Have I been banned from Calytrade?? Mystery Error...


Oct 26, 2020
Avatar Name
Ix-chel The Pink Bots
Ok this is a bit of a weird one. I tried to post something on #Calytrade channel today and I got a strange error message saying "Error: Access Denied" . Now has anyone ever experienced this before? Is it a bug or have I been unjustly banned from Calytrade for some reason? I don't recall doing anything out of the ordinary besides maybe once posting a sale of Twen Tokens which was rare... For those who may know me I rarely even post anything on Calytrade. I definitely did not engage in any conversations on the channel or got into any argument with anyone. So if it is a ban it should al least be explained. Unless if it is some mistaken identity, mistake or illegal to sell Twen Tokens :D.

So my question is.. Who moderates #Calytrade?

If anyone has this experience please do let me know how this can be resolved.

In the meantime I have reported the issue to MA and hopefully they can shed some light on this matter.

Thanks for listening...
The Pink
You look clean but im not sure i was 24/7 on

2023-10-08 06:57:18 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-08 06:59:47 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-08 07:01:42 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-08 07:05:01 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-08 07:13:44 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-08 07:24:07 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-08 07:35:00 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS [TWEN Token] 1.1p pm Me
2023-10-09 01:12:38 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Neconu Young) with a value of 80 PED at EntropiaGold OLA#50 That Freaking Cold Place: BEST Loot! Neconu lvl 21!!
2023-10-09 01:33:21 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Neconu Young) with a value of 62 PED at EntropiaGold OLA#50 That Freaking Cold Place: BEST Loot! Neconu lvl 21!!
2023-10-09 08:33:10 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Argonaut Scavenger Elite) with a value of 82 PED!
2023-10-09 08:44:19 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Argonaut Scavenger Elite) with a value of 173 PED!
2023-10-09 12:04:16 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Leviathan Young) with a value of 106 PED!
2023-10-09 12:36:43 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Leviathan Young) with a value of 252 PED!
2023-10-09 13:35:23 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Leviathan Young) with a value of 78 PED!
2023-10-10 01:21:54 [#waveevents] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] HI where are team hunts for Marcimex?
2023-10-14 09:41:22 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Selling 129 [TWEN Token] 1 ped
2023-10-14 09:49:14 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Selling 129 [TWEN Token] 1 ped
2023-10-14 10:08:46 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Selling 129 [TWEN Token] 1 ped
2023-10-14 10:16:23 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Selling 129 [TWEN Token] 1 ped
2023-10-14 13:41:37 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS 131 [TWEN Token] @ 1 PED Each
2023-10-14 13:43:07 [#calytrade] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] WTS 131 [TWEN Token] @ 1 PED Each
2023-10-14 23:51:43 [#waveevents] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] HI where are people hunting shared Marcimex?
2023-10-15 04:22:33 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Maffoid Berserker) with a value of 60 PED!
2023-10-15 04:43:45 [Globals] [] Ix-Chel the Pink Bots killed a creature (Maffoid Clan Warlord) with a value of 63 PED!
2023-10-17 01:11:08 [#rocktropia] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Dare I ask if you got your returns ? :D
2023-10-17 02:07:26 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Anyone know why I am getting an Error: Access denied on CAlytrade channel?
2023-10-17 02:08:18 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Strange I rarely post on that channel. Why would they ban me?
2023-10-17 02:09:02 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] yeah maybe I try that
2023-10-17 02:10:44 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Crap still no access
2023-10-17 02:11:17 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] Who runs Calytrade?
2023-10-17 02:11:58 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] yes I did
2023-10-17 02:12:30 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] yeah I will
2023-10-17 07:55:33 [Rookie] [Ix-Chel the Pink Bots] At least something dropped
Yes as you can see from my last post on Calytrade till today nothing much happened until the "Error: Acess Denied" incident. I even tried exiting the channel and resubscribed and it did not change a thing.
Hi to be honest I never got a reply from MA in my support case, I think posting it up here helped especially with the help of Alina which I am grateful. All in all still a mystery as to why I was blocked in the first place.
The only thing I can think of is your avatar name with bots in it. Perhaps someone thought it was a dodgy account? Don't know just blindly guessing
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