Selling: EntropiaGold Company 49% Equity Stake - IPO: Estimated Annual ROI ~ 8.25%


Feb 2, 2011
Salt Lake City, USA
Avatar Name
Rachel MsPudding Hawkins
Business Plan for EntropiaGold

Investment Opportunity: 49% Equity Stake

Total Existing Shares: 204
Shares Available: 100
Shares Sold: 0

Executive Summary
EntropiaGold is a leading virtual real estate management company, successfully operating four high-performing Land Areas. Our revenue is generated through our unique player-driven events, driven by our automated platform, at

We are offering a 49% equity stake in the company to raise 1 million PED (~$100,000 USD) for acquiring three to four additional Land Areas, effectively doubling our portfolio and increasing our valuation to 2,040,816 PED (~$204,081.60 USD).

This investment opportunity offers an estimated annual share ROI of 6.75% to 9.50% (avg. 8.25%), with quarterly dividend payouts. Additionally, the exit of BIG Industries—the game’s largest land management company—creates a rare opportunity for EntropiaGold to solidify its market dominance and capture additional market share.

Company Overview
We generate passive income through taxation on hunting activities in our lands. Additionally, we operate GoldGrinder, the #1 player-run event on Planet Calypso, since it’s inception on April 15th 2021, attracting a very loyal player base. The main reason our events are so successful, and do so much better than our competitors is because our Global payout reward system is the highest PED per global payout in the game. Bar none. Our events truly reward our participants, and we are constantly reminded of why hunters choose our events over competitors – the bang per buck while playing in GoldGrinder is frequently in the hunter’s favor due to our unique reward system.

Current Permanent Assets
We own and manage four profitable Land Areas:
  • Medusa’s Head Deino Island (Scipulor)
  • OLA#50 Freaking Cold Place (Neconu)
  • OLA#30 Bibo n' Bery (Combibo & Berycled stalkers)
  • OLA#02 Atrox Paradise (Mid-level Atrox)
  • EntropiaGold’s website & proprietary global capture system
  • Antenna Ad-Rig Next to TP Medusa Mall (#1 advertising space in game)

Planned Expansion
We aim to acquire three to four additional Land Areas:
  • The exact amount and which LAs are determined upon the investment proceeds.
  • Note: Due to the competitive nature of acquiring Land Areas, prioritization of which Land Areas are of most interest is kept confidential until the fund is prepared to make formal bids. (we don’t want other LA management to be tipped off on which LAs we’re going after).
  • Post-acquisition, our valuation is expected to reach 2.04M PED (~$204k USD), positioning us as the dominant land management company in Entropia.

Market Opportunity & Competitor Analysis
*Note: Our global capture system & database provides data very few people can access, positioning us to effectively review land areas; analyzing recorded data for the past 7 years. Rest assured we have done our due diligence calculating numbers tied to actual performance. Frankly, we know better than anyone which LAs to buy, and how to manage them.

EntropiaGold currently generates more globals per Land Area than any other Land Area management team in the game. We’ve always taken the approach to quality over quantity and positioned ourselves by acquiring the most desirable in-game DNAs that give us a unique edge over our competition. We compared global data from the past 24 months against the three largest player-owned LA managers in the game to see how we stack up against the competition.

For comparison, the following data is assumed – BIG Industries 10 Land Areas they posted for sale, versus EntropiaGold’s 4 Land Areas managed, versus EntropiaFund’s 7 Land Areas managed: pulling data from the past 24 months. Apples to apples.
  • BIG Industries – managed by Blastoise Meculus Yarlboro
  • EntropiaGold – managed by Rachel “MsPudding” Hawkins
  • EntropiaFund – managed by Toni “Chiee” Lahderinne
LAs Compared
Avg Globals per LA Each Year
BIG Industries – Meculus​
EntropiaGold – “MsPudding”​
EntropiaFund – “Chiee”​
*EntropiaGold has the least amount of properties of the 3 compared, but the global volume per LA is un-matched, we consistently drive higher traffic per LA than anyone else in the game

Concern: Adding New Land Areas Leads to Player Saturation Atrox Case Study
Our event platform and ability to promote and advertise our LAs is un-matched. We are confident that acquiring up to three or four new LAs will result in an overall net positive, and massive boost to our total global count. Yes, our existing players will hunt on the new LAs, but we will also capture new hunters and existing loyal hunters that enjoy the new LAs we acquire. In short, we’re better at promoting events than our competition. We’ll share data where EntropiaGold has gone head-to-head vs. BIG Industries, and other LA promoters promoting the same mob to prove that we come out ahead – due to our ability to create, advertise, reward hunters, and promote our events better than the competition.
Atrox Case Study: The three most popular Atrox player-run events in the Entropia Universe are run by these three avatars: Blastoise Meculus, Rachel MsPudding, and Leshrac Holynight Brevin. Data was pulled on all three land areas, same mob, same planet, same time frame (2023 & 2024), with the difference between the LAs being 3 different events and 3 different approaches to promoting those events:

