Here's another article with a bit more info:
Translation, Sorta:
worth 200 millions
The playing company Mindark pc Ltd, that stands behind the virtuella the playing Entropia, is evaluated to 205 millions sek. This autumn, the company will draw in 30 millions sek in a nyemssion.
Project Entropia, the playing that will take Mindark to the stock exchange.
The company bridge Group, that amuses Mindarks new issue has ended up under fire and been reported to the police of Lotteriinspektionen in order to last an illegal pyramidspelsbolag.
As typed for a week since has Project Entropia 270.000 members over the whole world. According to Jan Welter Timkrans, that is CEO and central owners in Göteborgsbaserade Mindark pc Ltd, comes the company to increase the turnover to 35 millions sek this year. The is the company that took over all rights to the playing Entropia after Mindarks konkurs 2003.
For the continued development, capitals are required nytt. Mindark will implement a new issue this autumn and to draw in 30 millions sek.
- the is a big stem hand interest, but still exists no possibility to sign shares. Tamm&partner, that deals with the value, has in a first value come until that Mindark is worth 205 millions sek. And within a near future comes a more detailed value, says Jan Timkrans.
Jan Timkrans may 44 percents of the shares today.
- in connection with the new issue will I go down to 40 percents.
Other shares are may of CG Bothén Ltd, the personnel and some additional private persons.
- we have actuallily a stock exchange in in Entropia but the is not put into operation. The had been possible to implement our new issue in Entropia and to offer our members to invest in the company, but we have valt to not to do the.
Instead bitten Jan Timkrans on an inquiry from the company bridge Group. Bridge Group is a network marketing company that not yet has some activity. He tells that a person from bridge Group took contact with him for two months since.
Bridge Group is registered in the wealth paradise Belize in Mellanamerika. Former Trelleborgs-vd: n Kjell Nilsson have borne the role as counsellors to bridge Group. He has garanterat that the company does not break against the teams that forbid pyramidspel, states Sydsvenska the daily.
But Peter Alling, legal adviser on Lotteriinspektionen has looked on bridge Groups sets-up and denotes bridge Group as a pyramidspelsbolag. Which resulted in that Lotterinspektionen reported to the police bridge Group in order to the members only can serve money on medlemsvärvning.
Before this Trelleborgschefen Kjell Nilsson have makeacommitmentto as counsellors to bridge Group. He means that report to the police is incorrect but wants to not to makeacommitmentto on why, types Sydsvenskan.
How influences report to the police your commitment in the company?
- I have no more to add. I am not bridge, says Kjell Nilsson.
But you work of course as their counsellors?
- the is well a damn difference, says Kjell Nilsson and imposes the nap in the ear on Sydsvenskans scratch towns.
Report to the police bases itself on that bridge Group not yet done some more than värvat members. Is implemented Mindark-emissionen as planned, can the change the assessment since the then means that bridge Group actual offers the members share investments.
Bridge Groups legal adviser, Lars Felth, asserts that the police report is incorrect and groundless.
The lets little more complicated then dials up Lotteriinspektionen.
About the etc. genomförs - sopar the away the basis for your report to the police against bridge Group?
- the is not safe. About the profit possibilities for the individual members in bridge Group mainly comes from commissions from recruitment of new members is the still illegal, says Peter Alling, legal adviser on Lotteriinspektionen.
But about the shares in Mindark gives a good earning then?
- the is verily difficult to assess the products in such here contexts.
Peter Alling draws a parallel to World games' International, WGI, that offered the members shares that did not exist. He calls them virtuella shares.
But about medlemmarna in bridge Group participates in the new issue in Mindark so the has the possible intäker from something else than medlemsvärvning?
- yes, then is the not alike as in WGI, says Peter Alling.
And shares in Mindark can last a good investment?
- the can I not eliminate. That sheep the future show, says Peter Alling.
Jan Timkrans aims on the stock exchange.
- we have for intention to become listed about a pair years.
On which list?
- since Entropia is a global system wants to we to try to take us in on an international stock exchange. The exists a number stock exchanges in Europe, Asia and USA to choose on. Since we have most members in USA so can an USA stock exchange to be appropriate. But the comes we to decide in a latter stage.
Has you some plan B for the new issue about the becomes for struligt for bridge Group?
- yes, we have a row foreign investerare that is interested of makeacommitmentto. But the is poorer for ourselves pursues then sheep we in a big owner. The is a clear advantage for us at a future börsintroduktionom about we already before a big number owners.
Mindark has today 23 employees, of which ten works with development. The company beonthepointof to recruit additional five utvecklare and three persons to the market department. Monthly releases Mindark updating of Entropia.
- we have a stand for different possible cooperations. We have plans on releasing in other and to let them to do business in Entropias environment and then has we commission revenues on the.