Consequences of Resource Mayhem

Sep 21, 2021
(Warning: Bit of a long read, grab a coffee first :coffee:)

Looking back at Resource Mayhem, I think there are valid points of discussion of what the consequences might or might not be.
I also believe more people could be made aware of what actually happened during Resource Mayhem and what quantities of tokens people pulled.
I have some general questions about this and it would be great to hear your thoughts as well - I will post those questions at the end of this post.


As you know, Pulling Mayhem tokens (Mtokens) in Resource Mayhem, people discovered, basically cost very little.
For years, people with 2.0 high eff-weapons had been looting Mtokens in Mayhems for 0.45-0.6 PED each in Mayhems (give or take). People with 1.0 Weapons farmed Mtokens
for 1 PED each (again, give or take).

In resource Mayhem, anyone could walk up to the auctioneer, buy materials from other players, hand in these materials and stockpile Mtokens for 0.4 PED each, 0.3 PED, and eventually 0.5, ped each, easily. What had taken players 1 or 2 years of grinding, could be achieved by walking between the Auctioneer and the Resource NPC in a week. And the costs - Even cheaper.

Then came Legacy boxes. Legacy boxes obviously contained (and contains) large quantities of Rare tokens. These boxes sold for high prices and those prices never dropped during Resource Mayhem, as people knew they would keep looting Rare tokens. People who were doing the endlessly repeatable turn-ins simply sold their Legacy boxes, got most of their peds back, and Kept re-investing in Mayhem tokens (and who could blame them, right?):

Buy/craft resources > Pull Mtokens > Sell Legacy Boxes > Get most PED back > Repeat

After the event, as people had secured their Mtokens, people started to talk about how much they did or didn't pull.
Just as a few examples: One person with low but consistent effort pulled 360K Mtokens for 72K PED - 0.2 PED Per token.
This was through the steps described above: buy materials, pull tokens, then sell the Legacy boxes. Rinse and repeat. This was done during just a part of RM, it did not require the whole period of the event. Other people kept pulling Mtokens for the entirety of the event.

Another person pulled 60K tokens for 13K ped (0.2/Token as well) and outlined it clearly in a forum post here on PCF.
You then have people who did the same, but put considerably more effort and bankroll into it.

I would say that it is obvious there is now a sizeable amount of people who surpassed several hundred thousand Mtokens, and a fair amount above 500K Mtokens as well. It was just a numbers game.

Then we have the next category of players. These were the people who identified the right materials to craft and crafted themselves. Some of these people were pulling Mayhem tokens for as low as 7 PEC per token. That is 7K PED for 100K MTokens. Once you start looking at the crafters and their amount of globals during RM you see the scope of it.

Token costs looked something like this:

Buy resources from Auction > Pull Tokens > Sell Legacy Boxes - 0.2 PED/Token
Craft correct Resources > Pull Tokens > Sell Legacy Boxes - 0.07 PED/Token

For a lot of people who participated in RM, the costs for 100K tokens were thus 20K. For some, it was less than half of that.

If we forget about Rare Tokens, Mayhem Vendor Pulls costs now look like this for a lot of people:
Price of Mayhem Vendor Pulls (not counting rares)
Item Low-Medium Effort, buying resources from auction (0.2PED/Token) High Effort, crafting correct resources
Mayhem Resto 24K PED 8.4K PED
BC-30 6K PED 2.1K PED
LP-40 Perfected 12K PED 4.2K PED
LP-120 19K PED 6.6K PED
BP-130 25K PED 8.7K PED

When you see these numbers - Honestly, what are your thoughts? Because this is already some of the prices people have been pulling some of the last remaining items for
and included them in trades etc (Mayhem Resto, for example).

Rare Tokens

The second factor to highlight from this event is how Rare Tokens changed. The legacy boxes gave players a lot of rare tokens and are still doing that. It is not strange that Legacy Boxes kept their prices throughout the whole Resource Mayhem, since players looted Rare tokens as never before (Chronos parts were worth less than Xmas 2023, its the rares people were after).

We can look at the numbers.

Amount of looted Rare tokens, first 8 months 2023:253
Amount of looted Rare tokens, first 8 months 2024:472

The amount is high, but not catastrophic. But boxes still remain in the game and the amount of rares dropping is still higher than before.
We are therefore sitting with an empty Mayhem Vendor, and a larger amount of Mtokens and Rare tokens among players than ever before.


Considering the amount of Mayhem tokens in the game now, and to some extent Rare tokens as well - What is the way forward here?
In terms of future restocks, I see several alternatives but no single alternative that is not complicated.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this as well, and if you think I am wrong or whether there are other alternatives.

