GenX000's Cheap FAP Service


Jul 3, 2008
Crimson Devils
Avatar Name
GenX000 Caveman Tycoon


NAME: GenX000 Caveman Tycoon
SKILL: Veteran Paramedic lvl - 36

Vivo T5
13.7-18.3 Heals @ 20 Uses/Min
Decay = NO CHARGE!

Vivo UR125(L)
60-80 Heals @ 20 Uses/Min
Decay = 7pec/use (NO MARKUP!)

I Charge ONLY Decay of UR125(L)!!! (no markup)
I DO NOT CHARGE for Decay of Armor+Plates, Gun, Vivo T5, TP Chips, Car, Oil, or Mind Essence!!!
I heal with UR125(L) while you are being attacked. When I use my Vivo T5 to top you off after small hits or when mobs are dead, there is no charge for that!
If I'm attacked, I heal myself with my own UR125(L), so there's no charge when I heal myself!

Tips are VERY Welcome!!!!!
(I do not make a profit/break-even with this service... only skills!)

Small FAP - Vivo T5
Armor - Koroma
Plates - 5b & 6a
TP chips - Lesser & Minor
Vehicles - Valkyrie MK1, Sleipner MK1, Helicopter MK1
Tagger - Assault Rifle (L)

  • I have most current TP's! If I don't have a TP, I can get it quick!
  • I have 2 cars, a helicopter & a sleipner! I can transport you fast and free!
  • I'll go to CP, FOMA, RT, NI, ARK, & CY if you pay my way (there and back in advance!)
  • I can help carry your loot if you get too heavy, carry spare ammo, or even make a run back to the auction house for you! Mind Essence is no object!
  • I can tag mobs for you (only if needed)

If you're interested in my service or if you have any questions just Post Here, PM Me, or Find Me in Game!
Add me to your Friends List in game to make it easier to get in touch with me!
I hang out in Twin Peaks when I'm not busy...
Normal Hours: I usually log on After 00:00 MA Time

# of Globals & HoFs using my service = 323
(ran out of room for all the screenshots, scroll down to see them all!!!)


Tekkie = 60/60 ped worth UR125(L) Decay!!!
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GenX000 is a great doc. I got a taste of his medicine while vanquishing some of the new inchworm mobs on TI with some of my socmates in Delta Force...
GenX000 is a great doc. I got a taste of his medicine while vanquishing some of the new inchworm mobs on TI with some of my socmates in Delta Force...
Yep, that was great! Team of 3 Delta Force guys globaled on a Letomie, and I used T15(L) only, so no cost to them!

This is a cheap service full of discounts, take advantage of it!!!

EDIT: Here's some more globals that don't fit in the previous reserved posts!...

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Hi Genx :D

So you are a businessman eh? :eek:
Hi Genx

So you are a businessman eh?
not really... this is a non-profit service!

EDIT: Here's some more globals that don't fit in the previous reserved posts!...

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Another Happy customer last night!

(posted screenshot of a global in the first post)

5 hour hunt, customer's cost was less than 3 ped!

EDIT: Here's some more globals that don't fit in the previous reserved posts!...

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yeah I used GenX000 service , he is a good guy and patient too lol
he was patient runing with me through alot of areas looking for mobs :)
he helped me kill some cersumon which I couldn't kill them alone with my crap armor and he didn't charged me anything too
ty Gen and gl

EDIT: Here's some more globals that don't fit in the previous reserved posts!...

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just used Gen on a malc run, went pretty well :)
EDIT: Here's some more globals that don't fit in the previous reserved posts!...

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Another job well done! :wtg:
Thanks to Amir for hiring me again! (Cost was 3.78 ped) :eek:

T15's almost maxed, I'll be using T20 soon! :yay:

Updating the first post! :D
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Just a bump...

I will be resuming this service soon! I've updated the first post with my new equipment and stats!

My next post will be when I start offering FAP service again... it IS coming back soon! the super cheap FAPS!!! :yay:
re-opening my fap service!!! :yay:

A few of my lesser used services have been temporarily suspended until I can get some equipment out of the bank, but...

Resuming FAP69-SGA healing for decay only!

Do you hunt alone?
Do you use EK-2600 fap?

Fun fact: FAP69-SGA costs almost half as much as EK-2600 in decay!
2nd Fun fact: Taking time out from shooting to heal yourself costs you more armor decay and possibly gun/amp decay if the mob regens quickly! oh nooo!

Hire me & save yourself some peds! :revive:
bump for faps! :clap:
did a little Merry Mayhem work!

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

7 hours of healing a team of 3-5 people!

Cost = 9.71 ped! :eek:
I'll be unavailable for a few days, Power Supply in my computer died! :lam:

HappY New Year!!!!! :shots:
I'll be unavailable for a few days, Power Supply in my computer died! :lam:

All fixed! Back in action!

Helped out on some Proteron, new customer! :wtg:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Got to bump Gens service. I haven't used it but he is a good guy that will take care of you!

Note: I haven't used Gen's service personaly because I have a fap 69 SGA with wife at my back with one also (try geting 69ed twice at once) ;)

So with that picture in mind I know he has a good fap to work with, how good is your fap?
... I know he has a good fap to work with, how good is your fap?
Thanks for the support & bump Wildman! :D
Just a bit of perspective on decay costs for commonly used service faps...
(I think I'll put this in first post too)

Modified FAP = 1 pec/use
Improved & Adjusted FAP = 2 pec/use

FAP69-SGA = 4.8 pec/use
FAP-90 = 7 pec/use
FAP-110 = 8 pec/use
EK-2600 = 9 pec/use

if you are using any of the faps marked in red to heal yourself, you could be saving a lot of ped by hiring me to fap you! :lolup:
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bump for business! :smoke:
New slogan that I stole...

Get 69'd by GenX000! :woot:

HeHe wonder where ya got that slogan :scratch2: I knew I should have got the copy rights on that lol
Woot! Ranger Sheryo got 69'd!!! :wtg:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Trixster got 69'd!!! :D

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Fapped Sheryo again, no global though! :(

try harder! :silly2:

Bump for cheap faps! :yay:
Even though my service is temporarily suspended I managed to get hired again! :silly2:

Using ek2600 Tier 2 with lvl 1 & 2 eco enhancers...

First HoF by a customer using my Service! WOOOO :yay:

Grats Simon! :D