Capital Crafting Contest - Sat. Oct. 4th


Jul 19, 2006
Avatar Name
John Teacher Capital
Time: Sat. Oct. 4th. @ 17:00 MA time
Place: Hades C TP

The Crafting Event
  • Entrance fee will be announced at event time, but will not exceed 200ped.
  • Entrance fee will cover materials cost.
  • All contestants will meet at Hades C TP. We'll all run to the crafting location.
  • All contestants will pay the entrance fee and be given BP, book and enough materials for a specific amount of clicks.
  • All contestants must use the crafting machines in that area.
  • Ready. Set. Craft!!!
  • All materials, and BPs must be shown to the judges in trade window.
  • Crafters get to keep the crafted items, res & looted BPs. Competition BPs will be handed back.

There will be 2 ways to win.

How to win:
1st Place - Most crafted material* (excluding res)
2nd Place - Highest global total (If no globals, the 2nd highest crafted material wins 2nd place.)
*Most crafted material: If item is stackable, then highest qty wins. If item is non-stackable, then highest total TT value wins.

Multiple globals will be added together, so 53 and 86 ped globals will beat a 100 ped global

The prizes:
Winner #1
200 peds :yay:
The following set of blueprints (donated by Ruthless NZR Tony Demanoe)
  • Advanced Feedback Panel Blueprint
  • Advanced Matrix Blueprint
  • Advanced Matrix Blueprint
  • Advanced Matrix Blueprint
  • Advanced Modulator Blueprint
  • Advanced Processor Blueprint
  • Advanced Security Module Blueprint
  • Advanced Security Module Blueprint
  • Advanced VisioMem Blueprint
  • Advanced VisioMem Blueprint
  • Basic Bearings Blueprint
  • Basic Processor Blueprint
  • Basic Rings Blueprint
  • Basic Servo Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 1A Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 1C Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 2A Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 2B Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 2C Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 3A Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 3A Blueprint
  • ClericDagger 3B Blueprint
  • Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint
  • Electropositive Communication Blueprint
  • Electropositive Connector Blueprint
  • Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint
  • GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
  • Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint
  • Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint
  • Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint
  • Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint
  • High Grade Bearings Blueprint
  • High Grade Bearings Blueprint
  • High Grade Bolts Blueprint
  • High Grade Bolts Blueprint
  • High Performance Compressor Blueprint
  • High Performance Compressor Blueprint
  • High Performance Compressor Blueprint
  • High Performance Coupling Blueprint
  • High Performance Coupling Blueprint
  • High Performance Coupling Blueprint
  • High Performance Engine Blueprint
  • High Performance Engine Blueprint
  • High Performance Engine Blueprint
  • High Performance Filters Blueprint
  • High Performance Pump Blueprint
  • High Performance Pump Blueprint
  • High Performance Vents Blueprint
  • Jashonich FP Blueprint
  • Jashonich MP Blueprint
  • Jester D-2 Blueprint
  • Jester D-2 Blueprint
  • Jester D-3 Blueprint
  • Jester D-3 Blueprint
  • Jester D-3 Blueprint
  • Killian Broadsword G2 Blueprint
  • Killian Broadsword G2 Blueprint
  • Killian Longsword Blueprint
  • L/Murdand Styler Blueprint
  • L/Murdand Styler Blueprint
  • L/Murdand Styler Blueprint
  • LifeScanner-V Blueprint
  • Maddox I Blueprint
  • Mann MPH DLxEFi Blueprint
  • Mez-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint
  • Mux-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint
  • OreTransformer OT-105 Blueprint
  • Reinforced Bearings Blueprint
  • Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
  • Shriek Offensive Blueprint
  • Shriek Offensive Blueprint
  • Simple II Conductors Blueprint
  • Simple III Conductors Blueprint
  • Triphased Auxiliary Socket Blueprint
  • Triphased Holo Module Blueprint
  • Triphased Intelligence Module Blueprint

Winner #2
100 peds :wtg:

All entrants, please announce your intention to enter on this thread please, so we can gauge how much material to buy. Thank you.

Current list of Entrants:
Fredriko Leo
LeeLoo Faith
onyx oZ Zombie

P.S. Looking for sponsors to donate any extra prizes. Please note there will be 2 winners.
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Count me in for my first Crafting Contest !
(at last i hope i can be @ 17:00, but i'll try)

see you!
Ok :) gonna try again !

Sure, why not :)

Did well in the first, 2nd place, and was very close to 2nd place also in the last one, so this time I'm going to win! :D

lol, that was a quickly updated participant list!
Late night bump for more contestants. I got a feeling this one's gonna be w-i-l-d! ;)
Great to see another of theese great events! :yay:

I will get back to you later, but for now I will sign up. I'm not 100% sure if I can make it, so I come back here and give you a message as soon as I know for sure ;)
Thanks, xInFernaLx. Hope you can make it. :)
Though I support the competition, couldn't help to think of some loopholes that someparticipants might use

  • Bring some of their own residues

  • Precraft some of the items

  • Bring their own materials

I understood that the last winner took a much longer time to craft than the other contestants...