These are some alternatives I see:

1. MindArk does a normal re-stock, which will be cleaned out immediately. This will lead to a lot of remaining people having no opportunity to pull
items and they will be sitting on large amounts of tokens for a long time.

2. MindArk increases the amount of items to be re-stocked. This will let people pull items but drive down the value of items significantly.

3. MindArk increases the prices in the Mayhem vendor (inflation).

These are just some ideas for possible outcomes I see. Let me know what your views are.


I will wrap up this post with some questions about all this. Feel free to comment, tell me I am wrong, or provide any opinions you might have on this.
Some of these questions echo what I mentioned above.

- Will there be an incentive to grind normal Mayhem events now, when a lot of people already are sitting on a lot of Mtokens?

- If people pulled 100k Mtokens for every 7K PED, how many Mtokens do you think these players pulled in total?
Remember, the only restraining factor (after bankroll) was the speed/pace they had to sell their Legacy boxes at - And Legacy boxes never stopped selling.

- If anyone could pull Mtokens for 0.2PED/Token simply by purchasing resources from players, how much Mtokens do you think players managed to farm?

- Is the only thing left now stopping the floodgate of vendor pulls the fact that MA controls the Vendor?

- If MA does not re-stock more items than previously, will people be sitting on their Tokens without being able to pull anything?

- If there are larger re-stocks of items to compensate for this, how much in value will items drop?

- Perhaps it is actually a good thing for prices to drop significantly? So that more new players have more options to start playing EU?

Thank you for taking your time to read. (y)
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Time for Mindark to change the way these events functions a little bit a new balance manager maybe. Mindark have no clue really it should be fair for everyone even a level 1 player with only $12 budget a month budget.

prices coming down is a good thing who the hell can afford to play this game I've stopped depositing until i see change with this company at least i can put food on the table now and pay my rent :)

Will play Fornight and call of duty much better games put $12 in those games and it last years permanent or more.
They need to realize that they don't have to stock the guns they can actually add new items to the vendor that isn't a weapon.
I also propose that they add resource mayhem token vendor for this and that mayhem tokens won't be earned from resource mayhem instead resource mayhem tokens with new items. Stuff that is useful for all professions perhaps even ul spaceships the sky is the limit. Mayhem tokens can still be earned through mayhem.
They need to realize that they don't have to stock the guns they can actually add new items to the vendor that isn't a weapon.
I also propose that they add resource mayhem token vendor for this and that mayhem tokens won't be earned from resource mayhem instead resource mayhem tokens with new items. Stuff that is useful for all professions perhaps even ul spaceships the sky is the limit. Mayhem tokens can still be earned through mayhem.

People are just gonna wait until they re-stock new weapons anyways. Nobody is forced to pull items they don't want.
They did add a lot of New usefull stuff noone is willing to pull

Like for example crit sights
High dmg amps and so on

Everything comes with its cost of tokens

I need 250 tokens per amp to max out my Main weapon,one amp i Brake in like one to max 2 days depending on my time

So thats about 7000 tokens i can spend on amps alone

They dont oversupply the token market with the Event imo, people just got a delay to understand

I did not take part of the Event, mainly was selling the mu loots
But if i had choose the tokens then i wuld have pulled atleast two laser sights and a Ton of amps since they boost my weapon to 4 dpp +

Let alone the crazy benefit of arsonistic and resto chip.
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I wouldn't see it that grim. We all expect refill and I'm sure it will come pretty soon, but won't be unlimited. Eventually people will also start to pull items they never pulled before, exactly because the tokens were so cheap to get. Not many people can/want/are willing to sit on hundreds of thousands tokens for another year or so, when clearly MA plans to do more resource mayhems (and we still have regular mayhems) so people can always buy more later...

This is the change people wanted, so MA delivered...

Now, let's not forget the biggest benefit of resource mayhem. Prices were so high, that it was almost impossible not to profit on it if you decided not to "buy" tokens, but to enjoy increased MU and approach this event from that side.
Another huge benefit of this event was, that it was for everyone and I literally mean everyone. Low levels, mid levels, high levels, hunters, miners, crafters, everyone was able to benefit at their own speed based on their skill/level/cycle/whatever... I personally am looking forward to next one and will decide later which approach I'll choose for it.

I might be totally off of course, only time and refill amount will tell :)
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Only thing i am worried about these events is that it ties alot PED away from economy liquidy and that might slowdown trading quite a bit off event.

Yes it was great spike of MU and PED added economy liquidy but does it feel now that there is more PED floating around?

Even during Migration it felt things didnt sell that well.

