Hunting screwed up

Just remember Mindarks golden rule...
If a bug costs MA money - it will be fixed INSTANTLY!!!!
If a bug costs the player money - it can take years (if ever) to fix.
No....I am feed up whay it has cost so much its lot off waste money because off this bugs.:mad::mad::mad: put up with free ammo.:laugh:
hmm the horible return rates a few days ago drained all the PED from my card....
I guess I am lucky that I hunted before instead of now with all the bugs? :confused: Now I have no PED to suffer from them.
Have all the above mentioned issues, and this one as well:

I have problems getting closer to a mob than that...:laugh::mad:

lol, hope you found some dung at least up that arse..:laugh:

Same issues here too...Dang It! :(

Atm I'm a nOOb getting TPs. Running is Free! :D
And, as of 10.0.9, very often the mobs don't gradually run towards me - they jump closer and closer in steps, standing still in between.

I thought the mobs have learned new moves to counter our attacks :silly2:
*shunshin no jutsu / shunpo*
Have all the above mentioned issues, and this one as well:

I have problems getting closer to a mob than that...:laugh::mad:

The last time it happened to a drone that ran too fast and we sort of ran past each other when it was killed, so I traced back to the estimated spot that it should have dropped dead (about a few paces back from the mob image) and I was able to loot it...haven't encountered another case since then to test it again though.
You can add me to the list of hunters suffering from these strange bugs. From way before VU 10.0, though.
I've been experiencing all the same issues, and you forgot to mention these:

  • Chat window says you are not wounded, but your health bar says you are and next fap use does heal you.
  • Receiving damage from creature after it is dead and looted.

These lag issues are costing us extra ammo and decay on every kill, sometimes up to 3 shots. When multiplied by hundreds of kills per day, that's a sh!tload of extra decay for Mindark! :(

Same as :(

We should stop logging in really :laugh: