Hardcore Mayhem


Oct 7, 2006
Avatar Name
Eve Everglades

Hardcore Mayhem 2​


Hardcore society is hosting a new event on 7 out of our 8 hunting Land Areas: Takuta Plateau, Vermillion Fields, Miwak Mountain Pass, Farsight Plains, Red Sands Forrest, Greenthorne and Southshade Valley. Prize pool is 12500 awarded to 10 players: top 5 HSL and top 5 most globals.

Event is powered by Entropia Central which offers one cool feature: we're able to offer is live leaderboards and live feed for the event here

Event Dates​

Start: Tuesday, Sept. 10th, 14:00 UTC (MA time)
End: Thursday, Oct. 24th, 12:00 UTC(MA time)

Event prizes:

1st place HSL - 1250 PED
2nd place HSL - 1250 PED
3rd place HSL - 1250 PED
4th place HSL - 1250 PED
5th place HSL - 1250 PED

1st place most globals - 1250 PED
2nd place most globals - 1250 PED
3rd place most globals - 1250 PED
4th place most globals - 1250 PED
5th place most globals - 1250 PED

Event rules:

Qualifying mobs: Araneatrox, Falxangius, Kingfisher, Oculus, Cersumon, Thorio male & female + Thorifoid Berserker and Shaman and Formidon!

There will be 5 prizes awarded to top 5 highest single loots on any of the 7 land areas AND 5 prizes awarded to top 5 number of globals on the participating mobs.
All 5 HSL can be on one mob or split between the 7 mobs. One person CAN win more than one prize in the HSL category!!!
All 5 most globals can be on one mob or split between the 7 mobs. One avatar can qualify only for one spot in this most globals category.
Event is only for solo hunters, no teams allowed.
Anyone can participate, including members of Hardcore society.
In the event our society loses control of one of the Land Areas during the event, the LA will stop participating in the the event, but any qualifying HSLs or most globals will be awarded.


No registration is required.
Tracking will be done with our own tracking system

LAs setup:

Density: Maximum
Tax: 2.5%

Participating LAs:
Takuta Plateau - ( /wp [Calypso, 38737, 31715, 101, Takuta] ) - Araneatrox - closest TP: Sakura City: /wp [Calypso, 39672, 30222, 103, Waypoint]- ID: 158
Vermillion Fields - ( /wp [Calypso, 35715, 46689, 101, Vermillion] ) - Falxangius - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint]- ID: 159
Southshade Valley - ( /wp [Calypso, 34276, 43246, 167, Southshade] ) - Kingfisher - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint] - ID: 162
Farsight Plains - ( /wp [Calypso, 31436, 37980, 130, Farsight]) - Oculus - closest TP: Silver Ridge /wp [Calypso, 33007, 37891, 563, Waypoint]
Red Sands Forest - ( /wp [Calypso, 39029, 28216, 125, Red Sands]) - Cersumon - closest TP: Sakura City /wp [Calypso, 39672, 30222, 103, Waypoint]
Miwak Mountain Pass - ( /wp [Calypso, 36984, 42561, 101, Miwak]) - Thorifoid Berserkers - closest TP: Zonnestraaltje /wp [Calypso, 36239, 44088, 163, Waypoint]
Greenthorne - ( /wp [Calypso, 30621, 31236, 239, Greenthorne]) - Formidon - closest TP: Amethera Outback Land #15 /wp [Calypso, 30999, 30005, 201, Waypoint]
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edit: Addd qualifying mobs (Araneatrox, Falxangius, Kingfisher, Oculus, Cersumon, Formidon, Thorio male & female + Thorifoid Berserker and Shaman)
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If I remember correctly Miwak Mountain Pass has various different mobs in it. Is that correct?
If I remember correctly Miwak Mountain Pass has various different mobs in it. Is that correct?
Thank you for the question.

Edit: Miwak has actually 4 DNAs: Thorio male & female + Thorifoid Berserker and Shaman. They all count! Updating the posts.
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Thank you for the question.
Correct but a mix of Berserkers and Shamans is not ideal for hunters as the damage type varies a lot. Shamans do a lot of cold, berserkers do a lot of impact. Most hunter are better equipped for impact mobs rather than elemental and even if there are ways to protect from cold, one of the two would just hurt too much so Miwak is Berserkers.

Imho regardless of the dmg types and difficulties counting one mob only makes it even harder as any globals/hof's on other mobs in that LA won't be counted which is likely to discourage some people from hunting in that LA.
Imho regardless of the dmg types and difficulties counting one mob only makes it even harder as any globals/hof's on other mobs in that LA won't be counted which is likely to discourage some people from hunting in that LA.
Yup. It's true. I edited and added all 4 types.
аll uber content
Very nice!!!

Hardcore mayhem leaderboard​

Leaderboards & globals feed are updated in real time if the event has started.

HSL Leaderboard​

1Hohenheim le lumineux DunandirOculus ProwlerFarsight Plains1 day ago52791250 PED
2Arnold Terminator SwarzzyAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau5 hours ago13461250 PED
3II Shadow IIAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau3 days ago10561250 PED
4II Shadow IIAraneatrox MatureTakuta Plateau3 days ago8551250 PED
5Remo 3l3ctric LuminatuFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields3 days ago7081250 PED

Most Globals Leaderboard​

1Remo 3l3ctric Luminatu301250 PED
2Silent SilentBob Bob261250 PED
3Static Static173 Longstar251250 PED
4Dolph Ninja Listesen211250 PED
5SkizzO Nvidia- Force201250 PED
Event is powered by Entropia Central which offers one cool feature: we're able to offer is live leaderboards and live feed for the event here
Congrats to Dolph Ninja Listesen for temporarily taking #1 and #2 in HSL leaderboard

1Dolph Ninja ListesenAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau20 hours ago89181250 PED
2Dolph Ninja ListesenFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields4 hours ago57871250 PED

Can they be beaten by the end of the event? :D
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Current leaderboards ( also can be found live here: https://www.entropiacentral.com/events/Hardcore Mayhem 2 )


Leaderboards & globals feed are updated in real time if the event has started.

HSL Leaderboard​

1Dolph Ninja ListesenAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau2 days ago89181250 PED
2Dolph Ninja ListesenFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields1 day ago57871250 PED
3Hohenheim le lumineux DunandirOculus ProwlerFarsight Plains7 days ago52791250 PED
4Arnold Terminator SwarzzyAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau6 days ago13461250 PED
5II Shadow IIAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau1 week ago10561250 PED

Most Globals Leaderboard​

1Static Static173 Longstar891250 PED
2Dolph Ninja Listesen871250 PED
3Silent SilentBob Bob561250 PED
4H4mmer 4nd S1ckle481250 PED
5Remo 3l3ctric Luminatu301250 PED
Tracking is done with the help of Entropia Central, a pice of software made by Sulje which you can download from Microsoft Store.

Running the tracker while you hunt in the event will ensure none of your globals are missed. Ofc we try our best to capture everything ourselves, but sometimes power can go out, a kid can unplug a PC so on and so forth.
Please support the event and at least try to run the tracker when you hunt. Easy to set up and Sulje is a great guy should you stumble on something and need extra help. Much appreciated!

PCF thread: https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/...opia-central-little-bit-of-everything.301528/
Tracker info: https://www.entropiacentral.com/tracker/information
Microsoft Store link:
It does some pretty amazing stuff, both the tracker and the portal.

With the help of the tracker you can record clips of your globals (you set the threshold) or even PVP kills. then you can compile them into something neat like in the example below (ofc there can be way better compliations and much better cropping to avoid overlapping)

Double dip time is soon here:

RDI has estimated that colonists will be able to obtain the minerals scattered from the asteroids through mining or by hunting robots and other wildlife on Calypso, including creatures in space. Previous observations have shown that when minerals are abundant, creatures quickly consume them while robots gather them for their own use. This suggests that creatures and robots will absorb or take some valuable asteroid fragments, which can only be recovered by eliminating them.


Prospector - Subject to visual alterations

Originally Posted Here
A little warning to hunters that happen to be on a land area that is being contested, there could be some casualties there if you're too close to the fort, either intentional or unintentional.
Also, please be advised during a LG the tax may be different from what is described in the first post, but that's only for a short period of time. Attackers love to spend and we have the means to oblige.

Some recent footage from the fort during LG, clips captured with Entropia Central (link here):
