Hardcore Mayhem


Oct 7, 2006
Avatar Name
Eve Everglades


Hardcore Mayhem​

Hardcore society is hosting a new type of event on our most popular hunting Land Areas: Takuta Plateau, Vermillion Fields and Southshade Valley. Prize pool is 7500 awarded to 6 players: top 3 HSL and top 3 most globals.
One cool feature I'm super excited we're able to offer is live leaderboards and live feed for the event here

Event Dates​

Start: July 25, 18:00 UTC (MA time)
End: August 31, 18:00 UTC(MA time)

Event prizes:

1st place HSL - 1250 PED
2nd place HSL - 1250 PED
3rd place HSL - 1250 PED

1st place most globals - 1250 PED
2nd place most globals - 1250 PED
3rd place most globals - 1250 PED

Event rules:

There will be 6 prizes awarded to top 3 highest single loots on any of the 3 land areas AND 3 prizes awarded to top 3 number of globals on the participating mobs.
All 3 HSL can be on one mob or split between the 3 mobs. One person CAN win more than one prize in the HSL category!!!
All 3 most globals can be on one mob or split between the 3 mobs. One avatar can qualify only for one spot in this most globals category.
Event is only for solo hunters, no teams allowed.
Anyone can participate, including members of Hardcore society.
In the event our society loses control of one of the Land Areas during the event, the LA will stop participating in the the event, but any qualifying HSLs or most globals will be awarded.


No registration is required.
Tracking will be done with our own tracking system

LAs setup:

Density: Maximum
Maturity: Spiders and Kingfishers minimum (youngs), Falx maximum (stalkers)
Tax: 2.5%

Participating LAs:

Takuta Plateau - ( /wp [Calypso, 38737, 31715, 101, Takuta] ) - Araneatrox - closest TP: Sakura City: /wp [Calypso, 39672, 30222, 103, Waypoint]- ID: 158
Vermillion Fields - ( /wp [Calypso, 35715, 46689, 101, Vermillion] ) - Falxangius - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint]- ID: 159
Southshade Valley - ( /wp [Calypso, 34276, 43246, 167, Southshade] ) - Kingfisher - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint] - ID: 162


Check out a great video for all Hardcore Lands made by our member @PreyNaika <3
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Nice set up. I like that you now have most globals in prizes.

The graphics are top class !
Thank you!

There were severa occasions where the hunters were in a abd luck streak; had several times the number of globals of others but could just not ass the hof threshold for a prize so now that we can track these, I think t's a great way of covering both worlds.

Best of luck to all participants! :)
1% tax and these prizes i'd prolly not be able to resist. Gl on the event!
1% tax and these prizes i'd prolly not be able to resist. Gl on the event!

LAs setup:

Density: Maximum
Maturity: Spiders and Kingfishers minimum (youngs), Falx maximum (stalkers)
Tax: 2.5%
I'm excited to announce that for this event we are able to provide live leaderboards for both categories and a live feed on the event page in EntropiaCentral:

Thats really cool, makes it really tempting to compete too!
Time for leaderboard change ?

1Chris Falcon BraveheartAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau1 day ago6051250 PED
2Fredrik blonde JasseFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields4 days ago4391250 PED
3H4mmer 4nd S1ckleFalxangius ProwlerVermilion Fields4 days ago4351250 PED
4Kocka Kockica CubeAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau5 days ago427/
5Kocka Kockica CubeAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 days ago404/
6Masta Fu KungAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau5 days ago336/
7Silly Gilly GirlAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau5 days ago326/
8H4mmer 4nd S1ckleFalxangius ProwlerVermilion Fields2 days ago321/
9RicK Ninja HunterFalxangius Old AlphaVermilion Fields5 days ago319/
10Ogulak Da BasherFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields1 day ago312/

Most globals:

1Kocka Kockica Cube461250 PED
2Remo 3l3ctric Luminatu381250 PED
3H4mmer 4nd S1ckle301250 PED
4Dakusingh Muksy MuK's23/
5nisy missy mann21/
6Affe Aframo Mr Afroman15/
7Silly Gilly Girl15/
8Kamonpach BKK Empress14/
9Masta Fu Kung11/
10Quiet Jay Shadows11/

all uber idi
Good news: Hardcore managed to defend Vermilion in yesterday's land grab so the LA still participates in the event.
Bad news: tere are only 25 days left! Hurry!

Leaderboards atm:

HSL Leaderboard​

1Chris Falcon BraveheartAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau8 days ago6051250 PED
2LuckyLuke22 LL LLAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 days ago6031250 PED
3Dakusingh Muksy MuK'sFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields3 days ago5451250 PED

Most Globals Leaderboard​

1Kocka Kockica Cube811250 PED
2Dakusingh Muksy MuK's781250 PED
3Kamonpach BKK Empress491250 PED

Check out our event page on entropiacentral to see the scores live: https://www.entropiacentral.com/events/Hardcore Mayhem

Good luck!
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1crazy DaLegend ImmortalAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 minutes ago66661250 PED
2Chris Falcon BraveheartAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau1 week ago6051250 PED
3LuckyLuke22 LL LLAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau4 days ago6031250 PED

Not hard at all to wreck the current leaderboards :D

HSL Leaderboard​

1crazy DaLegend ImmortalAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau6 days ago66661250 PED
2Carrier CarrierZero ZeroFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields4 days ago10291250 PED
3Chris Falcon BraveheartAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 weeks ago6051250 PED

Most Globals Leaderboard​

1Dakusingh Muksy MuK's911250 PED
2Kamonpach BKK Empress861250 PED
3Kocka Kockica Cube811250 PED
Only 2 weeks left! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Very little time left with quite accessible leaderboard!

1crazy DaLegend ImmortalAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 weeks ago66661250 PED
2Carrier CarrierZero ZeroFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields1 week ago10291250 PED
3Remo 3l3ctric LuminatuFalxangius ProwlerVermilion Fields19 hours ago6271250 PED

1Remo 3l3ctric Luminatu1431250 PED
2Kamonpach BKK Empress1091250 PED
3Dakusingh Muksy MuK's981250 PED
10 days to go and still plenty of opportunity to grab the big prizes 😎

HSL Leaderboard​

1Dakusingh Muksy MuK'sFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields10 hours ago200611250 PED
2crazy DaLegend ImmortalAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 weeks ago66661250 PED
3Carrier CarrierZero ZeroFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields2 weeks ago10291250 PED

Most Globals Leaderboard​

1Remo 3l3ctric Luminatu1711250 PED
2Kamonpach BKK Empress1481250 PED
3Dakusingh Muksy MuK's1461250 PED

Muksy secured an unbeatable spot in the leaderboards but 5 out of 6 spots can still be beaten before the event ends!
Altho big Falx seem very hot, spiders are known to offer big multis in last days of an event on Takuta ;)

Good luck all!