"Cyrenes" dedicated mining area for Universe Ores and Enmatters


Apr 2, 2008
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KrupT KrupT RaveR
just thought i would go and experience this new addition to planet Cyrene , and i can tell you , i am not impressed at all with this upgrade , unless things will get better soon , i would not bother wasting ped here atm , Thin narrow islands with sheer drop offs into water , and many steep hills and cliffs taking up the bulk of the mining area . these bridges are made so you have the chance of bouncing off into the water , so then you gotta find an area that isnt Sheer to get back up , other wise , Spend Ped to TP1 back up . #Sadface

In the end as best i could roughly do with LBML , i could drop within 50 drops within half decent land areas on my run , which isnt enough for a dedicated mining area imo

Now for the Universal claims , expect the cut and paste Oil / Lyst Fest , if thats what you are into , myself i feel more regret coming here , im sorry to bash on the planet , but OMG , how you gonna get people to come when this is what you came up with .

Good Luck with any future meetings you have with MA in regards to development , but this imo is not developed without any thought or feedback from miners :)
I would post this on the Cyrene forum for better responses.

Kris (Cyrene forum moderator) acts quickly on this kind of feedback.
