"Death Limited" Healing Service


Apr 13, 2006
Haugesund, Norway
Death Unlimited
Avatar Name
Luke Dalas Cambridge


Using our beloved tools listed below, we would like to limit your death while hunting.

Not enough healing power for you? Please, read on...


Current Paramedic Levels: Dalas: 29.15 | Freja: 30.27 (01.10.2012)
Follow my progress here.​
Check my 2011 progress here

Currently have SIB on: Vivo UR125.


Terms of Service...​

  • We charge for DECAY ONLY! NO MARKUP! (No hidden extras, like ME).
  • Since we have Tiered tools, you may wish for us to use Enhancers. These are currently provided free of charge (just ask!).
  • The same goes with your own tools. As long as we have the skill to use them, we have no problem using any tools you might want to raise Tier numbers on.
  • Tips also optional - 100% go towards improving the service!


The Adapted UR125 Unlimited!​

It's come to my attention that at times people want slightly more heals than I offer. So to solve this problem...

  • I can also call my girlfriend (Freja) to join on healing jobs.
  • OR she can take the job if I am busy.
  • She has the same equipment as I do (FAP-90 T2 and Adj SK-20 UL T4).
  • We make a powerful and very cheap healing team.

But why?

  • Get more heals than I can offer alone.
  • We work effectively as a team, reducing synch issues (like TPing) you might get with non-couples (we are sitting right next to each other in the same room).
  • It's cheap! (See below).

A price comparison


What you are seeing here is that our tools, when used together, create a close representation of the healing power of an Adapted UR125 Unlimited! Such a tool does not exist in Entropia, but we're pretty much there! If you noticed that we have slightly more decay, just imagine paying markup on the Adapted Vivo UR125 (L) which is pretty much always over 150%! We, on the other hand, don't charge Markup!


Some mobs we have helped on include:

  • Araneatrox
  • Chomper
  • Drone (Elite)
  • Eomon
  • Frescoquda
  • Furor
  • Harbinger
  • Hogglo
  • Itumatrox
  • Leviathan
  • Longtooth
  • Longu
  • Mulmun (Elite)
  • Neconu
  • Proteron
  • Rextelum
  • Scaboreas
  • Scipulor
  • Steel Bird (Elite)
  • Sumima

All with success and satisfied customers!


Looking forward to limiting your death!


Dalas & Freja.


Related links:

https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/...608-Splitter-s-UL-Adapted-T15-Healing-Service - Splitter's UL Adapted T15 Healing Service. A socmate and worthy healing colleague. Check him out!

https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?204057-Team-Kimmi-Merry-Mayhem-2010 - Team Kimmi Mayhem 2010 effort. Freja and I played a crucial role here.

https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?221173-Merry-Mayhem-Team-Kimmi-2011 - Team Kimmi Mayhem 2011 effort. Check the thread out. 4th place :)
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Death Limited - Heals of Fame

#1. Haylie DuoDuo Xu killed a creature (Furor Thief) with a value of 25490 PED!

Heal of Fortune!


#2. Don Costavaldes Costilio killed a creature (Mulmun Looter Elite) with a value of 4243PED!

Big Balls of Heal!​


#3. Don Costavaldes Costilio killed a creature (Mulmun Looter Elite) with a value of 4078PED!

Heals of Steel!​
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that will limit your sweating too :O

gl with it :)
I'll give myself a week-off-work bump. Anytime this week would be cool guys!

Also check the original post for an update.
Another week off work, could be fun to heal someone?

Let me know!
Got a few days off work, time for a bump.

Healing, etc..?
Updated the original post with an additional offer, more heals for your pecs!

I've done a few more jobs recently and been learning a lot more about mobs and the way people hunt, very enlightening stuff!

Hoping for more customers, don't be shy now! :cool:
Spider weekend bump!

Going (baby) Spider hunting? Call me ;)
Another week off work bump :yay:

Stretch those peds that extra yard with my healing service! Contact me :)
Healed my socmate Twisty on Itumatrox and he got a 50 pedder.

Check out the chat too :D

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Ooh, got hired by Simon God Adebisi and had a nice time on Longtooth with him, but it was too easy, so we stepped it up to Eomon and Simon brought 18db along. After a while, Simon had to leave but 18db and I soldiered on and ended up with a couple of globals. Here's the biggest:

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I hope to be healing those guys again soon, it was great fun!
Another hunt with Twisty, this time on big Cornundacauda, with another global!

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Had my longest but most relaxing healing job last night on Simon the sugar daddy. You can see it got rather late and we were going for hours and hours! Even so, the decay was low and we were mellow!

