Question: Hunting or mining?

I have only read post one. It depends on how much u want to deposit. Mining is demanding à bigger budget but it also gives better mu if u know where to mine. Im doing both, i can always switch over if i get tired of hunting.

If u are à player with patience u can do whatever, if u lack patience i recommend hunting.
Players with à bad patience in mining usually ends up with using big amps and very low returns.
well now your saying you have decided to mine, and need to get to ark? thats different lol. Mining is boring anyway and depressing.. I mean you notice some miners are a bit weird so...

Just get a lift with someone

Tip: If their soc is called > "Nebula Virus Elite" you probably shouldn't get a lift with them :wise:

Just exploring my options, think at this point I simply need to get my hands dirty and spend a few peds on both and figure out what I enjoy most.