FYI: Estimating time to expected value with some math... (handy shaded table included)

Currently 30k kill on very small mob and having 87% return, had big loose on avg hp mob before that, once i do 100k kill i will post my result. I believe "payback" take more than kill count, ammount of peds must be a factor.

I had ~same results on 4+ ped mobs. Now at 42.x k kills and returns are up to 91.1%

I guess you should be happy you are having your poor loot on very small mobs.
Please remember that when you compare your returns to the percent on this chart, you should be scaling it by your expected %.

So if your expected return is 93%, you would need to scale your tt% by that number. As an example, if your current tt% return is 91% and expected return is 93%, you need to do 91%/93% = ~98% on the table.

Alternatively, make sure you post your looter lvls and efficiency in your post if you want to cite numbers. Just quoting your TT % is meaningless.
I was just pointing out that poor results are not limited to very small mobs.

Expected: 94.93%
86.516% TT after 30700 kills (91.13%)
91.146% TT after 42300 kills (96,01%)
I was just pointing out that poor results are not limited to very small mobs.

Expected: 94.93%
86.516% TT after 30700 kills (91.13%)
91.146% TT after 42300 kills (96,01%)
Very small mobs nearly always give better results.
Very small mobs nearly always give better results.
As can be seen in the chart (or sims), larger mobs nearly always give better results as well(in particular for the former).
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It isn't that your loot decreases over time. It is just that your expected average return % in the long term is lower than that momentary profit you make, so in the long term you are most likely to trend towards that average....
Is this like the idea I've heard regarding slot machine? It is that the highest change you have winning in the first pull.

That is most slot machine have a set return % on average- so the more you play then the closer you would get to that expected return. It's not that your first pull has better odds, they are just at maximum potential. I could win in the first pull but if I continue to play i WILL get 90% (or whatever), and therefore loose.

Same with dice - the odds of rolling 7 i highest, but you probably won't find the average % until you roll X amount of times.
In the table is number of loots for one specific mob or mixed mobs? i.e. If we had one million number of loots on a single mob would it be equal to one million number of loots on mixed mobs?

for what I'm after can change the number above e.g.
i.e. If we had one hundred number of loots on a single mob would it be equal to one hundred number of loots on mixed mobs?
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In the table is number of loots for one specific mob or mixed mobs? i.e. If we had one million number of loots on a single mob would it be equal to one million number of loots on mixed mobs?
With a number that big there shouldnt be any difference and if there is, very very small.
in that case I'll change the number!

i.e. If we had one hundred number of loots on a single mob would it be equal to one hundred number of loots on mixed mobs?
in that case I'll change the number!

i.e. If we had one hundred number of loots on a single mob would it be equal to one hundred number of loots on mixed mobs?
Depends if the cost to kill mob 1 was the same as mob 2.

IE. Killing 100 1 ped mobs and then 100 10 ped mobs doesn't equal 200 1 ped or 200 10 ped mobs.
so much discussion for nothing advanced. M.A and a pyramid system, do you think that money falls from the sky and everyone is going to be a winner? no one has ever been a winner in this game..
so much discussion for nothing advanced. M.A and a pyramid system, do you think that money falls from the sky and everyone is going to be a winner? no one has ever been a winner in this game..
After 5 forum posts you got it all figured out...

You are wrong though, money does fall from the sky, you drop it in pvp, I pick it up.
This game is not a game of looking into the mirror.
afterwards it's a point of view like any other, personally I don't like to throw money out the window, especially for a game that lacks a lot of fun and which in the end is very little playful. after M.A thanks you very much for the donations you made to them, in the end if your time and money to lose or to launder, entropia and the..;)
so much discussion for nothing advanced. M.A and a pyramid system, do you think that money falls from the sky and everyone is going to be a winner? no one has ever been a winner in this game..
How do you define winner?
I can't define the word loser for you, it's still subjective, but I'm sure that by thinking a bit you could understand... everything will depend on your addiction...
There are many many examples of a “winner” on all possible definitions.

You should research into bankroll management. You’ll be less sour.
in that case I'll change the number!

i.e. If we had one hundred number of loots on a single mob would it be equal to one hundred number of loots on mixed mobs?
Yes, assuming all those 100 mobs follow the same loot distributions (most do...)
Bump as well for the new space astroid mob killers.