Dom_sufc's Diary


Mar 20, 2006
Dark Hunters Inc.
Avatar Name
John "Johnny Proud"
Well, every man and his dog have diaries these days, so I thought it's about time I did my own!

i've never really read the diaries on EF, although I've read a few entries, and have actually enjoyed It. Especially when Im mentioned :D

Because of this, like I said, I thought Id do my own.

For the next few weeks, my Eu life will be pretty boring, for the reader and for me. Although I'll jot It down here, and hope someone may get 5 mins of Interest from It. Hehe. And of course I love to read my own writing :D

Basically Im In between jobs (Ok, I've never actually ha a full-time one =D) so most of my time In the next few weeks, will be spent sweating, and socialising :) Im also really busy in real life, so moneys quite tight at the moment, although I do have a job application pending. So the Milky Bars are on me If I get In :tongue2:

Today has just been spent sweating, with a society friend of mine, Kendra. Nothing much to report. We just ran around N of East Syclla Mountains, sweating the local wildlife. Killing them off when dry ect. Well, Kendra did the killing, I did the... Er... The all important watching. Heheheh. Although she said loot was nothing to be missed there anyway. Infact, she lost more than she gained. xD I know the feeling...

Later, I came back on, and we decided (Me & Kendra) to go and sweat the Longu. The ones at Rei's Defence. If you go right Into the middle, there's a great spot to sweat. You can sweat a few atempts, then you die, and your not too far from the Longu. Maybe 40m. So much more efficient than Berys, where you'd be FAPing and shooting when dry ect.

After a while, Kendra became bored, and decided to go and kill a few, and she reported that they were looting nice, a few 10-15 pedders. Makes me wish I had the cash to join in! I sweated a little more, and then decided to call It a night, and come to EF and post a few, and start this diary :)

Oh, I also put my 2a Plates up for sale today, hopefully give me a little bit of PED for a small Opalo hunt at least... The things we do... Heheh. I'll buy them back sure enough when (IF) I get this job ;)

Thanks for reading my first entry,

PS. It's easy to type alot when your talking about yourself !!
Time for Instalment 2 of my diary! :D

Not much again today. I pawned a few things to satisfy my thirst for loot. Although I was wasting my time... Heheh. Not much return Im afraid.

However, as an up to the day, I got my hands on an M2725 ME from a friend. An upgrade from my Ep-21. Nice little economical HG. Nothing to shout from the hills about, but It's always nice to get something new :D

So, I took It out for a test drive with a few K ammo on some Argos. Absoloutely shit loot. but I was happy admiring the power of my new Pea-shooter. Hehehe.

When I'd finished pawning my stuff, which Included my plates, and 104 amp... I decided to have a look through my old chat logs. I made a thread about it here. I'll not re-write It. I'll just give you a link ;)

Blast From The Past

Interesting stuff :)

That's about it for today. I did say In my first post there wouldn't be anything too special for a while. Busy In real life ect... Heheh. I'll be sure to satisfy your reading needs tommorow! With screenies! hehehe.

Well. It's been too long since my last entry, but It seems so muc has happened over the last few days, id be mad not to find something to write about.

Basically, I got myself a full time job, and RL is going great. I can afford weekends out, and Eu at the same time, and still have some left over! (Driving lessons, hehe).

So with that In mind, I decided this week my funds would be devoted to Eu, then the remainder of that, to Xmas pressies. So I got to depsosit a nice little sum.

So, first big deposit. What to buy? Upgrade time! First buy was a new set of armor, Rascal just wasn't good enough anymore, and for the variety of mobs I wanted to hunt. So Ghost seemed the affordable choice. Great all round protection, from Atrox to Allopyl. I LOVE It! So many things that used to kick my ass, now get the shit shot out of them! :yay: Feels nice... ;)


So, with my new armor on, I ran off into the unknown, to take revenge on those noobs worst nightmares. Starting off, with the simple Atrox. Id done these before, many times, but no where near economically. Fapping like hell with Rascal & 2a plates aint fun. Hehehehe.

