

Jun 18, 2005
Scotland, United Kingdom
Avatar Name
Paxam Leratharn
Hi, I'm a new player to PE (I just started this week). I've been walking around trying to find teleport spots other than the starting location, but I just end up getting killed. The only other town I've managed to find is just a shack outsite the PVP area that I accidentally stumbled into, and it took me three hours to get back to Port Atlantis, because I kept getting killed and sent back to the outpost.

So, what I'm asking is, does anyone have any advice on starting off and anyone know of the locations of the various Transport Points to save me wandering aimlessly?

Many thanks.

There are 32 TPs (Teleporters) on Eudoria for you to collect.

The best thing to do is ask for directions to your nearest town and maybe even an escort.
Alot of hunters will be quite happy to take you to the next town as long as you dont get in the way of mobs etc..
As you travel take note of each TP as you get it.

I'll update with co-ords on the map in a bit if you want to try and go it alone :)
32 Teleporters on Eudoria for you:

Number Teleport Name Longitude Latitude
1 Aegis Mound 14402 16186
2 Atlas Haven 12389 15844
3 Atlas Island North 12584 17215
4 Atlas Island South 10534 14934
5 Billys Spaceship Afterworld 8152 10542
6 Camp Caravan 24010 23524
7 Camp Echidna 17947 19641
8 Camp Phoenix 9792 10581
9 Cape Corinth 3329 21021
10 Chimera Canyons 15598 16323
11 East Scylla Mountains 13810 9113
12 Fort Ares 14480 14400
13 Fort Argus 15194 23530
14 Fort Fury 11081 13231
15 Fort Ithica 9132 22371
16 Fort Medusa 12635 13599
17 Fort Pandora 19650 15379
18 Fort Troy 13353 3963
19 Fort Zeus 22464 27702
20 Hadesheim 7127 17094
21 Hadesheim East City 8077 17345
22 Hadesheim Outpost 7669 15971
23 Hadesheim South City 6902 16466
24 Jason Centre 14455 10864
25 Limnadium District 12105 12072
26 Minopolis 25490 17487
27 Nymphtown 24907 12416
28 Orthos West Mound 6379 12144
29 Port Atlantis 6054 8443
30 Tethys Creek 10483 15934
31 Twin Peaks 17035 8093
32 Zychion Citadel 10851 9675
Thanks, zaber and ulti, that's a great help. :D
Oki I wont update.. Zaber has done it already :)
welcome and that hou may prosper and be well
Hello Paxy and Welcome in Project Entropia

You may find this Map Helpfull to plan your Explorations. You may also consider it could a good Idea to ask an more expirienced Participant, maybe your Mentor if you have one to join your Travels. Stick together with some other new Arrivals and it will more Fun for you all.

Kind Regards

Thanks, Fiona. That maps great. :) So far I've got TP sites at Billys, Camp Phoenix, Fort Fury and the Zychion Citadel. :)

I've also been trying to gather sweat from some animals, but most of the time I end up getting pummeled. I've gathered about 25 units... which i think is worth about .5 ped altogether?

If anyone has any times on beginner hunting, I'd love to hear them.. I plan on putting around $20 in sometime this week if I manage to make it to the bank, which should (I think) allow me to afford a weapon so I can start killing things.
hey if you need any help being escorted to tp's i dont mind taking you to a few jus pm me on when u will be online
Paxy said:
Thanks, Fiona. That maps great. :) So far I've got TP sites at Billys, Camp Phoenix, Fort Fury and the Zychion Citadel. :)

I've also been trying to gather sweat from some animals, but most of the time I end up getting pummeled. I've gathered about 25 units... which i think is worth about .5 ped altogether?

If anyone has any times on beginner hunting, I'd love to hear them.. I plan on putting around $20 in sometime this week if I manage to make it to the bank, which should (I think) allow me to afford a weapon so I can start killing things.

Tips for you :)

- Start with easy MOBs (Snablesnots, Daikibas, Sabakumas, Exarosaur). Stick to Youngs. Do not try Molisks, Berycleds etc yet, but focus on the ones mentioned above.
- It is (in my opinion) better to wait a splitsecond after your weapon reloaded then to click as fast as possible. It seems that MA put in some anti-auto-clicker mechanism.
- If you find yourself missing repeatedly despite targetting the MOB, move the target cursor to the top of the screen for a moment, until it is out of the MOB's square (which also shows its health/name etc). Again, anti-auto-clicker (I think).
- Don't kill MOBs people are sweating.
- Don't get discouraged if you not get good loot straight away.
- Don't buy a bigger gun until you reached at least 700+ in your skilllevel.

Viagra, are those creatures what one would find around Port Atlantis, or are they in another area?

Also, does maximum health increase with experiance, or is the only way to survive for longer to be wearing armour and have better evade skills?
Health increases, but very slowly. Evade skills and armor are more effective.

Snablesnots, sabakumas > camp phoenix (look out for molisks)
Exarosaur > east of port atlantis (on the beach)
Daikibas (very easy enemy) > north of port atlantis

If you're using an axe and you've got a few longblades skills, you can kill them with one or two hits (less decay, more profit). When you're getting more experienced, try hunting berycleds (also north of PA).

If you're getting a bit more experienced, you could try north of Fort Argus (long walk from port atlantis) to hunt some young cornundacauda's on the beach. But they are a lot tougher, and the loots are only profitable if you can kill a few cosecutively without healing or repairing your gear. But other creatures on the map are not worth fighting to (yet).

By the way: north of Fort Argus are exorosaurs and snablesnots too. Sometimes, they'll drop goblin armor parts. By killing the corns, you'll sometimes loot an axe.
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