Interesting Mission Recommendations?


Jun 5, 2020
Dirty Dingos
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Anonymous AckerZ Anonymous
I was hoping to start a thread where people can come and dump all the interesting missions they have come across in EU. Interesting because they have interesting rewards, are actually challenging or are genuinely fun.

I’ll start with the Zorra HK epic mission chain on Cyrene, still haven’t finished it as the final section requiring the greater Crystal is a super tough item to acquire but the mission chain and the eventual reward are actually pretty unique and potentially very profitable.

The enigma keys mission chain is another really fun mission that has some really good rewards at the end. Highly recommend that for newer players.

The cyclops depths is another great mission chain giving you access to the cyclops depths instance which is a great place for mid-high levelling hunting.
Ill also add the Navy Liason in Crystal Palace, you turn in "Dropship Sensors" to this npc and in turn you get a chance to loot rare Space Bps or Blazar Fragments.

You get the Sensors from the Dropship Space Wave event.

Big shout-out to the crews of The Victory & The Normandie for letting me tag along on these epic events. If you haven't done them yet I highly recommend them, good loot, great skills and very unique gameplay.
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Some of my favs were

RDI Secret Labs

Ark Moon Smuggler

Molochs depths

Trial of the Gorgons Shade

Dsec9 Elara mission
Would I be right in thinking RDI Secret Labs is kinda "high level"? Even so, is it at least startable by a newbie even if they can't get that far. Kinda interested from the story element side of things really. Not so into the killing the big mobs.
Would I be right in thinking RDI Secret Labs is kinda "high level"? Even so, is it at least startable by a newbie even if they can't get that far. Kinda interested from the story element side of things really. Not so into the killing the big mobs.
The entry mission is fine if you can kill small calamusoid. For the instance, a small / mid level team could get by in A1 with the right armours. B1 is the same style, but more tough. C1 is my fav, really immersive game play, there is no pressing F in there! Each room requires a different skill set and team effort, for the top level instance it is better to have a few higher level players there!
Hmmm.... that was what I was afraid of. OK thanks for the info.
The cyclops depths is another great mission chain giving you access to the cyclops depths instance which is a great place for mid-high levelling hunting.

I only just completed the mission chain to access the instance. I'm glad I can use the Cyclops Depths now, but that mission chain is such a slog. I hate mission that make you run back and forth across the map for no good reason. And that part in the middle where you have to trade all the NPCs for items seemed to almost be making fun of this sort of mission too.

So many games do this, not just EU.

The RDI Labs mission chain is a pretty good one if you ask me. There's a decent story, and something to do for each mission part. And the final payoff has something for most levels of players, aside from very low level.
I only just completed the mission chain to access the instance. I'm glad I can use the Cyclops Depths now, but that mission chain is such a slog. I hate mission that make you run back and forth across the map for no good reason. And that part in the middle where you have to trade all the NPCs for items seemed to almost be making fun of this sort of mission too.

So many games do this, not just EU.

The RDI Labs mission chain is a pretty good one if you ask me. There's a decent story, and something to do for each mission part. And the final payoff has something for most levels of players, aside from very low level.

Oh god yeah totally forgot about that insane fish trading section... that has to be a joke by the devs, one of the dumbest and most tedious things ever. The depths itself is great though and worth the slog imo. But yeah dear god they need to remove that bit.
Oh god yeah totally forgot about that insane fish trading section... that has to be a joke by the devs, one of the dumbest and most tedious things ever. The depths itself is great though and worth the slog imo. But yeah dear god they need to remove that bit.
Each to their own I guess.... I quite like that sort of thing. Fish mission sound funny. I wonder if today's fish is Trout a la creme ;)
Bump for some more mission recommendations.
Nadira Daily crafting mission on Toulan, rewards Machinery in a similar fashion to the Monria crafting daily that rewards engineering - chain to unlock it is quite fun.

Also the dailies on Toulan are really good overall for quick skilling and there is an absolute ton of them.
Die and Supply is always a treat.
You start with being tasked to kill calamasoids/foul/feffoids surrounding the base. Cycle cost is about 1100 ped.

Then you have a material hand in of Armatrix weapons and components.
The reward you get (shrap,UA,blazers) is much larger than the TT+MU of the stuff you give up, so you make about 200 ped profit IIRC.

Do the medusa daily mission and there is a small chance this mission is given as a reward.
Die and Supply is always a treat.
You start with being tasked to kill calamasoids/foul/feffoids surrounding the base. Cycle cost is about 1100 ped.

Then you have a material hand in of Armatrix weapons and components.
The reward you get (shrap,UA,blazers) is much larger than the TT+MU of the stuff you give up, so you make about 200 ped profit IIRC.

Do the medusa daily mission and there is a small chance this mission is given as a reward.
Where to start this mission?
Die and Supply is always a treat.
You start with being tasked to kill calamasoids/foul/feffoids surrounding the base. Cycle cost is about 1100 ped.

Then you have a material hand in of Armatrix weapons and components.
The reward you get (shrap,UA,blazers) is much larger than the TT+MU of the stuff you give up, so you make about 200 ped profit IIRC.

Do the medusa daily mission and there is a small chance this mission is given as a reward.
Wow... a grind missions as... a reward for a grind mission? That's a new level of low...
Not sure if you have checked out but this is one of my fav missions in game right now as it is a Daily Mission that gives Analysis Skill gain as reward.

*Robot Menace Daily*

To have access to this mission you have to complete the mission "Get Stel V.I.P Status" which can be a pain, but the reward after is worth doing.

And since I know people will ask the reward is about 0.60 of Analysis Skill or you can choose the other 2 options that come out to roughly around 40 ped tt value. To me its all about the Analysis but some people like the 40 ped tt. I am still not sure if the mission is kill based or cost base to complete but has costed me around 650 ped each time i have done it recently.
The enigma keys mission chain is another really fun mission that has some really good rewards at the end. Highly recommend that for newer players.

Just a small status update. 😀
"Hunt the thing" on Rocktropia if still active.
Never looked into this one, there's a few massive missions on RT that are meant to be really good. Pretty sure one forces you to get locked in jail for a few days or something.
Never looked into this one, there's a few massive missions on RT that are meant to be really good. Pretty sure one forces you to get locked in jail for a few days or something.
HTT was more like another planet sorta thing. Not really part of RT just "located" there. Defo the best mission chain in Entropia.. Really creepy and atmospheric. Made more so by the fact that you had to start it in your undies originally.