Dark BrotherHood 3rd Anniversary Party


Jun 21, 2006
Damage Inc.
Avatar Name
Casay Casay Onyx
Hello to all the friends of Dark Brotherhood!

Our soc. is going to be celebrating 3 years in EU and we'd like our friends to come have fun with us. Most of the tickets are being handed out by soc members to their friends but there are a few tickets for sale at the land marker.

Date: Sunday, April 1, 2007
Time: 19:00-20:30
Place: Emerald Lakes Land Area near the mall.
Prizes: 1st place 250 ped, 2nd place 100 ped and 3rd place 50 ped.
Ticket cost at Land Marker is 20 ped each.
Mobs- Small Trox, Large Merps and Exos. RobRoy has been kind enough to put the spawns to max numbers so we'll have plenty to kill. It's a large land area so it should be great fun.

This is mainly a have fun event although there are prizes. We'll be tuning into the realityport.com radio and listening to the CND stream. I'll be dancing at the landmarker! ;)

So for our friends that have their tickets, get registered!!! To our soon to be new friends, come join in the fun!!

:yay: :yay: :yay:
Habby Birthday DBH

its going to be good fun and im really looking forward to it, mainly due to u hyping it up for 3 weeks ;) and ty for the guest tickets
Cant wait! :yay: :wtg: :woot: :banana: :woohoo:

should be a great day!
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its going to be good fun and im really looking forward to it, mainly due to u hyping it up for 3 weeks ;) and ty for the guest tickets

Me? Hype up an event??? :D
So glad one of my best EU friends and origional soc mates gonna be there!
A little over three years ago I ran into this guy all in black sweating and buying sweat. He was paying more for his sweat than I was, so I got to know where he hung out and went to buy elsewhere :p

I got chatting to him, and eventually started going to the rig and seeing him at the rig. Teaming, we would split oil grabs etc.

I finally decided to join his society (I was happily in Horizons when I first met him), and the rest is history... he skilled up like mad and is now not just skilled, but pretty much uber... I had this thing called a degree to get (then a new job, then WoW, then new hobbies...) so I'm still a skilless newbie :)

Best society ever :p
Best of luck to all participants :)
Congratulations on your 3 years of brotherhood ... it's a wonderful thing to have great soc mates that you can share EU time with.

At least a couple of us from JSA will be there to help you celebrate, and I think we've talked Asti into joining us, so it should be fun. Her big hair intimidates some mobs, but attracts others (those damn Igni), so that should give us an advantage maybe. She even said that if she makes it she'll build a dance floor for ya Casay, so that you have something special to dance on at the Land Marker.

See everyone there! :wtg:
What a fun event! I can't thank everyone enough for showing up and making it all so fun!! :)

Huge thanks to Asti for the AWESOME dance floor! What a nice suprize and addition to the event!! HUGE HUGZ to ya lady! Thank you so much MindStar for inviting her :)

Big gratz to the winners: LoneStar 1st, Forgo 2nd and SODI 3rd !! Woo hoo, not forever 4th hun! :wtg: Should have been Trisha in 1st though Lone.. not nice of you ..... dang, wanted one of the champs ladies up there.

There were many globals although would have loved to see many many more. The land area seemed to hold up well and not a lot of complaints about lag or spawns although a few. Sure wish MA would fix the event system a bit though. For all those that were asking for pvp. Like I said, was the wrong crowd to be pk-ing with. They are pros at this point and I could only imagine the carnage at the revive! Might have been fun though ;)

So, thanks again to all the friends and new friends made of Dark Brotherhood for making the event a success. It was my first one. May have to do it again sometime!

OH, and big hugz to Klod for his advice and help. Nothing like having help from the best event person in EU! GO CHAMPS LEAGUE! - unsolicited promo - starts up again at the end of April, check thread under CND.

Also - Huge hug to Freyr for such an awesome dress. You made my weekend hun! "cracks whip" WOO HOO!

Now - to my "bestest" friends in Dark Brotherhood- now you know why I do events all the time and how fun they are! Get your butts up to CND and join the league!! :D

Happy 3rd Birthday Dark Brotherhood!
I second the above sentiments :yay: was a great day and glad to see so many people there :)
It was a lot of fun! Thanks for the invite Casay for myself and a few of my society mates. Congradulations to the Dark BrotherHood society! :)

+ rep Casay for a great event! :wtg: :thumbup:
Definitly good time by all, I even managed to pull 2 20+ looters :wtg:

And happy b-day! :cool:
First of all, a HUGE Hug and Thank You to our lovely Event Hostess Casay ... you did a wonderful job pulling it all together ... not to mention how gorgeous you looked in your dress ...