If the above three loopholes are covered, then it should be an exciting competition! :D
Though I support the competition, couldn't help to think of some loopholes that someparticipants might use

  • Bring some of their own residues
  • Precraft some of the items
  • Bring their own materials

I understood that the last winner took a much longer time to craft than the other contestants...

If the above three loopholes are covered, then it should be an exciting competition! :D

Yes, someone can do this. However, can you bring your own items/materials when you don't know what the bp is before the contest?

Also, contestants are required to run while carrying X kg. of heavy (smelly) stuff I give them. If they can't run, they can't compete. So how much extra res/items/materials do you think someone can carry? ;)

I'm quite aware of the cheating opportunities a crafting contest offers, so I've designed it to specifically address those issues. For example, the BP used for the contest is a closely guarded secret until it's click time. (far away from any storage units) Also, we check the BPs after use to make sure the QR increase is within "tolerance". If everyone's BP is ~10-12 afterward, but the winners BP is only 5, then we know possible cheating occurred and they must be disqualified.

However, I'm always willing to hear other methods of cheating that I may not have considered. I want these contests to be:

  • Fun for everyone
  • Fair for everyone
  • Profitable :D

And keeping cheaters out helps achieve all 3 goals.
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I understood that the last winner took a much longer time to craft than the other contestants...

Just to clarify this, there were two contests where the winner was the slowest clicker. In one they were clicking full condition on a fairly long contest. In another, the crafter was simply the "slow is best" type.

It's conceivable that someone can "sneak in" the right materials, wait 'til everyone is done and read the gossip, figuring out how much they need to win. I don't believe that's been the case.

Also, the last clicker in these contests have not always been the winner. And in all contests so far, the winner won by a pretty small margin.
Put me down as a maybe, Ill know for sure in a few days.
I will give it a try , hope RL will allow it.

Questions to the rules : Have i to put all carried stuff in storage before ? my usual setup (armor , clothes , weapons , tools ) gives me a weight of around 108kg .
Questions to the rules : Have i to put all carried stuff in storage before ? my usual setup (armor , clothes , weapons , tools ) gives me a weight of around 108kg .

Yep, you'll have to empty your pockets prior to the contest.
Yeah I definitely think that "empty your pockets before"-rule need to be clarified...

Both the competitions I have attended got started about 20min late, due to waiting for people to empty their pockets :D
Monday night Bump :)
Any hint as to what level skills might be needed? This sounds interesting but I can't see entering if my COS will be bottom barrel.
Any hint as to what level skills might be needed? This sounds interesting but I can't see entering if my COS will be bottom barrel.

The ones I have attended have been very fair, using lvl1 bps.

My highest skill is laser weapons at lvl 16, not that much... I still made I think 5 less items then NZR last competition (he was 2nd, I 3rd), if I had just 1 more success I would likely have beaten him :)
And that was with a bp I have just about 10lvls in I think... (can't log in here to double check)
I assume NZR has quite a lot more then 10lvls :)

Well my point is you don't need to have massive skills to have a chance...

And last time, we had a bonus prize for highest QR after competition, and the theory is that someone with a disproportional number of F and NS would be more likely to win on the QR challange.. (since you more often get QR increase on F or NS then you do on a S)

Pretty smart I think, and gives a fair chance of a prize for anyone joining.
Hhmm, can I enter my own competition to try to win those BPs? There's a few in there I don't have in my collection yet. :drool:

I promise to count my items properly. :angel:
Anyone else want to admit they're showing up? :D
I've been asking you when this was going to happen for a while now john.
I must say, I *WILL* be at this one.

I've slept through all the other ones but I've been practicing waking up with the defend your Claim events.

I can do it!

cya there.
I will try to be there and will be aiming for last place again ;)
Bump bump. Saturday comes quick.
I'm in :wtg: if my wife let me play :ahh:
Quick question, might be a stupid one but here goes anyway. What about Near Successes? will these be included in the clicks? I mean if you for instance use simple I plastic springs and give enough for exactly x amount of clicks then someone who near successes will have quite a few more chances at globalling etc. I guess the main question is are you setting a time limit? Kind of like the slot tourneys that are around these days?
Quick question, might be a stupid one but here goes anyway. What about Near Successes? will these be included in the clicks? I mean if you for instance use simple I plastic springs and give enough for exactly x amount of clicks then someone who near successes will have quite a few more chances at globalling etc. I guess the main question is are you setting a time limit? Kind of like the slot tourneys that are around these days?

The competition is to get as many crafted items as possible from a set amount of resources.
Not for a set amount of clicks really. (wouldn't be possible to check that)

So recycling of any NS:s is included, and expected.

When crafting stackables, like components, its not even sure the guy with the most success-clicks wins, someone else might have less successes, but more items afterwards, because of good successes.