Legal to have Lottos or other drawings in game...?

Well, this is what the law says about it:

1.1 Vad säger lagen?
De regler som finns för lotterier återfinns i lotterilagen (1994:1000). Med lotteri avses en verksamhet där en eller flera deltagare, med eller utan insats, vinner något som har ett högre värde än vad var och en av de övriga deltagarna kan få (3 § lotterilagen).
Så även om du inte betalt någon insats för att vara med så kan det vara ett lotteri om du får möjlighet att vinna något mer än någon annan. För den som anordnar lotteriet, spelar det ingen roll om det finns ett vinstsyfte eller inte med anordnandet för att det ska anses vara ett lotteri.
1.1 What does the law say?
The rules are for lotteries found in the Lottery Act (1994:1000). With the lottery means an establishment where one or more participants, with or without stakes, win something with a higher value than each of the other participants can get (3 § Lotteries Act).
So even if you do not charge any effort to be with, it might be a lottery if you get a chance to win more than anyone else. For the organizers of the lottery, it does not matter if there is a profit or not the organization for it to be considered a lottery.

Wow, the Swedes really are mental if this true. By this definition, almost anything is gambling, including most children's party games, or getting served the only piece of cake with a strawberry on it. I hope they have the manpower to arrest all those people!
Well, this is what the law says about it:

1.1 Vad säger lagen?
De regler som finns för lotterier återfinns i lotterilagen (1994:1000). Med lotteri avses en verksamhet där en eller flera deltagare, med eller utan insats, vinner något som har ett högre värde än vad var och en av de övriga deltagarna kan få (3 § lotterilagen).
Så även om du inte betalt någon insats för att vara med så kan det vara ett lotteri om du får möjlighet att vinna något mer än någon annan. För den som anordnar lotteriet, spelar det ingen roll om det finns ett vinstsyfte eller inte med anordnandet för att det ska anses vara ett lotteri.
1.1 What does the law say?
The rules are for lotteries found in the Lottery Act (1994:1000). With the lottery means an establishment where one or more participants, with or without stakes, win something with a higher value than each of the other participants can get (3 § Lotteries Act).
So even if you do not charge any effort to be with, it might be a lottery if you get a chance to win more than anyone else. For the organizers of the lottery, it does not matter if there is a profit or not the organization for it to be considered a lottery.

By this definition a lawyer in Sweden could easily take MA to court for the loot system. I kill one creature and receive .1ped of loot, Joe Avatar comes along and kills another of the same creature and receives 10 000ped of loot. MA could be held responsible for a class action lawsuit for anyone who has played EU.
Wow, the Swedes really are mental if this true. By this definition, almost anything is gambling, including most children's party games, or getting served the only piece of cake with a strawberry on it. I hope they have the manpower to arrest all those people!

They are not mental but your understanding is flawed
By this definition a lawyer in Sweden could easily take MA to court for the loot system. I kill one creature and receive .1ped of loot, Joe Avatar comes along and kills another of the same creature and receives 10 000ped of loot. MA could be held responsible for a class action lawsuit for anyone who has played EU.

There is a good reason why MA owns *everything* within EU. :) We just interact with their
system which they own to a 100%.
We don't own or have rights to anything of value until we get a withdraw approved.
By this definition a lawyer in Sweden could easily take MA to court for the loot system. I kill one creature and receive .1ped of loot, Joe Avatar comes along and kills another of the same creature and receives 10 000ped of loot. MA could be held responsible for a class action lawsuit for anyone who has played EU.

This is why loot is rigged to give a certain return in the long term, and MA can claim the cut they keep is from decay. This is why they probably pass gambling inspections, their system is not a pure random payout machine, but instead a controlled one. And of course if you request liquidation, you get the remaining TT value on your account, after you spent some on decay and markup.