Hunt the Thing sub planet missing from Rocktropia


Sep 17, 2015

Ever since the update on Tuesday, Hunt the Thing is gone/inaccessible. There was no communication about this and does not appear in any change notes.

I have 20 000 PED + in storage there. Yes I have logged a support case to retrieve my items, but still no access to my items, its been 4 days. Please fix.
Hope it gets fixed for you ASAP. I am starting to remember the reasons why I was absent from Entropia for many years.
Hello! I want to inform you that the decision for "Hunt the Thing" instance to get deactivated was made from NeverDie. We've sadly still not been able to access the Rocktropia webpage to communicate regarding this change and we're awaiting access.

Rest assured that your items are not lost, and we will move your items to where you can access them! To do so you need to make a support case and they can help you out :)
I mean it's still your game though, wouldn't hurt to communicate any change who cares who made the call lol

They are saying , they do not have ownership of that property.
They are saying , they do not have ownership of that property.
I thought MA took ownership of all Rocktropia-related servers?

With that said, I could see why it would be dropped since I'm sure there are some licensing fees related to the movie. Maybe it got too spendy. That does have me wondering though how Rocktropia overall was structured legally with the various musical names it references or if a lot of it is somehow in fair use/paradoy/tribute territory. Some parts seem like there had to have been permission of licensing of some sort.

That said, I am kind of disappointed to because HTT was one area I had just started mining after realizing it was a mineable area after all these years. I hadn't had too much mapped out yet, but it didn't seem like the greatest mining either, so not a huge loss. One unique thing there though was due to the low traffic, the oil rig there often filled up with oil all over the ground, so newbies who knew to go there actually would do ok on free oil.
Rename it to "Hunt the thaaaaaang"

Now that´s winner right there...


...I wanna "Hunt...the thaaaaaang" :laugh: