Question: Favorite Crafting machine


Jun 1, 2006
USA, Texas
The Prophecy
Avatar Name
Zanzibar Zani Jones
Where is your favorite crafting machine? And why?

I personally like the machine in PA Auction Module area, right outside new arrival area. It's the one to the left of the storage machines. I know i've globalled there quite a bit and HoF at least once ;)

I figure if I treat it right it will treat me right.
Mine is in mino.

First machine I ever got a glow on, so I continued with it.

I do wonder though, does it matter?
Well it may. I think about it like this, if lots of people craft on that machine and get just materials and items back, no globals, all that lost ped has to go somewhere.

So maybe it builds up like hunting. Like argos pay out real well when hunting on them on the weekends, because a lot of other people hunt them on the weekend as well.

SO all that builds up and overflows to the right person in the form of Globals and HoFs, etc

SO maybe it DOES matter, but then again, it's all Dynamic
A crafting machine is a crafting machine and everyone who says otherwise better have damn good proff.

The thing is that everything that MA does, usually makes sence in one way or another. Fx. when a lot of people have spend a lot of money on argos, it might make sence to make an argo the next big paycheck.

But a crafting machine is just that. You don't spend money on a crafting machine, but on a bp, which is also why the machine is not mentioned when you make a glowie, but the item you manufactured.

I could be interesting to know where people craft and why, but not for those reasons.

The nearest one :wtg::wtg::wtg:

Because its the nearest one :D

Out of joke ;)

I prefer a crafting machine near a storage and auction.
Before or after a crafting session I tend to be really really heavy.

Those auction houses at Amethera are really great, I can even put stuff on auction without leaving the crafting machine. So once i get a nice stack, auction it and continue crafting.

As for one machine giving me better loot then other, well all the places I crafted gave me bad and good loot. So no point to run after of the "machine".

Even tried the theory of crafting in crowded places, with ubers crafting.

Loot keeps the same good, average, bad, bad, average, good. ;)
I'll craft at any machine where I have easy access to storage, auction, machine. I have one or 2 favorites where the layout is nice.

As far as crafting results, doesn't seem to matter at all.
The texturizing terminal outside argus that is nearest (just east) to the ring


it's in the sun :scratch2: something i don't get in real life
i get good returns from it :scratch2: like 90% TT back i think i started doing textures on it and it gav good... mostly just plastic ruds I (and now II since i looted bp :) )

Otherwise i like craft at CP closest terminal to d1/d2
I like the machines at Minopolis becuase it has everything there, and several machines incase I get paranoid and want to try another machine.
Othervise I like the layout of the blue auction houses on Amerthera, from one spot you can reach storage, crafting machine, auction, and 2 step away there is a TT.
If I am at Amarthera I prefer quit places with not to many people around, hate lag when I am crafting :D
i craft in desert places, not crowed... why? cause have less lag :)
ah! mine is in ninphytown (i know, the name is wrong)
it doesn;t matter where u do it , i got hofs and globals in lot of places... i tryed to test if craft machine does anything or not ( amethera vs calipso vs cnd vs cp) - no difference
it depends the day not the place ....