Discovery: Karmoosh Lateef


Old Alpha
Aug 12, 2008
Supremacy Reign
Avatar Name
Juliane Emma Morgan
Thanks to CC (with the highest damage), Rechinul (for getting the masses together), Forgo, Silver, James, Killer Bee and a lot of other guys we where today able to tame the Karmoosh Lateef.




The Team at the end:
Gz to Emma!!!
Gz ! :wtg:

So this Tabtab has a Highland ancestry? :laugh:
Grats Emma on both discoverys!!! Creature cloths being the other :yay:
Gz bUT as it is a tabtab, it must be destroyed in the worst possible way.
Gratz! WTF a Scottish Arabic Tabtab?
Grats Em :yay:... it looks like a haggis :laugh:
Gz ! A pet with pants ! He is so cute!
Dont let taco near him ...
Congratulations :)
np m8

was a nice team .. big dmg :D
enjoy the pet
Lol that's really ugly...

Gratz anyway.
was a fun mission chain :)
Gz on the work, it a Great Looking pet, but such a sad shame its got a generic poor buff (much like the wolptinger)
Looks like the owner of Toulan is a fan of the Young Ones.

Also it seems the his buffs will be address in the future:

Gratz on taming Karmoosh Lateef!

Confirming that this pet's Buffs are not final, and will be updated in the future.

Now to start skilling them up
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Scary pet.
Somewhat reminded me flaky from Happy Tree Friends

Grats to all of us!

Thanks Emma. Appreciate the help.
I notice first now, my name is spelled wrong.. its Sliver not Silver, hehe.. Was fun to be part of it ;)