Off I went to Ithaca to test the limits of my new armor. First I was amazed by the 1.0 hits I was taking from Youngs, upto old. It felt like Id gone from Pixie to Supremacy :D I encountered a few Providers on my travels too. These are bigger, but still easilly doable with this armor. A could even take 2 of those, 2 youngs, and 2 olds... All at once! They aint gonna eat this noob anymore!!

Of course having the wide range of maturities, Ithaca does, I met my death at the hands of an Atrox Dominant. I can handle that. it's day will come. hehehehe.


So whos was next on my hitlist? I was eager to test out the limits on my Ghost, and also take down those beats that murdered me many times...

I had the perfect mob in mind. Argonaut... HUNTER. This mob has spoiled many a hunt of mine, and wasted me countless times. I can remember not so long ago, whe hunting above Twin Peaks, someone would shout "Hunter!!" and within 2 minutes, there were only white dots to be seen in radar range... Yes, this was once I HAD to kill.

So off I went to Nymphtwon, where my soc mates Informed me Id find the biggies. I was ready, 10k ammo on my belt, full repairs, H380 In my hand. Oh yer, I was looking forward to this one.

On my way I enountered the usual. Guardiens ect. I know I can handle these, they were easy In Rascal. So I blasted away, and laughed at the 2-5 damage they gave me. Minutes later, a challange presented Itself. had I laughed too soon? Pretty much. Hehehe. Raiders, alot of them. Coming In fast. First one, which I can just handle. Then another spawned, followed by a few Guardiens coming back for some revenge of their own. I thought I was done for. With a lot of fapping, however, I survived to onslaught, only to be faced unexpectedly, by the Hunter. Barely full health, and FAP in hand, I quickly pressed the hotkey, and began shooting. This baby was hitting me hard. don't think I can win this one... I was doing okay. I thought Id be fine. Until... his mate joined In. 2 Hunters!! This I was not expecting at all. Oh, and he brought his friend Mr. Raider. Not a nice mix.


After this, I was not going to give up. I revived, whipped out the FAP, and quickly TPd. This one wasn't getting away. Got there, and was greeted by another spawn of around 3-4 Raiders. I was gone for again. Getting one down to low health, I died. Only to repeat. Once again I revived, healed, and TPd back, only to find my Raider being slain by another avatar. Not In a bad way, It was obvious Hed get no loot. This kind character will become the main feature of this story.

We got chatting, and we were laughing at my deaths, I was also thanking him for killing my Raider. Which gave a few mere PECs. Hehe.

Suddenly, however, a Hunter spawed! And so close too. Imediately I whipped my Pistol out once again, and turned towards it and ran. Shooting away I braced myself for Its first blow. Fortunately, this kind fellow was stood beside me, FAP in hand, and fapped the whole time throughout my attack. Sure enough, I had killed the Hunter. I was happy. Although It had happened not the way Id expected. The loot I hear you ask? I got a nice Fractured Skull. An eccelent trophy which will take pride on my future appartments shelf.

This has been a good week, and even this entry Is not over yet, Im still to log In, and finish some unfinished business...

Look back In a few hours!

EDIT: I expanded the forum. But who cares? Its MY diary!! =D
Well, to finish off the last few days entries :)

I haven't got loads of time, so I'll be brief In my update.

I went hunting with Hooters from my society. Great laugh, shit loot. Hehehe.

I also am wating to get some 5a plates later today. Can't wait!!!!! :yay:

By the way. Does anyone actually read this? + rep me If you do, or PM or something. Im beginning to wonder lol :laugh: But hey, If not, it's nice to have something I can look back on In a year or 2 ;)
Nearly 7 months since I made an entry. Wow. I didn't think It was so long. I mentioned In my last entry how itd be nice to read It in a few years; but hell, It was interesting now! So much has changed since then! I played a while after these entries, but started to become bored, and felt frustrated at my skill progress. Because of this I decided to take a little break. Although you may have noticed I never stopped browsing & posting on EF, because no matter what my thoughts towards the game, I have always loved being apart of the community...

