Question: Is the market still active enough to be a successful trader?


Mar 31, 2016
I tried the game many years ago but didn't have the means to deposit, so I got bored of sweating and put it down. Now I actually have money and the ability to deposit, so I'm very interested in trying the game again.

For one reason or another, I get very immersed in the market and economy of every game I play, and thoroughly enjoy trading and earning money, even when there is no real world money at stake. I figured that I can put that fascination to work here and actually get something tangible back from trading, but I'm honestly just not sure if the market or playerbase is active enough for that to be possible. Things seem relatively quiet compared to when I last played almost 5 years ago.

Are bulk materials such as ores, ingots, ammo, etc heavily traded? Is the real market in equipment? Are most trades for materials or equipment conducted on the street market or AH? Any other relevant advice is also hugely appreciated, seeing as most resources I can find on the economy are a few years out of date. Thanks!
Well, if you look at "market value" , there is still a lot of stuff being traded daily/weekly.
I am not a trader but i think it may be possible to earn a bit here and there.
There is a lot of PED being moved so of course there is a lot of money to be made. Is it easy? Nowadays, I would say no.
Hi, I dont know if you have looked ingame yet, but a few years ago MindArk introduced auction graphs which you can access via the auction house, there you can look how much of a certain resource gets traded daily/weekly/etc.

Also with the addition of other planets beside Calypso, there is the possibility of trading goods between planets.

So yeah I think the markets are still pretty active and most resources and equipment are relatively liquid assets, until you get to the high-end stuff, but thats a different beast altogether.

Give it a shot and you will see :)


RockTropia and Arkadia are in some dire need of active traders :D
As long as you stick to stackable items you would do fine. But when ik comes to UL gear I would advise you to stay away from trading those as the MU on almost all of them is slowly but constantly going down.
As long as you stick to stackable items you would do fine. But when ik comes to UL gear I would advise you to stay away from trading those as the MU on almost all of them is slowly but constantly going down.

Agreed, unless you want to gamble on which will be the next "adjusted" upgrade :laugh:
The question isn't even wrong.

Generally, there are more opportunities for traders in low liquidity markets.

But well, there are traders and 'traders'. :smoke:
Ammo, apart from explosive projectiles which are crafted now, is not traded. And the MU on EP is very low :)
I tried the game many years ago but didn't have the means to deposit, so I got bored of sweating and put it down. Now I actually have money and the ability to deposit, so I'm very interested in trying the game again.

For one reason or another, I get very immersed in the market and economy of every game I play, and thoroughly enjoy trading and earning money, even when there is no real world money at stake. I figured that I can put that fascination to work here and actually get something tangible back from trading, but I'm honestly just not sure if the market or playerbase is active enough for that to be possible. Things seem relatively quiet compared to when I last played almost 5 years ago.

Are bulk materials such as ores, ingots, ammo, etc heavily traded? Is the real market in equipment? Are most trades for materials or equipment conducted on the street market or AH? Any other relevant advice is also hugely appreciated, seeing as most resources I can find on the economy are a few years out of date. Thanks!

Is very active on Caly auction but hard to be successful trader.
All other planets auctions are practically dead, even on Calypso auction have section/ 20 pages instead of 50 in total less than 1000.
And those 20 pages are filled by resellers and market manipulators.
Just set filter to quantity and you will see that more than half pages consist of items with wery low TT (even les than 1 ped) and astronic markup.
You cant learn real MU from there because all is manipulated and false for years.
If there is any real trade then that happen via forums and private trades in game.
So or you join to those who do it drty on auction as is or you will not have enought customers to make siginificant earning.
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Entropias economy is doing fine, plenty of oppertunity for trading even on a couple of the smaller planets (although turnover is obviously much smaller there). Just start counting numbers from the auction GUI and you will find your way to what works :).
IMO there is strong opportunity on Arkadia and Rocktropia, plenty of desperate sellers :p

People are finding it hard to stay on these planets long term because there are no auction orders and no active buyers.