Atrox LA
Total Globals (Past 24 months)
BIG Industries - Meculus​
OLA#42 West - Atrox​
EntropiaGold - MsPudding​
OLA#02 - Atrox​
Leshtrox Surprize - Leshrac​
LA#40 Atrox Valley​

Atrox Case Study bolsters the fact that EntropiaGold can manage the same mob on the same planet better than the competition. We have little worry about other LA Promoters buying up other BIG Industries properties and competing with us. The bar to entry is very high when it comes to creating assets, coding, managing events, and gaining player trust in the way EntropiaGold has done since our inception. We have created a “moat”, reducing investment risk in our properties and business model.

EntropiaGold Total Globals Per Year – How Do We Stack Up vs. Competition
Next, we want to dive into some data pulled on the top 3 Land Area promoters in the game, Blast, MsPudding, and Chiee. How have each of these promoters performed over the past 2 years in promoting their events and getting people out to hunt on their LAs.

Total Globals Data Comparison for Top 3 Event Promoters in EU – 2023 & 2024
See the graph below:

Interpreting Total Globals Comparison Graph Above: If for example, Big Industries had 24,000 total globals in the last two years on their 10 LAs they’re selling – BIG Industries is the baseline at 100%. Applying the same math above one could interpret that EntropiaGold produced 20,000 globals during those same two years with 4 LAs, while EntropiaFund would have produced 12,000 globals in the last two years with their 7 LAs. Simply put, we're doing far more with far less; and we're confident we'll do more adding more.

Major Shift in the Market:
  • BIG Industries selling 10 LAs, creates a vacuum EntropiaGold is poised to fill.
  • Our model focuses on engaging with new & mid-level players, promoting community initiatives, meaning long-term stability.
  • While a decline in Entropia’s economy, like the past 12 to 18 months has had an impact, it’s much less of an impact on our business model than it is on gear
  • Gear like weapons, armor, blueprints, ships, and equipment are higher risk than LAs. LAs value certainly decline, but their value is more consistent over the years when compared to gear. Real estate, while not recession proof, performs a lot better than that Augmented BC-80 will.

Investment Details
The Offer: To own part in the EntropiaGold company, this includes all current permanent assets listed at the top, including the future 3 to 4 Land Areas acquired – no Land Areas or permanent assets will be sold in the near future. EntropiaGold defines “near future” as the next 10+ years. Should any assets be liquidated, all investors will be compensated on a per share percentage basis, at fair market value, fair for all.

Total Capital Raise: 1,000,000 PED (~$100,000 USD)​
  • Equity Offering: 49% stake in EntropiaGold
  • Total Existing Shares: 204 (MsPudding to remain holding 104 shares)
  • Total Shares Available for Sale: 100
  • Individual Share Price: 10,000 PED each (~$1,000 USD per share)
  • All trades to take place inside Entropia Universe
  • Company Valuation: 2,040,816 PED (~$204,081.60 USD)
Financial Projections & ROI
Based on the past 24 months of LA data, & traffic, estimated annual ROI at the low end is 6.75% up to 9.50% (avg. 8.25%), per share, with quarterly dividend payouts.
  • EntropiaGold’s Expected Total Annual Profit
    • Low Estimate (6.75% ROI): 137,755.08 PED
    • High Estimate (9.5% ROI): 193,877.52 PED
  • Expected Annual Earnings per Share:
    • Low Estimate (6.75% ROI): 675 PED
    • Average Estimate (8.25% ROI): 825 PED
    • High Estimate (9.5% ROI): 950 PED
  • Share Liquidation: Shares may be sold between players for whatever fair market value players agree upon – updates about sales need to be notated in our private Discord channel or with our future community manager or Rachel MsPudding Hawkins.