Anyhow, with my ever growing lust to spark my old enthusiasm for the game, I tried desperately to get myself motivated to play. For the right reasons. Sad as It sounds, I remember too well my days of noobness In the first week of my arrival. I could barely pull myself away to sleep after sitting here for almost 10 hours...

It was VU day, the last one, 8.12.x I think. I had read about the changes that were awaiting us, and decided why not. I chucked In a few 100 PED, and bought a few beers. Maybe this could be the spark I needed...

I played that night and enjoyed myself. It was great to be chatting with my good soc mates, and just shoot a few things In the meantime. I logged off that night with a smile, and was shocked at the suprising thought that I was excited to log on the next day... So then comes the common story; chucked In another few 100 PEDs, played again. With this I began to grow goals for myself. Goals which I had lacked before. I had found something to make me want to sit there for 10 hours again. It was great.

With this In mind, I have spent the last few weeks skilling harder than ever. No doubt this Is nothing when compared to the amount some skill, but to me It showed that I was more excited to progress than ever.

Lots of times before, I would see things within my "affordable" range, but shake them off due to not really wanting to spend to much. Then more often than not I was kicking myself because the price of those Items went up, and I had not followed my instincs to buy them. Well not no more. What put me off most about the game, was the regrets I grew from holding back. maybe that's what's different now. I dunno...

Since all this Ive bought myself the things Ive always wanted (On a reasonable level). The best being the 5bs. With prices so low now, they can't stay like this forever, I HAD to buy these. Id be a fool not to. So I got em. Also along the way Ive chipped quite a few skills back In that I had chipped out some time ago. With the slow rise of my professional standings, I felt like I was getting somewhere.

Although Im still a compltete noob, Im defintely getting somewhere. Here's a few screenies Ive collected over the last few weeks. Kinda like a small slideshow of small events to make me keep on playing.

looking In my folder now, there's not as many as I thought Id taken, but some of these mean the most, at least. The format Is the picture, then Its description underneath.

Born Again! This Is me chipping some skills BACK In from what I took out. I have put In a few extra. I plan to get to where I SHOULD have been If I played consistantly (on my budget)

I saw this person In Twin Peaks, and my friend pointed out he looked like me a year ago! Was fun to see. Although everytime I tried to line up a shot to screenie, he ran off. I think he was disturbed lol, I followed him for a few mins after this picture just for fun anyway :D

I got my 5bs, and tested them In the ultimate hunting place. Crystal Palace. This global I got In my first 10 mins, although the next week spent there cost me quite a few pennies... lol. I got not one global the whole time after...

This one Is killing something that I saw as pretty big for a long time. I was very proud to announce In soc chat that I could kill these now. I managed to kill all of the ones I saw on this hunt with no deaths. About 3 or 4 I think.

A bit of an old one for me. I mentioned up a few posts the difficulty I had with the Atrox Doms, and mentioned "One day...". Well, the day has come :D Yes its the Dom doing 1.0 dmg. Well I think lol. Needless to say they are no problems now anyway!

Another one from CP. Here Is me at the back of the Dome. It kinda represents me being pretty "safe" there. I don't have to avoid things anymore. Other than the bigger Aliens lol. Before I had to avoid everything ;)

Here Is one of my favourites. Killing a Neconu Provider. Dont worry, I was as shocked as I suspect you are too! I killed another one shortly after, and an Old. But the second Provider killed me with a crit! I went back to finish the job of course ;D

Here's another one of me testing the limits of my ava. Kingfisher Young. This was a great feeling. It made my soc mate laugh after he had just offered to escort me through this LA. his response to It was "no way..." Coming from someone quite high skills too ;) It was very nice to hear.


Thanks alot for reading, If you do... I hope there's going to be alot more entries. Or actually not, I hope that I will be too busy skilling ingame, instead. Dont worry though, Ridingdirty, Im not handing the spamming Trophey over just yet!