News: CDF Resource Mayhem

In not hard to macro all day long on hunting, is hard to do a mining session.

I saw mining bots before I saw hunting bots. Neither is hard.

Cycling ped is easy regardless of method. Choosing what to do, and when to do it is more difficult. That is however a problem that can be solved by just throwing more money at it.
I don't think so.

There's some people that have had an understandable kneejerk reaction to the hypothetical amount of tokens obtainable based on day 1 event prices. The market will adjust. Understand the cost of producing a token (mayhem or even twen) that is based in reality - not in conjunction with inflated boxes - and you will see the cost balance.

I can't get through the nuance without a 10,000 word blog post but a sloppy tldr summing up a few pain points in the game right now would read something like:
  1. People looking to make gear-based progression in a time and cost effective manner are incentivized to log in for approximately 5 weeks at Christmas, 2 at Easter, 2 at Halloween. This leads to obvious player retention issues as people lose interest.
  2. Said people hoard pyrite, output amps, relevant crafting materials and products to make sure they aren't being gouged during those events. This has extreme negative effects related to cost-of-play for the average joe and people that want to play regularly without being taxed by this segment of the playerbase.
  3. Playing outside of said time frames and consuming said materials is counterproductive to many overall goals unless you have infinite PED (?).
The sole existence of this event structure, assuming it happens regularly, keeps the economy honest and gives people reason to play consistently. This format could healthily run 12-18 weeks per year. Easily.

Constant material consumption. Non-obfuscated cost of tokens and gear. Solid markup on materials across the board. Actual risk for trying to hoard and manipulate markets that are tied to mayhem annihilation scheduling. Allows for completion of goals on multiple planets while still maintaining event-based progression and not being locked to an f script in an instance.

This format opens a fair and accessible entry point to putting mining gear, crafting blueprints, and other things on the vendor.

Or we can keep the status quo and be in universe where 1250 people have registered globals during Easter Mayhem and people consumed by sunk-cost fallacy are just f'ing all day with no resource sink.

The economy needs serious help. Some changes and a reality check needs to happen before UE5 hits.

I could keep going for ages but this type of event should be given credit where credit is due, imo.

IMHO, this is very skewed way of looking at the economy of EU. There are many players that contribute to economy in various ways, from resource gatherers, through miners, crafters and hunters.
What this argument disregards is that it is laser focused on certain components (like pyrite and output). Although, it was probably never easier to get output and pyrite in game.
There are many resources and componets that can and need to be grinded in order for economy to work and even professions to exist. Case in point, mining and crafting of mining amps where prices have been stable for resources and amps.
And in the end, yeah, more ped you have more leverage you will have in selling a component or resource for bigger markup. To keep it short, bigger the ped card, bigger the markups. Kind of like real life :tux:
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IMHO, this is very skewed way of looking at the economy of EU. There are many players that contribute to economy is various ways, from resource gatherers, through miners, crafters and hunters.
What this argument dissregards is that it is laser focused on certain components (like pyrite and output). Although, it was probably never easier to get output and pyrite in game.
There are many resources and componets that can and need to be grinded in order for economy to work and even professions to exist. Case in point, mining and crafting of mining amps where prices have been stable for resources and amp prices.
And in the end, yeah, more ped you have more leverage you will have in selling a component or resource for bigger markup. To keep it short, bigger the ped card, bigger the markups. Kind of like real life :tux:
Resource creation isn’t the issue in this economy. We have higher rates of production than ever before. The main issue with our current economy is that uses for those products of the main professions are limited, causing laser focused hunting habits.

This in my opinion cause a few problems, 1 being over saturation of said materials, every hunter with high end gear is forced onto the few islands of markup enough to sustain themselves. This is not fun and compelling gameplay (the new instances are an exception to this and I hope we see more like that.)

The real issue is needing as many sinks for the produced materials and this is one such way, and once players get used to the way it functions I think I can be like a defibrillator for a stagnant economy.

Hopefully MA have some other tricks up their sleeves to build on this. Some wise choices of material requirements for new limited blueprints to make consistently usable products to players of all levels (I’m thinking consumables like pills or food)
Resource creation isn’t the issue in this economy. We have higher rates of production than ever before. The main issue with our current economy is that uses for those products of the main professions are limited, causing laser focused hunting habits.

This in my opinion cause a few problems, 1 being over saturation of said materials, every hunter with high end gear is forced onto the few islands of markup enough to sustain themselves. This is not fun and compelling gameplay (the new instances are an exception to this and I hope we see more like that.)

The real issue is needing as many sinks for the produced materials and this is one such way, and once players get used to the way it functions I think I can be like a defibrillator for a stagnant economy.

