Hardcore Mayhem

Low activity on Kingfishers on Southshade, they might pop, just saying :sneaky:

1 week to go, time to grab some cash from hardcore to use it in Halloween Mayhem! ;)
Very few days left, if you've won some prizes at the end, please get in touch with me so I can pay up!
Good luck!!!
One day left, time for that last day hof that usually happens ?
Event is now over!
Final standings:

HSL Leaderboard​

1Remo 3l3ctric LuminatuFalxangius ProwlerVermilion Fields1 month ago95671250 PED
2Dolph Ninja ListesenAraneatrox YoungTakuta Plateau1 month ago89181250 PED
3Dolph Ninja ListesenFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields1 month ago57871250 PED
4Hohenheim le lumineux DunandirOculus ProwlerFarsight Plains1 month ago52791250 PED
5Isabella Isabella SweetgirlFalxangius StalkerVermilion Fields3 days ago26161250 PED

Most Globals Leaderboard​

1Dolph Ninja Listesen3261250 PED
2Silent SilentBob Bob2031250 PED
3Remo 3l3ctric Luminatu1651250 PED
4H4mmer 4nd S1ckle1621250 PED
5Static Static173 Longstar1621250 PED

Congrats to all winners!
If you are on this list, please get in contact with me, in case I did not find you first, so we can get you some peds ;)
Thanks all participants and everyone helped with making it possible.
Feedback is always welcomed, for future events.
Gz to all winners, well done !
Gz to the Winners!