While Ms. Casay was greeting and directing event participants, Ms. Asti (EU Dance Floor Queen), was busy building a dance floor to give the Dark Brotherhood and event guests a place to boogie down before, during (should a break be needed), and after the event ...


Asti sure did a wonderful job of not only building the dance floor, but also personalizing it specific for the Dark Brotherhood event ... nice job EU gal pal. After a brief pre-hunt dance floor party, it was time to get busy, and many scattered off the dance floor making a decision into what direction they would head ...


After we all left in search of mobs, Casay and Asti had the dance floor to themselves ... almost ... it seemed that occasionally they had intruders trying to crash the event ...


Yours truly loves the big boy Daks, so I was off to hunt them down to see if I could talk them into giving up a global or two (my mob chats work sometimes), or at least some decent loot since the prize went to the person with the most loot.

I finally came in contact with my first Dak Stalker, and as we stared each other down, I said very politely (as I pointed my Isis at him), that I hope he was carrying a little sumpin' sumpin' in wherever he carries stuff. I really thought I saw a smurk, and heard what sounded like "who's yer daddy" under his breath, but wasn't sure ... unfortunately, it was a mere few bottles of some kind of oil (I can't keep track of that stuff), so I figured it was going to take a while to kick it into high gear ...



Well, I figured since one Dak Stalker didn't do it, I would take on twins and see if that produced anything good ... sure enough, I looted a 37+ ped Emik S50 (I think), which moved me all the way up to position 13 ... it was then that I should have paid attention to the number, because it just got worse after that, and I ended up in 22nd place out of about 45 I think, so that wasn't too bad considering the event had some heavy hitters ...


In the meantime, I hear from Asti that Casay is on the dance floor giving a Dak Stalker a pep talk about crashing the event ... sometimes those mobs just never listen ... I asked Asti if she would grab the pic for me ...


It seems there were other intrusions, but Asti took a somewhat different approach since she actually had a hidden agenda ...


Apparently, Asti hypnotized an Exa Stalker into a deep sleep, then told the Exa that upon awakening, he would provide her with a brand new Exa wrap ... now I know your first thought would be ... "ya, right" ... but I assure you that underestimating Ms. Asti's capabilities is not something you want to do ... here's the proof in the puddin' ...


After things settled down on the dance floor, it seems that one event participant had enough and decided to join the ladies for a dance ... in true shades of dance parties past, he stripped down to his cobalt blue boxers and showed them what he was made of ... can you guess who it is? ...


*Yes, I know the lifeline is highlighted!* :rolleyes:


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After the event ended, most started gathering back at the dance floor for the after party and to revel in the success of the 3rd year anniversary of the Dark Brotherhood society ...


What a lovely backdrop the Emerald Lakes Mall made ... not to mention a most perfect place for the dance floor by the landmarker, even with the occasional intruders ...


As some started leaving due to the lateness in their countries, I decided to at least get a group shot of those who were left, which was comprised mostly of the Dark Brotherhood soc mates ... I highlighted its Leader Dark Fire ...
*at least he raised his hands when I asked who the Leader was, so I'm assuming I got this right*


Here's an aerial group shot for a different perspective ... the dance floor with the DB initials just really set the tone for the before and after parties ... not to mention the fun Casay and Asti had in between ...


At the end of the day ... the EU Dance Floor Queen thanked Casay and all of the Dark Brotherhood for a wonderful 3rd anniversary event, and sadly picked up the dance floor, whose boards are always placed with so much love. After all, while "the last dance" is always so special, too are the memories that are built from our incredible virtual friendships ... especially the new ones.


Thank you again Casay and the entire Dark Brotherhood society, for bringing us a fun-filled evening. I wish you continued longevity in your association with each other as soc mates, but also in your virtual friendships that support your efforts.

Hugs to you all! :grouphug:

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Why? Oh why?!! do I have to spread more rep around before giving it to MindStar again???? ?:confused: :(

Thanks sooo much for such a great story line hun! You are so amazing at it! This is so nice of you to do and now I'll have a lasting memory of the event!