Hopefully MA have some other tricks up their sleeves to build on this. Some wise choices of material requirements for new limited blueprints to make consistently usable products to players of all levels (I’m thinking consumables like pills or food)

I don't understand the argument. How is market oversaturated when there are times when there is scarcity of damage enhancers, for example? Sure, prices flactuate but that is expected.

Second, hunters with high end gear are not the main issue Issue is having distribution of players across all levels. Case in point, if there are no sweaters MA will have to make some way of gathering sweat because good luck gathering 500k sweat if you want to do Hussk (just an example) Also, playing style is something that we need to take into account. Some players, play slow, some take big risks, some gather just markup, some go for items. It's not easy to tune all that up. But I think through years, game got to a point where it is fairly balanced.
I don't understand the argument. How is market oversaturated when there are times when there is scarcity of damage enhancers, for example? Sure, prices flactuate but that is expected.

Second, hunters with high end gear are not the main issue Issue is having distribution of players across all levels. Case in point, if there are no sweaters MA will have to make some way of gathering sweat because good luck gathering 500k sweat if you want to do Hussk (just an example) Also, playing style is something that we need to take into account. Some players, play slow, some take big risks, some gather just markup, some go for items. It's not easy to tune all that up. But I think through years, game got to a point where it is fairly balanced.

The top end hunters are grouped in with all hunters in my point. If we have a game where it’s only worth hunting a small pool or creatures and resources we will see dwindling numbers of players.

Output comps and pyrite spiking during peak demand isn’t an issue, that’s healthy supply and demand. I would actually say that if anything their price drops as so many are produced at peak demand.

Having markup distributed across many areas of the game will maintain a higher and happier player base with more opportunities to profit or find fun.

Skinny markup is a problem that will effect high end hunters more than low in many ways, my point about products being farmed faster than ever wasn’t targeted at them, overall dps achievable by players in her real hass vastly increased over the last 4 years. But uses for materials haven’t increased at the same rate.
I hope in future we will see new minings items. In not hard to macro all day long on hunting, is hard to do a mining session.
Try doing foma or monria unamped with speed increase you can just auto cycle and watch a box set or Clarkson farm easy. The only downside is swings and picking right arena right depth and claim size.
Try doing foma or monria unamped with speed increase you can just auto cycle and watch a box set or Clarkson farm easy. The only downside is swings and picking right arena right depth and claim size.
Why do I pay to play entropia? To have fun. Do I find fun if I set a macro or bot ? No. There is crafting , right? Press a few clicks and start to watch and do nothing. I feel better when my actions that are made make the final results. I am more happy when I see more better results if I continue to change and improve my play style. If I see that there are new items that will help me to do better for sure I will buy them and help again to continue this game economy. For some players is not just to set a F F F and let is start. For some is to go in a cyrcle of 10 others players and prove that is better that them. Competition is what they want. Did I have fun when demand on AH for some materials was high and no one see that "door" ...hell yes. This made me think again over the next deposits that will be done

P.S Is like when I have a "macro user" who sleep with my wife 🤣🤣....where is the plesure and fun?
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So I think something that hasn't necessarily been hit on in this thread:

A hunter grinding for Mtokens in mayhem using all UL gear might only consume a tiny amount of markup:

I.e. 30 days of hunting with a high dps fully enhanced weapon might generate 2k tokens a day at a 60k ped cycle, assuming 95% tt returns 30 days of grinding equates to:

- 60k Mayhem Tokens at a cycle cost of 1.8m PED, and that cycle would cost somewhere in the region of 9k ped in enhancer costs.

- 60k Mayhem Tokens at the current average of 150 PED markup per turn-in equates to 30k ped in markup which is distributed amongst the economy.

Just pointing out that this format of event is much better for the overall health of the economy in general with some actual figures, and while the grinding format of Mayhem is what people have grown used to, this seems like a much better way of breathing some life into the rest of the game.
Interesting read, we hope you all enjoy the event and we appreciate all the feedback so far. All feedback will be very useful when making tweaks and adjustments to this event format for the future if this style of event is something that you would like to see return.
I see some are worried that there are way to many mayhem tokens being gained from this event. A few players have indeed been very generous with their contributions to the CDF efforts but it is nowhere near some of the estimates here.
Here are some event stats.
So far 0 players have gained even close to 100k tokens.
3 players have claimed the rare token for full completion.
The three least completed bonus missions are, "Tier 1 Orders" "Welding Wire" and "Refine Gemstones"
The three most completed bonus missions are, "Extract Resources" "Tier 3 Orders" and "Gemologist"
The total amount of Mayhem Tokens in game has increased by 2% since the event started.
these are the kind of responses we need more of on this forum. thanks.
after taking some time to think about it and interacting with this....i will say i just don't have the cycle to justify turning anything in, but the MU i am getting from resources has been quite nice.
It's an interesting event and I flip flop between completing tiers and bonus missions to just supplying materials so others can do so and then buy a few legacy boxes along the way. There is decent markup to be had at this point and time if you know where to look and have the skills/tools to acquire resources without breaking your PED card. I've had to tap into ye ole memory bank to remember where certain mining resources are which has renewed my interest in mining a bit. I also think its a great way to introduce new mining and crafting gear as well as other things like the new Chronos armor.