Also, a few of these popped up :)

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We'll do Eomon later and he'll HoF and I'll get my next Paramedic Level!
Another bump! :wtg:

I've been away for 9 days and am now back! Will be available a lot this week.

Here are some swirls from before I left :)

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Oh, and thanks Mark :)
Holy crap, today I was healing almost non-stop for 12 hours! Mainly on Longtooth, but finally on Eomon with Beni Badboy.

Here's the highlight!

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Looks like he did indeed get something big! Although not big compared to his losses unfortunately. Better luck next time!
More healing today, and another HoF. This time with arianaa from a soc I'm very fond of; -TAO- :)

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Err, I don't usually go around with PM windows obscuring my view! :ahh:
Thanks again for the heals !


Once again you helped me out with some great healing, thanks a bunch and next time lets hit a jackpot :yay:

Can you still see the longtooth when you close your eyes? No? Then we surely need to kill more ! :D

Please note I did not tell Faye to say that...

Ok, yes I did *hangs head in shame*. I healed Faye on a mission at Cayuze involving a lot of Itumatrox, a few Bristlehog, a couple of Araneatrox, a disconnect and some terrible co-ord reading. It worked out well though :)

Talking of working out well...

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More swirlies! Congrats Crimis on the HoF. Looking forward to more relaxing Longtooth hunting with you.


Once again you helped me out with some great healing, thanks a bunch and next time lets hit a jackpot :yay:

Can you still see the longtooth when you close your eyes? No? Then we surely need to kill more ! :D


Right you are! I am honoured that this was your first ever post in EF too :) Can't express how great that is! :yay:
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Are you on mate?
Well it didn't work out with Trifle unfortunately due to me just being off to bed when she needed me! Hopefully it works better next time :) At least she got the healer she was looking for in the end. Congrats on completing your Eomon mission there!

In today's news, Crimis and arianaa were back and I put them together this time! Crimis' first ever teamhunt went extremely smoothly (apart from when we got mobbed by like 5 Longtooth :D) and we had a lot of fun!

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Thought that one was worth posting because of that nice Feff! Is he sniffing his armpit?

Not great loot tonight but there's time for that ;)
nice team name :laugh: a bit of self promotion? :D grats to u luke, ari (my soc mate) and crimis.
Haha, just observe who the team leader was (Crimis). Not my idea, although I certainly wasn't complaining at the exposure :)

Oh yeah, look what just happened when I healed Einar Lee Yap. The daily HoF!

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(Yes I somehow knew this was gonna be a HoF so I got a nice camera angle :D)

Congrats Lee on this nice one within what... 5 or 6 mobs? Awesome result!
Phew, still healing loads! Ended up healing Lee and a couple of his buddies all night. That was great fun, had a hilarious time with Sea and her funky footwork lag :D

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Chose this one because it's nice and orderly. Healthbars all neat and tidy and hunters all lined up nicely :)

Hope I get to heal this bunch again!

EDIT: How could I forget this awesome screenie!

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Aaah the symmetry!
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Ok, another nice day of healing! Healed arianaa for a couple of rounds on Longtooth. A few globals there, mostly oils but nothing dramatic, just chilled smooth hunting.

Got my first call from Liena today and had a great time! We did a couple of runs during which Liena had her first solo Longtooth global:

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(Notice the sneaky Magam)

After that we took a short break and then continued with a run, and then Liena invited a friend, luna, to join us on the next one. We didn't invite the dancing Feff though :confused:

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Ah, I love jobs like this. So relaxing. Even nicer when the hunters get good loot, then everyone is happy :)

Hunters remember: Protect your Medic! I'm there to heal YOU not ME! :duh: (damn aggro-spawners).

Not to mention meeting the new people. I even ended up chatting to luna until 2am! A happy ending to a happy day :yay:

Night night! :inbed:
Ok, today was awesome!

Was healing Liena, luna each individually on Itumatrox and then both of them as a team on Longtooth (with a nice name, if I do say so myself ;))

The absolute highlight of the day was this!

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And the nice team name in the HoF list :)


Yes, yes I do! In other news, tonight was important because I managed - with the kind tips of many customers - to repair my Hedoc to its full TT value of 1280.10ped!

Thanks to all the people I've healed so far for making this possible!

Coming soon to the service, an Adapted Vivo T15 (L) which will be liberally used on customers FREE of charge!
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Bump for a great service and a special thanx to Luke for helping me get my hands on my very own fap 90 =)