Selling: Chinese Spam Be Gone

give us BO price, NOW.
Instead of dealing with the root cause they band aid it with having moderators delete the threads...

Don't you need to be verified/activated after creating an account before posting?
Any criticism about this cuts both ways. If you need to rely on others to always be diligent with your security, then you'll never run out of opportunities to complain. It is simple, really:

Don't use the same email+password combination which you use for other, more critical applications (including the game itself, all the more since this is RCE!)

This applies to the combination as well as email, password each separately. Make free accounts somewhere for purposes like this forum, which wouldn't cause damage if you had to discard it. Plus, that we have 2FA for the game doesn't invalidate this either, compromising each one of two factors is equally bad.