Might be just a feeling tho. 🤷‍♂️

Was refreshing event for sure! 👏👏👏
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I dont think MA crunched the numbers right or thought that it was going to be used by a ton of players like it was... its a great event if they can balance it out a little better next 1... but ya they might have to do some inflation or something by jacking up token costs on guns but also dropping more tokens faster at a proportionate speed in hunting mayhems... or something
Loot 2.5/3.0 from UE5 is going to change things anyway. These next few events are just supposed to milk people and hold their ped so it's more difficult to withdraw before the update that may or may not ever happen.
I hope non of the proposed option will happen.

These are some alternatives I see:

1. MindArk does a normal re-stock, which will be cleaned out immediately. This will lead to a lot of remaining people having no opportunity to pull
items and they will be sitting on large amounts of tokens for a long time.

2. MindArk increases the amount of items to be re-stocked. This will let people pull items but drive down the value of items significantly.

3. MindArk increases the prices in the Mayhem vendor (inflation).

These are just some ideas for possible outcomes I see. Let me know what your views are.
MA need to change and add new items specially L items what ppl can use for example mining items. Or add some new things... like one extram a miner boot that excavate your mining resources - against a tax (MU) lest say slow one 5% fast one 20% (exactly how today the mining amps are priced).
Just to turn this argument around a bit...If people thought the tokens were worth more than what they went for, the MU price of the mats would have been higher to compensate.

Whatever you want to try to do, the current market/players sets the prices.

There are no decent gear in the trader to grab for high level players, so some of the devaluation of the mayhem tokens is due to risk taken when pulling token to what MA will do in the future for mayhem tokens.
Otherwise, it is just a property of the current economy where there's too much gear and not enough players, so there's not much demand/prices are low for gear.
I'm probably going to repeat myself here but the only logical move forward for MA is to remove ul items from the token trader altogether (leave it for limited items) and replace it with a token auction house.

This lets the players dictate the price and decide how many tokens they are willing to give up for certain items and gives everyone a fair shot at bidding on an item instead of waiting in front of the trader for an oddly timed refill.

What MA definitely should avoid doing is keep flooding the market with super high end weaponry because sooner or later every serious player will get their hands on one and this will inevitably lead to these guns dropping in price and the incentive to keep grinding mayhem diminishes.
I'm probably going to repeat myself here but the only logical move forward for MA is to remove ul items from the token trader altogether (leave it for limited items) and replace it with a token auction house.

This lets the players dictate the price and decide how many tokens they are willing to give up for certain items and gives everyone a fair shot at bidding on an item instead of waiting in front of the trader for an oddly timed refill.

Good idea. (y)
Loot 2.5/3.0 from UE5 is going to change things anyway. These next few events are just supposed to milk people and hold their ped so it's more difficult to withdraw before the update that may or may not ever happen.
This 👍

Glad to see that i am not the only one thinking this was the case.
This lets the players dictate the price and decide how many tokens they are willing to give up for certain items and gives everyone a fair shot at bidding on an item instead of waiting in front of the trader for an oddly timed refill.
This would indeed be nice. 👍
my guess is that they are preparing for eu5 and weapon changes.

i think the first wave of modulair weapon parts are going to be from vendor
It is not that deep, I for one welcome the RM and what it will cause, to me, possibly cheaper weapons (yes I know it will piss people off, do I give a shit? No!) maybe some more interesting stuff at mayhem vendor, etc. I for one welcomed it and if there is one next year I am planning a big fat investment in to it. This year I was not prepared with funds and was skeptical about it, but I did spend 10k peds and when I saw how easy it is to get mtokens and other stuff I was happy. 😎

P.S. also would like to thank MA for making C-80 and C-120 L, best weapons ever and I bought shit loads, this will keep me from paying stupid prices for a UL gun very long time. 😂
Then we have the next category of players. These were the people who identified the right materials to craft and crafted themselves. Some of these people were pulling Mayhem tokens for as low as 7 PEC per token.
The only people who got the upper hand were those who started buying mats as soon as this event dropped. Which was extremely risky to do.
After few days, MU spent per token was quite stable among all the hand ins. Which was reflected in the spreadsheet that everyone used (i think it was Draniies).

Even if someone had a huge stock of mats, they bought earlier and/or cheaper, those tokens cant be considered 7 pec per piece, as those mats couldve been sold, then and there, for an equivalent of 20 pec each. People might think they profited more than those who bought from the AH. But, in fact, it was actually the same (if you account for the lost margins those sells would generate).

