Double dipping mission rewards on ROCKtropia


Jan 22, 2024
not worth it
Not worth it
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Not worth it
since the UI update codex rewards are claimable from any planet

so far i found repeatable missions for the following mobs that are shared with caly, allowing to double dip on mission rewards from both RT missions AND caly's codex on the same mob and not having to return to caly to get the rewards :)

daikiba (muscle park)
rippersnapper (muscle park)
atrox (muscle park)
hiryuu (muscle park)
sumima (muscle park)
foul (evil cathedral)
phasm (evil cathedral)

if anyone know of any other, please let me know ;-)
If it collects as before , it will only give you the reward 1 time on each mission leg.
All that has changed is now you can collect the rewards on ROCKTROPIA , whereas before you had to fly back to Caly to collect.
If it collects as before , it will only give you the reward 1 time on each mission leg.
All that has changed is now you can collect the rewards on ROCKTROPIA , whereas before you had to fly back to Caly to collect.
yes, but the last stage **for some** is repeatable, so you can get the reward as many times as your ped card allows you to

and not having to fly back and forth or warp back and forth is a godsent :D
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yes, but the last stage is repeatable, so you can get the reward as many times as your ped card allows you to

and not having to fly back and forth or warp back and forth is a godsent :D
Is it though? I seems to recall that I was done with repeatable daikiba and was unable to get the mission again.
Is it though? I seems to recall that I was done with repeatable daikiba and was unable to get the mission again.
i cannot confirm i am not at the last stage for that one yet :( but i know some players have stated the atrox one was?

might need confirmation, i edited a past post ^_^
Have not finished that many but noticed that "A deal with the Horny Devil" in Hell and "Catscepades #5" are
repeateable, while Daikiba and Atrox aren't. My guess is mobs that belong to RT are repeatable but those who
are universal aren't.
since the UI update codex rewards are claimable from any planet

so far i found repeatable missions for the following mobs that are shared with caly, allowing to double dip on mission rewards from both RT missions AND caly's codex on the same mob and not having to return to caly to get the rewards :)

daikiba (muscle park)
rippersnapper (muscle park)
atrox (muscle park)
hiryuu (muscle park)
sumima (muscle park)
foul (evil cathedral)
phasm (evil cathedral)

if anyone know of any other, please let me know ;-)
Bit late, but thanks for sharing this @thisEUplayer :)(y)
Better late than never eh? ;)