LOL gratznemi harness
goblin thighs (M)
nemi harness
Yes, if you scan a few 'Mature' Corns, you'll find that there are two different mobs with different stats - the Youngs are apparently mis-labelled.
mature/youngs ouch on the points tally good thing not many kills there tho
new loot - gold eye shadow
Ahh.. My first GlobalIll never forget my beloved Cornundacauda...
are you sure it's not shins?
are you sure it's not thighs?
I see Cornundacauda young in road between Port Atlantis and Camp Swamp (heading NE from Mall).
But never see "youngs" before VU10.
Where can i find a dense spawn of Cornundacauda ? For the Iron mission ... Im tired of running around for each one (like on TI North Drakes and Fort Zeus) any better spawn, than those two ?