As for event itself: it was a much better way for acquiring tokens than it was before. This format allowed everyone to participate. All professions. All levels. Everyone got something based on how much they spent.
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The only people who got the upper hand were those who started buying mats as soon as this event dropped. Which was extremely risky to do.
After few days, MU spent per token was quite stable among all the hand ins. Which was reflected in the spreadsheet that everyone used (i think it was Draniies).

Even if someone had a huge stock of mats, they bought earlier and/or cheaper, those tokens cant be considered 7 pec per piece, as those mats couldve been sold, then and there, for an equivalent of 20 pec each. People might think they profited more than those who bought from the AH. But, in fact, it was actually the same (if you account for the lost margins those sells would generate).

As for event itself: it was a much better way for acquiring tokens than it was before. This format allowed everyone to participate. All professions. All levels. Everyone got something based on how much they spent.

Yeah that was interesting. And some assumptions there as well about what "everyone" was doing.

Price per token is counting how much PED/bankroll you sink into Resource Mayhem - And how much Mtokens you get back after Resource Mayhem. This was not counting on what people had in storage before or anything such (and I wasn't even suggesting anything like that).

I remember being able to buy the wrong materials/resources at the end of Resource Mayhem for a bit more than 0.5 PED per token. Then you could sell boxes and bring the cost down to 0.2 PED/token. People had "Buying"-threads for finished hand-ins which were 0.5 (0.2 each) up to the end of the event.

This was at the end of RM, when prices indeed were higher. Taking that into account, I think you also understand that people were pulling tokens cheaper than 0.2/Token during previous weeks.
Yeah that was interesting. And some assumptions there as well about what "everyone" was doing.

Price per token is counting how much PED/bankroll you sink into Resource Mayhem - And how much Mtokens you get back after Resource Mayhem. This was not counting on what people had in storage before or anything such (and I wasn't even suggesting anything like that).

I remember being able to buy the wrong materials/resources at the end of Resource Mayhem for a bit more than 0.5 PED per token. Then you could sell boxes and bring the cost down to 0.2 PED/token. People had "Buying"-threads for finished hand-ins which were 0.5 (0.2 each) up to the end of the event.

This was at the end of RM, when prices indeed were higher. Taking that into account, I think you also understand that people were pulling tokens cheaper than 0.2/Token during previous weeks.
If you didnt suggest it, then i dont see how "next category of players" got "value per token" from 20 pec to 7 pec when market was "aware" of the demand (just few days in) and have been constantly correcting itself.

Those who run the risk of first boxes and BOing loads of mats from the AH early on. Its ok to get paid for assuming risks. But it was such a small part of the event, that its hardly worth considering as a general rule for a meaningful part of the participants (and a total amount of tokens acquired).

On the same note:
Once you start looking at the crafters and their amount of globals during RM you see the scope of it.
When you are taking into consideration an increased volume of crafting, you cant do it in isolation. The volume of sells also drastically increased for those same items (sells made at a market price). Its because a lot of those crafters you mention didnt craft for turn ins, but in order to sell those items (and even more went P2P, as you said, be it via game advertisement, or buying threads).

TLDR: did people get tokens below market? Yes (depending on how patient you were, bulk, etc).
Were there a meaningful amount of tokens acquired at 35% price vs market? Most certainly nope.
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what is the problem is prices are lower?
let more people afford a 2.0 dream item
halve the cost of a dream
cant see the problem

Lure in 50k fresh players please ... this will INCREASE values of items and swueeze MU.
release SOULBOUND ITEMS at mayhem without use of a rare, you will see that no one will pull those.
all pulls are for resale apart a 5% of items.
lower price will jsut readuyce the margins of token farmers, not hurt economy.
In a RCE, it's difficult to take any action that does not both create winners and losers. Winners like to win, and losers don't like to lose. That doesn't mean we have to "fix" the losers losing. People who bought TWEN tokens early and held them, lost. Some people, like me, stopped selling once the price got below 50 pec, and kept hoping beyond hope that we'd get a limited vendor for pills or something, never happened. I won a little and I lost a little. Just the way it goes. Not a problem that needs fixing necessarily.

In spring of 2020 I made some money buying shares of cruise liners and selling on the bounce. If I'd held, I'd have been nearly wiped out. Timing is everything, just as true in RCE.
release SOULBOUND ITEMS at mayhem without use of a rare, you will see that no one will pull those.
all pulls are for resale apart a 5% of items.
Soul bound items are unpopular because this is an RCE.

I think your 5% estimate is way too extreme. I am currently using a weapon I pulled myself and waiting for a refill to do it again. I'd imagine the same for many.
TLDR: did people let tokens below market? Yes (depending on how patient you were, bulk, etc).
Were there a meaningful amount of tokens acquired at 35% price vs market? Most certainly nope.

