Question: Furniture: something to act as stairs or a raised platform players walk on to?


Jun 10, 2013
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Tony KingofAces Hans
I'm thinking about some interesting layouts for my new shop. Basically, I have a shelving idea, but the player needs to be standing a bit higher to reach items on the top shelf.


A player can jump on a table or lower shelves and reach things, but I also don't expect everyone to bother with that and would prefer if there was something that just raised them up without any additional buttons. Maybe I'm just overthinking things and should make people jump, but I was wondering if folks had any furniture ideas on this? I'm trying to think of something that's low enough to the ground it isn't treated as a collision that stops the player.
rotate that l-quent sideboard... they can rotate to be angled ramps.

Also, check out the 'tips and tricks' section over at Tricks and Tips – Lootius Faith ( (password is lootius)

That was actually kind of fun trying that out, but it didn't quite work for what I was trying. Chudy actually had some good advice on using retail furniture since it doesn't have a collision. Putting a sofa on top of that actually seemed to work the best in the confined space I was working with, so I'm experimenting with that a little too right now.
Where is this? You got a new shop already?
Where is this? You got a new shop already?

On Emerald 1st floor #11 across from Summer by the televator. Not really stocking hardcore yet or advertising since I'm building up and doing a few side things in the game before a "grand opening", including decorating. We'll see how long it takes me to fill up 310 item points this time.
Oh wow congrats (y)

You're in the big leagues now, more than double the item points you had before :laugh:
You can rotate a DecoTown shelf on the wall to make a ramp
experiment with rotating long types of furniture that sticks out a bit from the wal or floor or even ceilingl, and also experiment with using the 'place command' on items below other items while using a televator in the middle... this is basically the 'cheat code' to the hang in air trick'... there's a few pics and videos of various experiments I used with this 'trick' over the years. It is really an ancient bug/feature from the time the place command was first implemented that was never truly fixed, although they did fix a few instances of it on some pieces of furniture....

Tricks and Tips – Lootius Faith ( (passoword is lootius)

Personally, I think they should actually create a new 'place' feature that actually lets you sort of rotate something around that controls all three axis locations, x, y, and z... as it is they just let you really control x and y unless you have a wall in front of you and only certain things that can hang on the wall....

You do have to be careful though since putting things like carpets that have no polys on the bottom in the air can cause avatars to get trapped in the wall/floor beneath the item, etc. they could fix that by bug checking everything to make sure it's got polys on both sides, etc., but you know they like to take shortcuts, etc.

long pieces of furniture rotated properly can likely do what you are trying to do, especially if they are 'hung in the air' in the right location first, but it can be really time consuming and 'fun' but silly to tweak it just right since you may be stacking invisible place command bug dupes for a while to get it right.

In the images in the tips and trick section you see above of the pets and party lights hanging over the door of the U apartments on Rocktropia there was at least one time I got it to do that by laying a huge piece of furniture sideways and invisible duping it from the back hallway by the main apartment door all the way up to the front door... something like 20 invisible dupes or more... typically if you do x amount of this expect a crash to desktop eventually since you will be basically causing a buffer overflow type error I think...

Mindark code is run in c++, and I think they use the place command via a back buffer type system... they do this with other type of stuff in game too... which is why you see stuff like pets that get stuck at doorways and can be duped with invisible clone if you run in to the center of a mall auction room or auction room out in main Calypso... to get that to work you have to run inside, trapping pet at the door, then despawn, respawn different pet or even same one inside of the auction center room, then go back out and back in, over and over... it'll clo however many pets you want til again you get a crash to desktop or whatever... but it's sort of fun to see several pets at the main entrance.... same sort of thing is why you have to have cursor right over the pet you are trying to tame as the tameable 'dupe' version of the pet is really a back buffer type thing only visible when the bars over its head lines up... so if you had pet in focus you lose focus on it when it's tameable unless mouse cursor is just in right spot 0over the 'box/sphere' around the pet you are trying to tame...

It's not really a bug that can be exploited much except for specially placing weird stuff like hanging items like tomtebloss up on the ceiling and things, but it is a fun little thing to mess with while it still works.

I would say which furniture works best but I'll let you experiment. Lets just say it doesn't hurt to buy at least one of every type of furniture in game to test things out a bit.

If Lquent is too honking big for the space try ramps made of carpets or boxlike curniture that are pushed down through the floor and rotated just right.

Also maybe try pets pushed down or stacked next to one another... we can walk on their heads.
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I’ll have to play around with these ideas when I’m back on Caly. I’ve tried the shadow item trick, but it seems inconsistent when it works. I’ll keep experimenting, especially since I found out carpets can also act as a platform.