Info: Entropia Universe Space Teaser

They say 'EPIC,' but I say, 'broken missions, no loot, and pirates everywhere.' It’s a disaster, folks.
Please allow quads and privateers, prospector br motherships to be color and texturable.

Allow UFO to go to space (3 gun and a pilot slot is useless right now)

And let the UFO be texture and colorable too.

I guarantee I will deposit just to have a green and pink cow texture ufo

Very excited for this as space was some of the most fun I had. Had great mu at the time with big t3/4 drops. And good robot resources. But having loot 1.0 eff and rings not effecting dpp was definitely a dagger.

Hopefully they either weapons to loot or craft to improve that feeel
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Still no news on if they will disable lootable with this update? We can only pray that they will else this is a waste of time.
Yeah I really hope there's more to this update than just piracy.
Video looks kinda cool tho, says there's gonna be new, faster ships, other than the ones that have been announced already.
It's either like Knight Rider in the scenes where they speed up the footage to make KITT look faster, or quads and other ships are seriously fast in the new space.
The new mining ship looks like it's guns on top for mining asteroids in unison, but a completely exposed 'belly' that ship rotation won't be able to handle.
There was some minor movement of the asteroids in some of the shots, it seemed, so maybe that's a thing.
Well, thanks for the teaser...
1st mistake i see here is space mining terminal.
Yay, I might get a slight price bump as I chip out and sell off my skillz. Just seeing the LAGfest of a mess in that preview video makes me happy to know I'm not wasting one second of my life in this 'EPIC' new 'chapter' in EU.