Lets remember the actual, old market prices we had for Mtokens. You are just talking about the already derailed prices from RM.
Lets say someone with a high-decent eff gun pulled tokens for 0.6 Each.

Did people get tokens below market? Yes. In the end of the event, you could buy them from auction for 0.2 each, which would be about 33% of real market prices with a decent 2.0 setup.

Where there a meaningful amount of tokens acquired at 0.07/each, that is 11.5% of the old Mayhem Market Price? Yes - In a small game like this, people pulled enough Tokens that it will, at least temporarily, affect the economy.
Lets remember the actual, old market prices we had for Mtokens. You are just talking about the already derailed prices from RM.
Lets say someone with a high-decent eff gun pulled tokens for 0.6 Each.

Did people get tokens below market? Yes. In the end of the event, you could buy them from auction for 0.2 each, which would be about 33% of real market prices with a decent 2.0 setup.

Where there a meaningful amount of tokens acquired at 0.07/each, that is 11.5% of the old Mayhem Market Price? Yes - In a small game like this, people pulled enough Tokens that it will, at least temporarily, affect the economy.
Market value isnt 60 pec. If that would be the case, people would pay that price during RM. They paid 20 pec instead.
You dont need to "remember" old prices. Tokens, for one reason or another, lost value. RM didnt cause it. Only displayed a general consensus.

About 7 pec per token: I both traded and crafted during that time. And can assure you that the competition for resources was very fierce.
Unless you have some other proof, beyond what you expressed in the OP, i cant see where did those "magical crafters" get such an edge vs everybody else.
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Market value isnt 60 pec. If that would be the case, people would pay that price during RM. They paid 20 pec instead.
You dont need to "remember" old prices. Tokens, for one reason or another, lost value. RM didnt cause it. Only displayed a general consensus.

Yes exactly - That was my point - RM changed the market value of Mayhem tokens :)
Value was something. And now - It is something else.

Of course we should remember the previous prices/value of Mtokens that we have had for what, nearly 10 years?
Because their value (cost to farm) were directly inter-linked with the value of the pulled mayhem items.

Tokens, for one reason or another, lost value. RM didnt cause it. Only displayed a general consensus.

No, not for "One reason or another" - They literally lost value because of Resource Mayhem.

Question for you - what do you think happens to the value of existing and future items when the value of Mtokens (and rare tokens) have changed?
Do you think there will be a general consensus to pay the same prices as before for a fresh LP-120 when it costs 14K to pull instead of 60K?
Yes exactly - That was my point - RM changed the market value of Mayhem tokens :)
Value was something. And now - It is something else.
No, not for "One reason or another" - They literally lost value because of Resource Mayhem.
No. You could say RM changed value of tokens if those would start at 60 pec ("old price"), at the start of the event, and gradually descended into 20 pec ("new price"). It wasnt the case. In your own words:

I remember being able to buy the wrong materials/resources at the end of Resource Mayhem for a bit more than 0.5 PED per token. Then you could sell boxes and bring the cost down to 0.2 PED/token. People had "Buying"-threads for finished hand-ins which were 0.5 (0.2 each) up to the end of the event.

This was at the end of RM, when prices indeed were higher
There was nothing near 60 pec, nor at the start, nor till the end. There was no continuity. Hence the "change" already happened before the event.

Question for you - what do you think happens to the value of existing and future items when the value of Mtokens (and rare tokens) have changed?
Do you think there will be a general consensus to pay the same prices as before for a fresh LP-120 when it costs 14K to pull instead of 60K?
People will buy at the price they are willing to pay under new circumstances. Price of the already pulled LP-120 also seen changes regardless of what it was pulled for initially.

If anything this event put on display is: tokens value wasnt a reflection of the current market price (set at 60 pec). Everyone agreed on that since day 1.
It was kept there by those people who were stack in the idea of: "it costed me x to farm, so you HAVE to pay me that", regardless of what the market was doing (for quite some time now).
In other words: you held too long on a bearish market.
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Market value isnt 60 pec. If that would be the case, people would pay that price during RM. They paid 20 pec instead.
You dont need to "remember" old prices. Tokens, for one reason or another, lost value. RM didnt cause it. Only displayed a general consensus.

About 7 pec per token: I both traded and crafted during that time. And can assure you that the competition for resources was very fierce.
Unless you have some other proof, beyond what you expressed in the OP, i cant see where did those "magical crafters" get such an edge vs everybody else.
Would you apply that same logic for the increased Ziplex drop rate?
Ziplex - Link