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This is definately the most serious and thought about thread I have done and the thing I feel strongest about in EU.
SO my thinking is this, that as the game is RCE its essential that atleast for the main three professions the economy functions in a full 360 degree work flow. That is, Hunter > Crafter > Hunter or.. Miner > Crafter > Miner..
You dont have to know much about the game to realise that this just isnt the case, at least for 2/3 of the professions.
So an example would be that hunters do not require crafters to get (L) gear in order to continue to hunt, therefore crafting, one of the main professions is redundant (Broken)
In my ideal you would have hunters supplying the materials for crafters to craft armour/weapons/amps/faps and these (L) commonly used items would not drop in loot at all. There would still be high MU rare items dropping from mobs suchs as UL gear and esi etc... But for 90% of hunters (Low-Mid level) there gear would have come from a crafter, and they would have supplied the materials. Unless the want to splash out on a luxury item.
But wait? doesnt that give the crafters free reign to charge whatever they want and rip off hunters?? Ermm nope.. The living proof of this would be enhancers, which clearly prove that the MU of end item is dictated by the miners or supplier of materials, and the item MU will typically only be enough to break even. Thats because the crafters compete on AH to sell their stuff which drives the price down to a point where it covers the MU of ingredients. Obviously this is only true of (L) or consumable product.
But would Low-Mid level hunters be poorer? Ofcourse not because their loot would actually be needed by another major profession which supplies them, full 360.
Obviously for this to work you would need to totally rebalance the BP's and loots and do away with ridiculous issues like useless BPs with rare ingredients for example. And awful hunting loot with tiny amounts of dozens of useless little stackables..
The thing is, crafting as it is, is mainly only useful for the gambling, and people just wont keep going in a profession if they are just looting TT food which is how hunting is going... Cause you loosing 10% or so each run it becomes futile. And as the game is a RCE this basically means that its broken. And as an MMO.. well dont even go there.. its totally broken because of the fact that as a profession.. Most of them are redundant. The little professions like scanner for example, should have a place in a hunting party but thats getting off topic.
Basically I call for a full re-balance and.. yeah I think you get where i'm going... Obvioulsy I won't fully understand the concerns of the top 5-10% of hunters as I am not one, nor am I a huge depositer/cycler but at least for the overall picure its pretty easy to sit there with a calculator and work out the MU of ingredients, compare that to the MU of item/residue etc and see it just doesnt work. Look how much residue has crashed with the recent nerfs.
I dont beleive it is possible for everyone to profit all the time, thats silly. But there is a time to spend and a time to profit, and when your spending, to get to where you want, then someone is profitng, and then it switches and you are profiting..
SO my thinking is this, that as the game is RCE its essential that atleast for the main three professions the economy functions in a full 360 degree work flow. That is, Hunter > Crafter > Hunter or.. Miner > Crafter > Miner..
You dont have to know much about the game to realise that this just isnt the case, at least for 2/3 of the professions.
So an example would be that hunters do not require crafters to get (L) gear in order to continue to hunt, therefore crafting, one of the main professions is redundant (Broken)
In my ideal you would have hunters supplying the materials for crafters to craft armour/weapons/amps/faps and these (L) commonly used items would not drop in loot at all. There would still be high MU rare items dropping from mobs suchs as UL gear and esi etc... But for 90% of hunters (Low-Mid level) there gear would have come from a crafter, and they would have supplied the materials. Unless the want to splash out on a luxury item.
But wait? doesnt that give the crafters free reign to charge whatever they want and rip off hunters?? Ermm nope.. The living proof of this would be enhancers, which clearly prove that the MU of end item is dictated by the miners or supplier of materials, and the item MU will typically only be enough to break even. Thats because the crafters compete on AH to sell their stuff which drives the price down to a point where it covers the MU of ingredients. Obviously this is only true of (L) or consumable product.
But would Low-Mid level hunters be poorer? Ofcourse not because their loot would actually be needed by another major profession which supplies them, full 360.
Obviously for this to work you would need to totally rebalance the BP's and loots and do away with ridiculous issues like useless BPs with rare ingredients for example. And awful hunting loot with tiny amounts of dozens of useless little stackables..
The thing is, crafting as it is, is mainly only useful for the gambling, and people just wont keep going in a profession if they are just looting TT food which is how hunting is going... Cause you loosing 10% or so each run it becomes futile. And as the game is a RCE this basically means that its broken. And as an MMO.. well dont even go there.. its totally broken because of the fact that as a profession.. Most of them are redundant. The little professions like scanner for example, should have a place in a hunting party but thats getting off topic.
Basically I call for a full re-balance and.. yeah I think you get where i'm going... Obvioulsy I won't fully understand the concerns of the top 5-10% of hunters as I am not one, nor am I a huge depositer/cycler but at least for the overall picure its pretty easy to sit there with a calculator and work out the MU of ingredients, compare that to the MU of item/residue etc and see it just doesnt work. Look how much residue has crashed with the recent nerfs.
I dont beleive it is possible for everyone to profit all the time, thats silly. But there is a time to spend and a time to profit, and when your spending, to get to where you want, then someone is profitng, and then it switches and you are profiting..