Unlike other events where it seems like EU becomes "instance stagnant" this event is more engaging, in my opinion.

It will be interesting to see how its tweaked in future iterations.

Will there be perfected mining rings or other unknown boosted gear and what will that mean?

*Secretly wishing for Aliens M56 Smartgun combat harness and head mounted sight for my Adjusted Ravenger*
the problem isn’t the event. It’s that the event can be done endlessly. Anyone who thinks the top mayhem botters aren’t also doing the most turn ins must be a nomag
Has anyone seen an Enhanced Talytic Convertor Blueprint drop recently or a Jzar Scope Blueprint?
[Enhanced Talytic Converters Blueprint] still in the drop, and it costs 20-50 ped. But this is mainly for the collection, as you need Level 78 of Metal Engineer to craft. I hope no one will blame those who have achieved this. They have the right to benefit from previously spent efforts in skilling. And there are a lot of such crafters in the game, among them is also a cruel competition that makes a profit not so high. And we have an incentive to strive for this.

[Jzar Precision Scope Blueprint] seems very rare drop, or removed from the drop-list. But all who wanted to have already have it. This is only a matter of price. This is not the Dante BP or Evil BP, etc. which is impossible to buy.
A high level for efficient production is also required and the cost will be quite high enough.
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the problem isn’t the event. It’s that the event can be done endlessly. Anyone who thinks the top mayhem botters aren’t also doing the most turn ins must be a nomag
What is the problem with that?
They are paying for it.
What is the problem with that?
They are paying for it.
i dont see a big problem with people "grinding" for tokens.

however i think the mission itself should only being able to be done once , juste like other mayhems. At least i'm not aware that you can abandon and retake other mayhems.
i dont see a big problem with people "grinding" for tokens.

however i think the mission itself should only being able to be done once , juste like other mayhems. At least i'm not aware that you can abandon and retake other mayhems.
As far as i know you cant do that with resource mayhem either, the thing ppl is doing is farming tokens by turning over materials, there seams to be no cap on how much materials you can turn in. I don't see any problem with that either, ppl are paying for their tokens and it's generating good markup for others.
As far as i know you cant do that with resource mayhem either, the thing ppl is doing is farming tokens by turning over materials, there seams to be no cap on how much materials you can turn in. I don't see any problem with that either, ppl are paying for their tokens and it's generating good markup for others.
The main mission can be cancelled and taken again after doing till 10k points
So people can get around 20k tokens everytime they do.
Never have I thought I would have a proper excuse to get my mining and crafting skills over levels 20-30 and just as I'm about to hit 400 in swordsman :ROFLMAO:

I guess there should be no excuses !

Looking to scann you online to see hows the Crafting & Mining Skills !
The Looting ones we already know !
What is the problem with that?
They are paying for it.
The problem is that in a regular mayhem the best botters can loot about 30-40k tokens. With this event they can get over 300k.

In economics we have something called inflation. Printing more money (tokens) reduces the value of the money (tokens).

You are giving a handful of people the ability to make everyone else’s time, effort and investment worth less.
The problem is that in a regular mayhem the best botters can loot about 30-40k tokens. With this event they can get over 300k.

In economics we have something called inflation. Printing more money (tokens) reduces the value of the money (tokens).

You are giving a handful of people the ability to make everyone else’s time, effort and investment worth less.

Its more like 50-70k tokens, even more during Christmas.

Currently the turn-in markups are hovering around 0.5 ped per token if you're smart on what you craft or turn in. Just scrounge up 100k ped and you can do the same and get 300k tokens, easy no? However, to be able to make 1200 turn-ins you're probably going to shift the markup so much higher that's going to approach if not go over 1 ped per token. So maybe now said player needs to pay somewhere close to 200-300k ped for those same 300k tokens.

It's still great for the economy as that money is going straight to other players, but I think you overestimate just how much people will engage with the event at these prices. Turn-in rate is already way lower than what it was on day 1+2, I'd be surprised if there were more than 2-3 people close to 150k mtokens gained by the end of the event.
Its more like 50-70k tokens, even more during Christmas.

Currently the turn-in markups are hovering around 0.5 ped per token if you're smart on what you craft or turn in. Just scrounge up 100k ped and you can do the same and get 300k tokens, easy no? However, to be able to make 1200 turn-ins you're probably going to shift the markup so much higher that's going to approach if not go over 1 ped per token. So maybe now said player needs to pay somewhere close to 200-300k ped for those same 300k tokens.

