do not do beacons!!!!!!!!!


Aug 7, 2006
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stuart GAMBLE gamble
Do them we was weak ������
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I dont even understand what you are asking or complaining about...
Please be more clear about what the issue is?
beacons be bugged
i did a 39 and it was solid....

A 39 pedder has always been very hard. Ends up with some epic mobs (Second Entity Echidna and Big BAN all at once) and is usually touch and go if you finish it. You need a proper team with great dps to get through it. Shaolin did one about a year ago and barely finished it. We have like 5 mins to go when we managed to drop Big BAN. Definitely need more dps and ppl. :)
Yeah this was a bummer, I was in the group, but we ultimately had too low DPS and could have used more bodies to soak that damage I think at the end. I also heard you could kite the big ban as he is slow.

There was a few minutes worth of failed shots die to being stuck which was a bummer for sure.

Worthy effort though. Just with we had 5 more mins.

Just wish they had some mechanism to recover those peds, because that is 1k+ peds lost in my case, because I had no real way to verify which beacon I was running, as a member of the team. I may have thought twice If I realized that was the 2nd from the highest beacon with only 3 people and low dps on one.
Just wish they had some mechanism to recover those peds

So true. I remember the panic when we thought we wouldn't finish. Everyone kept dropping like flies and having to run to the end. Luckily we did get through but unfortunately the loot wasn't great either :(
Beacons are no longer worth the effort, we ran hundreds 39 and 42 peddees over the past couple of years and loot returns are simply not even close to break-even.
We had a loss yes as we didn't complete it I will take it but not fun it will come Back in another way. Just be proper teamed up with loads of dps... Is more the warning
If the old rules still hold true, failed key based instances roll their loot over into the next "bonus" loot ones. Usually the system will want to dump the peds really quick. Could be worth trying again with a bigger team.
If the old rules still hold true, failed key based instances roll their loot over into the next "bonus" loot ones. Usually the system will want to dump the peds really quick. Could be worth trying again with a bigger team.

It will be long gone now I'm sure lesson learned don't play above my level lol
So moral of the story... Do beacons?
39 you need to do about 400-450k damage.

Big ban one hits everyone, but slow so u just have to kite him and its ezpz
Much easier than doing it myself thx!

First rule about, you don't talk to it secret don't let others hear and find useful information in seconds.
Ability to complete them aside, loot on beacons has been broken ever since the loot 2.0 update and even though I submit new support cases every major VU MA has not done anything to fix it.
First rule about, you don't talk to it secret don't let others hear and find useful information in seconds.

I hate to ask, but could you google that for me?