Growth Factors:
  • Increased foot traffic as BIG Industries exits the market.
  • Projected share profit was calculated based on these two assumptions:
    • Business continues more or less as it has over the last 2 years.
    • BIG Industries exit is a rare opportunity, expect an increase in globals on our Land Areas of 10% to 14%. Actual number could be much higher.
  • Add new LAs to GoldGrinder (3 to 4 new lands)
  • New marketing initiatives, ad campaigns, community engagement, videos, hiring in-game Event Manager, new promotions, leading to increased market share.
Competitive Advantage
  1. Proven Track Record: Our Land Areas outperform competitors, and GoldGrinder has been the #1 player event on Calypso since April 2021.
  2. Our Moat of Protection: Our website and automated rewards board is unlike any other event out there; we’ve built something truly different & rewarding.
  3. Community Trust & Reputation: Players trust Rachel "MsPudding" Hawkins as a reliable and innovative event manager. Simply ask around if you don’t know.
  4. Future Developments: Plans include a new event, website enhancements, and a community manager hire to increase engagement.
Risk & Mitigation
1. Economic Uncertainty in the GameMinimal Impact
  • Our target player is new to mid-level players with a wide skill range.
2. Market SaturationCompetitive Differentiation
  • We offer higher rewards per global than competitors, ensuring continued engagement. Nobody in the game has events as popular as ours, we intend to keep it that way by continuing to innovate and by building a stronger community.
3. Potential Investor ConcernsComplete Passive Investment
  • Investors receive quarterly dividends without any management responsibilities.
Fund Allocation
  • Land Area Acquisitions
    • Purchasing three to four Land Areas
  • Equity Conversion and Operational Development Budget
    • Initial hiring of another dedicated EntropiaGold Event Manager. Note the continued ongoing Event Manager salary will be absorbed by shares held by Rachel “MsPudding” Hawkins.
    • Web hosting and website maintenance, server costs. Ongoing costs to be absorbed as normal expenses.
    • Sweat equity labor and future development (when we put in the time to create new events and release them, we will absorb those costs no matter what time or energy is needed for a successful launch)
    • Marketing: Facebook ads, EntropiaLife ads, in-game ads via the event manager and players in the game. YouTube content creation and promotional videos.
    • This budget ensures continued business growth, event expansion, and increased player engagement.

EntropiaGold Website Activity Past 24 months

Consistent Grinders: EntropiaGold has the most consistent and loyal hunters in the game. People enjoy our events, and they come back often. Our rewards have the highest payout of PED per global. We give more back to the players than other event promoters, and this has helped us continue building loyalty and attracting new players.

Below, we want to share EntropiaGold website traffic from the past two years:

2023 Web Traffic to


2024 Web Traffic to


Our web traffic bolsters the fact that our events, website, and event outlook are very healthy and stable. We are poised to grow & maintain new growth with your investment.

EntropiaGold 2025 & 2026 Roadmap

Q2 2025: Increase Market Share – Solidify EntropiaGold as the #1 Land Area management company following BIG Industries' exit. This takes place the day EntropiaGold adds 3 to 4 LAs to our portfolio. We have the players, we have the ideas, we’ve built the infrastructure, and even if we weren’t to acquire a single new LA – we’re still going to benefit immensely from BIG Industries exit from the LA Manager scene.

Q2 2025: Create Discord for Investors – We’ll need a place to gather. Investors will be invited to a private discord for collaboration & communication between investors. Which may expand to host a public Discord for new and emerging event promotions.

Q2 2025 and Beyond: Community Growth – Increase engagement through videos, live-streamed events, new promotional initiatives, growing our loyal grinders. This never ends as far as we’re concerned.

Q2 – Q3 2025: Expand GoldGrinder – Integrate 3 to 4 new Land Areas into the event system, increasing total participant engagement. Creating new web content, coding the back end, and getting MindArk to change the Land Area names takes time. This all doesn’t happen at once, but we’ll get right on it and expect it take anywhere from 60 – 120 days to have all the updates completed. Our priority is focused on coding the backend and getting the globals to count for the hunters before we push all the updates to the website and make everything look pretty.

Q2 – Q3 2025: Aggressive Marketing Push – Launch targeted Facebook, EntropiaLife, and in-game ad campaigns to expand player reach. We’re on it right away.

Q2 - Q4 2025: Hire Dedicated Event Manager – We’re in less of a hurry to bring on someone to help us than we are concerned about hiring the RIGHT person – we hope to have someone hired before the end of the year. Let’s get the right person for the job before all else. Conducting interviews and seeing who’s interested can start right after LA acquisition.

Q2 - Q4 2025: Enhance Reward System – Introduce new incentives and promotional offers to further boost player retention and help new players through in game initiatives. We see a lot of this happening in tandem with the hiring of a new community manager and could happen right away or take a few months.

Q2 to Q4 2025: Strategic Partnerships – Collaborate with key players and content creators to drive further brand awareness. We see this taking place at a similar timeline to getting our Dedicated Event Manager hired and up and rolling.