It's still great for the economy as that money is going straight to other players, but I think you overestimate just how much people will engage with the event at these prices. Turn-in rate is already way lower than what it was on day 1+2, I'd be surprised if there were more than 2-3 people close to 150k mtokens gained by the end of the event.

I would be very happy to see a report by the end of even with WHO and How many M tokens / Rare / And other goodies they have got out of Legacy boxes.

#1 X Avatar -> Turn-ins 21390 -> M Tokens 239.438
#2 Y Avatar -> Turn-ins 19583 -> M Tokens 180.302
#3 Z Avatar -> Turn-ins 100 -> M Tokens 102.000
I would be very happy to see a report by the end of even with WHO and How many M tokens / Rare / And other goodies they have got out of Legacy boxes.

#1 X Avatar -> Turn-ins 21390 -> M Tokens 239.438
#2 Y Avatar -> Turn-ins 19583 -> M Tokens 180.302
#3 Z Avatar -> Turn-ins 100 -> M Tokens 102.000
Might be asking too much to get a broken-down list, but I've noticed a significant uptick in the number of rare tokens being looted from Legacy boxes. I'd love if MA was forced to release some kind of drop rates, but also given the wave system, I bet that's next to impossible. But does seem like people appear to be quite regularly pulling a rare during wave with only a few boxes open - though disclaimer, I've opened a fair few and the best I've received is probably a total of 5x stacks of 20x 15mg pills and a P85 finder.

Maybe @Charlie|MindArk can do some more regular posts throughout the mayhem with total stat summaries of # Mtokens pulled, and some other high-level stats, while it will obfuscate the high-rollers, we'll be able to infer some information from it.
Its more like 50-70k tokens, even more during Christmas.

Currently the turn-in markups are hovering around 0.5 ped per token if you're smart on what you craft or turn in. Just scrounge up 100k ped and you can do the same and get 300k tokens, easy no? However, to be able to make 1200 turn-ins you're probably going to shift the markup so much higher that's going to approach if not go over 1 ped per token. So maybe now said player needs to pay somewhere close to 200-300k ped for those same 300k tokens.

It's still great for the economy as that money is going straight to other players, but I think you overestimate just how much people will engage with the event at these prices. Turn-in rate is already way lower than what it was on day 1+2, I'd be surprised if there were more than 2-3 people close to 150k mtokens gained by the end of the event.

A lot of people Will be limited by their bankroll. But chances are there will be a not-so-small group of people with hundreds of K Mtokens by the end of this event. There will be intense fighting over future restocks I suspect
Might be asking too much to get a broken-down list, but I've noticed a significant uptick in the number of rare tokens being looted from Legacy boxes. I'd love if MA was forced to release some kind of drop rates, but also given the wave system, I bet that's next to impossible. But does seem like people appear to be quite regularly pulling a rare during wave with only a few boxes open - though disclaimer, I've opened a fair few and the best I've received is probably a total of 5x stacks of 20x 15mg pills and a P85 finder.

Maybe @Charlie|MindArk can do some more regular posts throughout the mayhem with total stat summaries of # Mtokens pulled, and some other high-level stats, while it will obfuscate the high-rollers, we'll be able to infer some information from it.

Are you sure those are legacy boxes though?
Remember that people are opening insane amounts of boxes now to participate in the event
A lot of people Will be limited by their bankroll. But chances are there will be a not-so-small group of people with hundreds of K Mtokens by the end of this event. There will be intense fighting over future restocks I suspect

I think you underestimate just how many huge stacks of tokens are already in existence in the game - even if this event didn't happen that would always be the case. For me personally, this event is great, as I don't have the ability to farm 24/7 or have multiple people play my account during mayhems so my token accumulation rate is pretty poor compared to the high-rollers or botters who excel in the current mayhem format.

That said, I'm trying to be fiscally responsible and only target turn-ins which make economical sense, of which there are very few remaining, so I doubt my turn-ins are going to increase that much from where they are today.

Are you sure those are legacy boxes though?
Remember that people are opening insane amounts of boxes now to participate in the event

Im actually not sure, aside from getting UA to mine why boxes would be necessarily opened now, there's a significant drop in hunting activity and a number of players have swapped to mining. There's little use for pills, so a bit unsure on this one - you very well could be correct and they're just using it as a deposit vehicle to get money into the game to participate. Impossible to know, but I have spoken to a number of the rare token looters and they've all confirmed they came from legacy boxes.
Mitt i stan bor en kille som heter Kalle
Och Kalle har ett träd som han kallar sitt eget
Han ligger där uppe och drömmer och fantiserar
Om allt möjligt och om Emma

Emma finns bara i fantasin
Men hon är fin tänker Kalle

Under trädet sitter morfar och läser tidningen
Morfar tycker om att läsa om allt nytt som har hänt
Men Kalle han gillar att mest ligga stilla
I toppen och sakta gungas av vinden