LeshTrox': SurpriZe Youself! (L) - defeat your goals - Overtaking the Grand Master

Mission 1 and Mission 2 start automatically and are tracked.

In Mission 1 you need 15 Globals for 125 ped payout.

Mission 2 unlocks, when Mission 1 is done.

The Tickets are for the second event that can be done with the same globals ("Surprize Yourself"). For that you need to return the ticket for the payout.

You get 4 ped per global if you global more next month in this event, Surprize Yourself. Like: You do 15 globals in November and get 125 ped. Next month you have 18 globals, get another 125 ped payout. In the other event, you have 33 globals and get payout of another 132 ped.

So altother, for that situation you get 125 ped + 125 ped + 132 ped payout for those 33 globals in November and december (15 glob + 18 glob = 33 glob).

Payouts are done by me in player trade.

Have fun!