Q1 – Q4 2026: Website & Event Upgrades – Improve site functionality, refine current events (we’re looking at you Lootius Mayhem Episode 2). Frankly, we are picky when it comes to major overhauls to new events or existing events, like Lootius Mayhem. The work behind the scenes on an event like Lootius Mayhem takes several hundreds of hours creating content, writing code, designing promotions and creating videos. Realistically, with everything else on our plate, we don’t see a roll-out of that until next year at the earliest. Our passion burns to get some new content out there, though! We’re feeling incredibly excited at the prospect of grabbing 3 to 4 new LAs and creating a new event! This has truly re-invigorated us over here at EntropiaGold!

Conclusion & Call to Action

EntropiaGold presents a rare investment opportunity with stable passive income, strong historical performance, and a strategic growth plan. As BIG Industries exits the market, we are positioned to become the largest and most successful player-run event company in Entropia Universe.

Invest today and secure your stake in the future of EntropiaGold.
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I don't see any info about how you provide any risk mitigation for investors.
You don't just expect players giving you 100k USD without any collateral, do you?
If there's a large enough single investor I'm sure we can work out a collateral deal that's fair.
Very nice presentation. Good luck for sales
Thank you, Chiee! I really appreciate it, as it wouldn't surprise me if we potentially bid on some of the same lands 😉 Much respect.
If there's a large enough single investor I'm sure we can work out a collateral deal that's fair.
What would you consider big enough investment that you think deserves collateral?
Really well put together post. Love the visuals. But just want to make sure I read this correctly, maybe I didn't.
It costs $1,000 to buy a share. And you expect on average to pay back $8.25 a year? 121 years ROI?
edit for any future readers: $82.5 expected average per year, 12 years roi
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Really well put together post. Love the visuals. But just want to make sure I read this correctly, maybe I didn't.
It costs $1,000 to buy a share. And you expect on average to pay back $8.25 a year? 121 years ROI?
I'm not sure that math is mathing. You have to move the decimal one point to the right 😃
I'm not sure that math is mathing. You have to move the decimal one point to the right 😃
Thank you :love: not enough sleep. Knew that wasn't adding up right lol.
Fixed OG post to not mislead anyone

$1,000 per share. $82.5 expected average return per year, 12 years roi
Very nice presentation, but basically I will pay USD 1000 and I will get sub S&P 500 ROI, but with much higher risk and no guarantees, collateral or regulations, all of that based on good word?
Who the F can say no.
Or for 10000 ped you could buy 1388 NTI deeds at 7.2 ped each. If NTI paid 0.01 ped per week, that equates to 13.88 ped a week, or 722 ped per year. NTI only paid twice in Jan-25 though (6th and 20th Jan), so maybe that 13.88 ped a week is more like 9 ped average. 🤣🤣

I was surprised actually, BIG didnt go down the deed route with MA. Or maybe they asked or tried, and the option wasn't there.

Anyhow; All the best with the fund raise.
My question is for the backend of the website.

If EntropiaLife goes down, which is looking more and more likely, does your website still track globals with 100% accuracy?

I say this because the dev has been M.I.A for quite a while and has not responded to messages from me, who I've conversed with multiple times. Last response was back on march 12 2024.

Last two messages to them was on April 30th and October 8th
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It's critical that hunters carefully choose the events and promoters they support by spending their time and money in their events; as is showcased in that thread.
Which in short Translates to the word Trust.
can you explain how you come to a 500K Ped per LA value on average?

sounds pretty insane to me but hey maybe you can clarify.

edit: think i may be misunderstanding something here so please do explain - I R dumb at times (many times) :)
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can you explain how you come to a 500K Ped per LA value on average?

sounds pretty insane to me but hey maybe you can clarify.

edit: think i may be misunderstanding something here so please do explain - I R dumb at times (many times) :)
she owns 4, wanting to acquire 3-4 more. around 250k each but i think big has some heavy hitter lands that could be worth a little more... just my observation
she owns 4, wanting to acquire 3-4 more. around 250k each but i think big has some heavy hitter lands that could be worth a little more... just my observation
Bigs LAs only have value due to their events. The mobs on those LAs are bad except 1 or 2 of the LAs.

Like the Ambu eval is wild since the land itself is horrible terrain and ambu themselves are a bad mob with better density and no tax else where.

The LAs for ANYONE OS only as valuable as the mob themselves AND the owner/events being run.

But one must keep in mind the about 50% drop in hunting that’s been very real outside of mayhem for the last year
When people talk about ROI on land, they often forget the 1% deposit and withdrawal fee. This 2% deficit is very hard to overcome, especially when you also factor in how illiquid the investment actually is.

Not only do you need to find someone to sell to—"Shares may be sold between players for whatever fair market value players agree upon; updates about sales need to be notated in our private Discord channel or with our future community manager."—but you also have to wait 50 business days, which ends up being 2.5 months.

This waiting period further impacts ROI because you're not earning interest during that time. Overall, even at the most positive projections of ROI, it makes it hard to even break even.