Jaguar Arms, but WRONG sex...

:D gratz but SHITE , well only 6 more months on them ;)
:D gratz but SHITE , well only 6 more months on them ;)

Yea sure feels like wasted time on tezlas :) But eventually I'll get it, got 3 of 6 parts now, arms is my highest priority tho.
how about sex change ? :cheer:
U wish, I know U - U wish I got an change ;)
At least those arms will help you get the male ones whether thats buying them or continuing to hunt them. Gratz :)
Dont be sad dude ;)
Gratz ! :D

awwww that sucks and yet :cheer: on looting some in the first place :)

Yeah...the must Uber item I ever looted was an Angel Helm...(M)!

Actually, I don't mind looting male parts, because I can sell them, buy the female version, and still have lots fo peds left over!

Are you with me, girls?:laugh: ;) :wtg:

lol almost looks like tiger arms in the loot window
Well suppose it is a half Gratz at least ;)
i was hunting those critters some bit but then i had to forfeit on my try to get those jags coz didnt get loot better than 2ped from tezlas
At least those arms will help you get the male ones whether thats buying them or continuing to hunt them. Gratz :)

I consider, depending on what I get for those arms I might be tempted to deposit the sum I sell em for and buy the male version if avalible :)


Yeah...the must Uber item I ever looted was an Angel Helm...(M)!

Actually, I don't mind looting male parts, because I can sell them, buy the female version, and still have lots fo peds left over!

Are you with me, girls?

Well - I so much regret being an male in game (but boy do I look great :))

lol almost looks like tiger arms in the loot window

Theres Paladin M arms in there too, that an tezla dropped just prior to those jaguar dropping, I was sooo tempted to quit the area since I was pissed they dropped those arms as a teaser :)
oooo.. lol you said the S word.. errm i mean gratz :)