anxiety along the way not knowing how well anyone did until the end when it's all counted. The anticipation can only be exceeded when JC announces the results, which can be surprising! :D

How about another bar brawl after, eh? :boxer:

*I'm working on the "BarBrawl-I" video to be posted sometime tomorrow*

That information is not revealed until the contest itself, to avoid "stocking up".

I dont care about the specific print, please see the follow-up question.
If it is a SIB print, I will participate.
wow great event i cant see why these crafting events dont take of really big ill do my best to be there but ive got a jam packed irl Saturday ;)
First ... I am donating 200 ped toward the prize pool :D

Thanks MS9. :) peds added to prize.

I dont care about the specific print, please see the follow-up question.
If it is a SIB print, I will participate.

I'm gonna have to refer you to my original response, mate. It answers both questions.

Again, I'm sorry about the short notice folks, but next weekend begins WoF and I won't be able to do any more of these until after we're done kicking ass. :sniper:
Won't be able to make it to this one, I don't think, good luck with it and I'll hope to join you next time.
I'm not exactly sure of my schedule, but I'll find a way to make it....count me in. Not sure if I'll be able to make it to any afterparty events, but I'll try.
And SPEAKING of "afterparty events" ... I just set up the "CCCII After Event Bar Brawl" at Jason's Bar ... going to do a separate thread about it and tie it in with the CCCII. I know it's short notice, but I'll get the word out. I'll post a link here when I have the thread together.

Just as an FYI ... the prize is "100 ped, a TT EnKnuckles, and a 100.0 QR D-1 BP" ... and the first 15 CCCII participants to register and complete the event get a free ticket to the bar brawl. I only created the event with a total of 40 tickets, and reserved 20 for CCCII participants, as well as TCF staff.

Hope to see some of you there again ... and new faces of course, but I'm off to do the event thread and I'll link it up here as well. :D


BAR BRAWL II - After "CCCII" Event

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I won't be able to make it this time but good luck and have fun to everybody!
so thats what? 9 am PST?
Um yea ok put me down, i have peds and Unlocked BPC tonight hehe.
Crafting on quantity or condition? On own choice or what?
you could at least tell what type of stuff that will be made. So we know if we have the right type of crafting skills.
When I manage to get online at that time, I will join (depends on RL work).

I understand that you can not reveal too much on the bp, but I do assume it's a pretty low level bp (lvl 1-3) ? I don't want to be clicking a level 6 or 7 bp, even if it has a low cost per click ...
Ok, this sounds like a lot of fun and I was thinking about coming. Can you tell me if it is even worth coming when I have very low crafting skills? Is this just meant to be for uber crafters or would it be good for a newer crafter?
you could at least tell what type of stuff that will be made. So we know if we have the right type of crafting skills.

If he disclosed what BP was to be used, it would give opportunities to cheat. You can rest assured that the BP chosen will be somewhat low level and won't require alot of skills to click on it. Last one was Simple I Plastic Springs. Its better if the competitors don't know what they're crafting until they're lined up ready to craft.

Crafting on quantity or condition? On own choice or what?

Its entirely up to you.

Ok, this sounds like a lot of fun and I was thinking about coming. Can you tell me if it is even worth coming when I have very low crafting skills? Is this just meant to be for uber crafters or would it be good for a newer crafter?

Most of the crafters in the first comp were mid-level. A couple were high level. I'd have at least some skills. I'm only a level 8 in the mechanical profession, which was what was used for the first comp and I came in like 4th place out of maybe 15 or so. The comp has two sides for globals, which anyone is liable to win and then the biggest stack, which is a crap shoot, but you never know.
If he disclosed what BP was to be used, it would give opportunities to cheat. You can rest assured that the BP chosen will be somewhat low level and won't require alot of skills to click on it. Last one was Simple I Plastic Springs. Its better if the competitors don't know what they're crafting until they're lined up ready to craft.
yeah, but If I have only crated clothes there is no idea to join if it's weaponcrafting we talk about. So At least from which book type would be good to know. I can't see how I should be able to cheat if I now that.
Its not tailoring. It will be general crafting....
Well I guess more what I want to ask is if I will get good skills for the amount of money spent. I highly doubt I have a chance at winning since I have done very little crafting, but if I would be getting the same amount of skills with this event as I would just putting the money into some BP's and materials myself (or at least close to it) then I would say it is worthwhile. How long were you guys clicking for the last event?
MrWizard has done a great job of answering the questions many of you have.

The 1st contest was ~220 clicks long. Nothing major. Please note that I've capped the entry fee at 300 peds and that includes your material costs. With that cap, you can't expect long crafting runs.

Entry fees are determined at the time of the contest, because I take the total materials I've collected and divide them among the total # of participants. A number I can't know until contest time.

As Wiz said, part of the fun and security of this contest is not knowing what bp I'll choose. It may be a component, armor, weapon, etc. The bp may play to your strength, or it may be something you are weak in. Being able to adjust to the circumstances is part of this contest.

Although I can tell you I am currently not considering any clothing bps, anything else is fair game.

Bump and good luck everyone.
Sign me up.... :)
Bar-brawl II.... :yay:


Ok folks. Here's what happened.

Due to the short notice I gave, only 6 folks were able to make it. With that few, the cost is too prohibitive for the full prize, but everyone agreed to compete for 100 ped prizes. So off we went.

This time the bp was Basic Screws. They each got enough iron for ~430 clicks.


So we wait. The tension building.

1 by 1 the contenders finally finished, handing over their bps and showing how much they crafted.

All but one finished and no swirlies so far. Only Lizzy Faith O'neal had a chance to win that 100 ped prize now.

But it didn't happen. :(

So now that all the counts are collected we head out side for the prize.

And some surprises... :D

I announce that instead of 100 ped prizes, I was actually awarding 200 peds for the winners.

And a donation by MS9 upped that to the full 300 ped prize.

I also announced the 2nd shock. Since no one globalled, the winner w/ the most crafted materials would win both prizes.

So now 1 person stands a chance to win 600 peds.

Here were the results.

Rune Belgarion Haugen - 2,353 screws crafted
John Rupture Jones - 1,681 screws crafted
Kindrah Kin Fireheart - 2,285 screws crafted
Kira Red Star-Rigger - 2,514 screws crafted
Benjamin MrWizard Slider - 1,862 screws crafted
Lizzy Faith O'neal - 1,083 screws crafted

The winner was Kira. A 300 ped entry fee netted her 600 peds in prizes plus the screws and res she crafted. A tidy sum.

Oh, and the free bar brawl tickets afterward too, doesn't hurt either. ;):D

With WoF approaching next weekend, I'll have to wait until after that to begin any more of these contests. But I'm looking forward to doing some m ore of these. everyone involved seemed to have a lot of fun.

So until next time, keep skilling folks and happy hoffing.
Sorry I couldn't be there, and grats to the winners.

It seems that the mechanics of your contest have ensured that in both of the contests so far, the same person has won both prizes. In this second one the rules made it almost certain that this would be the case (given that Basic Screws global very rarely, even on full condition).

I think you need to introduce a rule that stops that from happening. All you need to do is select one of the prizes as the 'first' option, and discount the winner of that from the 'other' prize (NB not second pize - just another prize - but you have to select one as the first choice)

E.g. the person who wins the total loot prize is ineligible for the highest global prize.

Without that, I suspect you'll find that the same person wins both prizes 9 times out of 10.