Capital Crafting Contest - Sat. Aug. 23rd


Jul 19, 2006
Avatar Name
John Teacher Capital
Time: Sat. Aug. 23rd. @ 17:00 MA time
Place: Hades C TP

The Crafting Event
  • Entrance fee will be announced at event time, but will not exceed 100ped.
  • Entrance fee will cover materials cost.
  • All contestants will meet at Hades C TP. We'll all run to the crafting location.
  • All contestants will pay the entrance fee and be given BP, book and enough materials for a specific amount of clicks.
  • All contestants must use the crafting machines in that area.
  • Ready. Set. Craft!!!
  • All materials, and BPs must be shown to the judges in trade window.
  • Crafters get to keep the crafted item/res, & looted BPs. Competition BPs will be handed back.

There will be 2 ways to win.

How to win:
1st Place - Most crafted material (excluding res)
2nd Place - Highest global total (If no globals, the 2nd highest crafted material wins 2nd place.)

Multiple globals will be added together, so 53 and 86 ped globals will beat a 100 ped global

The prizes:
Winner #1 - 100 peds
Winner #2 - 50 peds

All entrants, please announce your intention to enter on this thread please, so we can gauge how much material to buy. Thank you.

List of contestants so far:
Jimmy B

P.S. Looking for sponsors to donate any extra prizes. Please note there will be 2 winners.
Last edited:
It's supposed to be Sat. Aug 23rd. :( Could a mod please adjust the title for me. :ahh: Thanks.
i wouldnt mind getting in on this, though my ped card, and my crafting skills are in short change. but the concept is great. well see where im at by the week end and ill edit and let you know.
So far, if it fits in, I'm in :D
Bump. I'll be back on tomorrow night to check up on this. (I hate not being on EF at work no more.)
Damn, clashes with my boxing session at 18:00 :(

Good luck with it and have fun!
Bump it up.

And thanks to whoever fixed the title. :)
Bump? :scratch2:

Due to complaints about tight budgets, I've lowered the entrance fee (and unfortunately the prizes too)

The max this contest will cost will now be only 100 peds. :yay:
LOL, + Rep for a great sense of humor as always JC! Have fun all!
Could be fun, will I need any crafting skills to enter? I'm like lvl 2 or lvl 3 in most.
what level is required for the bp?
im low leveld. but if its for a lvl 1 or 2 bp.. count me in.
Like any contest (such as hunting) there's no skill requirement, however higher skills may help.

Oh, and bump. :D
how to be sure no one gonna cheat ?
u said most materials , someone can bring a couple of ks residue with him to show to u at the end
Residue won't help, Amir, prize is based on crafted material excluding residue. Sounds like another nice contest from JC. Which I could be there, and this time i could even afford entry, but the time just doesn't work. +rep and gL.
I'll enter, see if I get some noob crafter luck :D
this really sounds fun.
but i guess were gonna craft components then.. lets see how it goes :p
Count me in! :yay:
I missed the last one, but I will definately join this one! :D
how to be sure no one gonna cheat ?
u said most materials , someone can bring a couple of ks residue with him to show to u at the end

I've run a few of these now, and have certain built-in methods of weeding out cheaters. Plus, I believe the vast majority of contestants play fair. (I simply make sure to remove the 0.05% that don't) If you're uncomfortable, just search "capital crafting contest" and check out my past contests. MS9 even did a video of the 1st one so you know what goes on. :)

Also, it's always done on qty, not TT value. (I.E. 4 shin-guards worth 5 ped wins over 3 shin-guards worth 15 ped) So bringing extra residue doesn't help at all. In fact it just might get you kicked from the contest. ;)

this really sounds fun.
but i guess were gonna craft components then.. lets see how it goes :p

Well, to give you a hint, Eelco, the last contest was crafting guns, so it could be anything.

However, what the item to be crafted is always remains my personal secret until the contest starts. That's part of my security to make sure folks can't just bring a bunch of (say basic screws) before hand and say "hey I crafted these". :cool:
Bump in case you didn't see this and might wanna play tomorrow.
I'll try to be there :)
Indeed yes. I posted that bump last night "my time".

This bump, however, says there's only 2 hours left, no matter where you live. :D
Ill come sounds like a fun event :)
aww i'm so sorry - something else came up :(

(Priest inviting on a restaurant, can't say no to that, sorry ;) )
Any last minute folks coming?

The contestants are
  • Hojlund
  • NZR
  • Eelco
  • Alh
  • Jimmy B
  • and Buzz

Today, they are battling w/ 499 clicks on brand new Basic Tubes bps.

So far it seems a close race. Anyone can win.
It was fun :yay:

maybe could have cut down a bit on the clicks though...

But not too bad...
Endurance is a virtue in crafting... :D

Big Gratz to all the winners :yay:

I missed 2nd place with just 6 tubes... One more success and I would have beaten buzz :wtg:

oh well, no prize this time, but I will for sure keep my eye out for the next compo