Love the exo wrap Asti! Freyr, can I have one? :silly2:

HUGE HUGE HUGZ!! :) :wtg:

I just can't thank you enough lady!
Even though my skills and equipment weren't good enough to take on the fat Dai's, the big slow exo's proved reasonable for me, with one 30ped mini, which was enough to take me from 38 to 30 (along with some other OK loots).

At one point I got to 29, then quickly dropped back down as people picked up the pace.

The dancefloor was great. The company was amazing. The mobs were hardcore (for me!). Lag was slightly dodgy on a couple of occasions, but generally good.

Thanks Casay, MindStar, Asti and Robroy for the event.

And massive thanks to my DB brothers. An amazing team, I almost want to chip up some skills to help the soc skill total :)
Grats to a successful event, but more specifiacally a successful and honorable society. Of all the members I've met there isnt one person I've had a single bad experience with. :)

Casay did a very fine job with the event, cant seem to +rep again though :)

Was a very fun event, glad I could come and help celebrate it. Grats to Lonewolf and sodi as well, for thier 1st and 3rd ranks :) you guys kept me busy!

Hope to see another fine event from you casay (you rock, period. :)), and once again happy, well deserved society b-day. :)

And as always ms9 you certainly did some appropriate coverage :) nice story.
It's really nice to see socs celebrate their longevity ... my ex-soc "Hunters-Extreme" always invite my brother and I back for their celebrations. June will see the 2 year anniversary of JetStar Alliance (JSA), so we'll have to consider something special to celebrate as well, and certainly invite our new friends from the Dark Brotherhood.

I don't know about you Casay, but I love planning events, and miss doing the themed events I did at CND. Maybe I'll just have to do some things planetside so that more have an opportunity to attend.

*thinking, thinking, thinking - what holiday is coming up - Easter - oh well, can't do an egg hunt, we already know where that is - back to the drawing board* :rolleyes:

One of the things I forgot to mention, is that I wanted to thank Sir Odd Bunny (OB) for coming along as a guest since my brother and one of my soc mates couldn't make it. Even though he's a member of "Skillin' Villans" we consider him an honorary member of our soc as well since Moonie and I sort of adopted him over a year ago (I think I have the time-frame right). He's one of the nicest and sweetest people in this virtual universe you'll meet ... and now we have new friends with the Dark Brotherhood, so these events really do bring people together.

Again, "Happy 3rd Year Anniversary" ... and thank you for the invite Ms. Casay! :D

By a stroke of luck I happened to be in the area right before the event started. (I had decided to finally go add Emerald Lakes TP to my map. lol)
They were kind enough to let me tag along. I had a good time out there. :)
Happy anniversary to DB!
Thanks for a great event.

What a great event, what a great group of people and what an amazing news artical

Thankyou again to every1 for comming in for the DB 3rd birthday party event.

It was great fun and all them people really kept me busy. Ended up with 6th place.

Congratulations to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

And thanx for Skalman for taking it easy :silly2:

Thankyou very much to RobRoy for increasing the spawns and specially adding the dikiba Stalkers, was really thrilled after having checked the maturity of the dikis.

As for casay, what a great effert and what a very well organised event :D
My rep thingy had a problem and i couldent +rep you for that during the event, hope it works next time.
Thankyou very much again to casay for making our day filled with fun and joy.

God bless you.

3 cheers for DB :yay: :yay: :yay:
Love the exo wrap Asti! Freyr, can I have one?
I don't think the BP for the Asti Exo Wrap F has dropped yet. When it does, I'll pronounce Freyr to be the Official dealer. It was so warm and cuddly, but I had to put it away to keep dancing.

I'm glad people enjoyed the dancing as much as the hunting. So much of our virtual life involves the ped card, so a fun change of pace (that's free) really gets me going. Setting up the floor has become something I like to do, whether announced or not. It's sort of like an old US TV show (western) from the late '50s - early '60s, "Have Gun, Will Travel". In my case, it's "Have Floor, Will Party".

Greart event, I was just happy to be a part of it. Party on, Dark Brotherhood!
Heya everyone,

For all of you that dont know i am Casay's irl son, and couldnt attend the event do to work, but looks like you guys had alot of fun. I love the story :). thanks to all who contributed. I've met alot of the DB members and your all really good people. Hope you go far in the virtual universe. :wtg:
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