Price Check Cost to go from a105 HC to a204 OC?


Apr 4, 2006
Ft. Liquordale
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Ben Rumsponge Rumson
I’m thinking about upgrading my laser amplifier. I have a105 hypercharged and want a204 overclocked.
I’ve done some research, but data is spotty.
Any thoughts on what it’ll cost me?
Too much for what the amp provides. You will pay an arm and leg for medicore damage amp. They stil trying to get +20k or so for hyper 204 so prob half that
One on AH for about 19-20k.
I’ll check the AH, but that seems pretty high. I‘ll probably only get around 2k for mine.
Since I’ll only gain about 4 dps and 0.03 dpp, I guess I should probably look at other possibilities.
Should be using an a105imp or hc204. Depending what your weapond dmg interval is. Other ones suck
It’s a Ranked Scorpion. The A204 OC is the best fit, but the a105 HC is a close second.
If you have 20k to spend on an amp you might put that ped to better use on a better weapon. Not saying the scorpion is bad, but your one biggest asset should be your weapon first and foremost. Spend the money where you will get the most benefit.
It gets complicated, but I don’t see a viable upgrade at this point. I’d love to get an Imp M2870 TWEN, but that doesn’t seem likely.
I really don’t see myself spending 20k for than amp, so maybe I need to look at a FAP or ring upgrade and see if there is something that makes sense there.