Lets talk about auto construction (returns, blueprint loots, skill gains, etc)


Sep 13, 2020
I wan't to start discussion about auto construction (I will call it like this as how MA call it is a bad joke, really bad one).
Since this was introduced it always felt to me that blueprint loots are very low during auto construction, also it feels like skill gains are much smaller too, but this needs testing.
So I did 2x 9999 click runs on EP1 with auto construction. First run was done on AG, second one on AG.
TT return for 1st run was 93,5% and 95,78% for 2nd. Seems about right.
But blueprint loots are terrible on both runs. For both 9999 clicks I got exactly 0.21pec blueprints.
Haven't looted any Welding Wire blueprints on 20k clicks at all which are very common while crafting EP1, how this is even possible?
I'm sure I always get more blueprint loots on 1k clicks (on average) while crafting normally.
See pictures below for summary of both runs.
Will try the same when I will be on some other planet.
Also it would be interesting to see screenshots from others in case someone want to do similar testing.

I have done many runs of auto-cons while hunting and regular construction when going to bed and I see bp drops is way too low on auto cons when i compare to regular
I wan't to start discussion about auto construction (I will call it like this as how MA call it is a bad joke, really bad one).
Since this was introduced it always felt to me that blueprint loots are very low during auto construction, also it feels like skill gains are much smaller too, but this needs testing.
So I did 2x 9999 click runs on EP1 with auto construction. First run was done on AG, second one on AG.
TT return for 1st run was 93,5% and 95,78% for 2nd. Seems about right.
But blueprint loots are terrible on both runs. For both 9999 clicks I got exactly 0.21pec blueprints.
Haven't looted any Welding Wire blueprints on 20k clicks at all which are very common while crafting EP1, how this is even possible?
I'm sure I always get more blueprint loots on 1k clicks (on average) while crafting normally.
See pictures below for summary of both runs.
Will try the same when I will be on some other planet.
Also it would be interesting to see screenshots from others in case someone want to do similar testing.

Now do a 9999 click without auto contruction and that way you can compare the results directly
What's interesting is 0 basic bearing bps. That should tell us all we need to know. As Basic Bearings BP is literally the most common bp drop with EP1. BY A LARGE LARGE MARGIN.

Moral of the story, don't auto craft since it's busted as shit.
I don't have time do 9999 clicks on non auto construction, but did 5k clicks during night time and here are results:
TT return: 99,72%;
7.81 ped tt blueprint loots;
Blueprint loot % of all loot (manual construction): 7,81%
Blueprint loot % of all loot (auto construction): 0,11%
See image below for 5k clicks on manual construction:
Blueprint loot % of all loot (manual construction): 7,81%

Blueprint loot % of all loot (auto construction): 0,11%

if this truly is a feature, with less bp drops, i think it should be clearly stated somewhere that:
1. auto construct is slower than normal construction
2. you will receive less loot
Autocrafting loot is always worse than regular crafting for me. I've done a gazzilion clicks by now, it's clearly meant to be worse. Feels like broken instance loot.
Or maybe it's not broken and they're just testing the new mechanism. Remember when they said that skills are going to affect crafting speed when autocrafting and that right now it's intentionally slow? Maybe skills are going to affect not only the speed, but returns as well, but maybe to a smaller degree because then some players will be extremely OP.
I've noticed the same thing. I don't remember where, but saw them mention that skill gain is lower because no skill gain bonus will proc during Auto-Con. Not sure if the base skill gain is affected further. But definitely lower BP drop. Here's an E2 run I did to test as well

Since it's largely been broken with bugs since it was released, it wouldn't surprise me if this is also a problem.

And then... let's extrapolate it to the rest of the game.... in one spot in particular with mobs with very high maturity... it's busted (yea I have receipts).
Since it's largely been broken with bugs since it was released, it wouldn't surprise me if this is also a problem.

And then... let's extrapolate it to the rest of the game.... in one spot in particular with mobs with very high maturity... it's busted (yea I have receipts).
Please do tell, report, or both. Last thing this game needs is to have a certain group of people and all their alts scamming the rest of the community by exploiting as they usually do.
I've noticed the same thing. I don't remember where, but saw them mention that skill gain is lower because no skill gain bonus will proc during Auto-Con. Not sure if the base skill gain is affected further. But definitely lower BP drop. Here's an E2 run I did to test as well

Maybe this is MA:s way to balance crafting while hunting?

They please those who wanted this feature while also preventing breaking economy too much.

This would allow people to craft what they need but not make it worth while to do trading/competition wise.

Not to mention cycle amounts being incresed with out risks to MA.

Then again this is EU and considering MA:s past motives or capability perform such things might aswell be "just" bug.


Extra data is always good and appriciated.

Great thread! 👍
Not enough data to conclude anything.... do same amount of runs on every planet and moon. If all was on AG it means AG may be misplaced or not as no data from elsewhere to compare.... Also personal lootpool theory comes in to play if one batch is OK and next not so much. PP determines items on lootpool based on history.... so if no BP loots it sounds like Owner of AG ISSUE more than anything.
Not enough data to conclude anything.... do same amount of runs on every planet and moon. If all was on AG it means AG may be misplaced or not as no data from elsewhere to compare.... Also personal lootpool theory comes in to play if one batch is OK and next not so much. PP determines items on lootpool based on history.... so if no BP loots it sounds like Owner of AG ISSUE more than anything.
One auto craft run was on NI and other on AG. And if you check post #5 on this thread you will see how it looks while crafting on NI, but with regular crafting. Difference is clearly visible. I agree that more tests would be better, but they will probably just prove the same thing.
Maybe this is MA:s way to balance crafting while hunting?

They please those who wanted this feature while also preventing breaking economy too much.

This would allow people to craft what they need but not make it worth while to do trading/competition wise.

Not to mention cycle amounts being incresed with out risks to MA.

Then again this is EU and considering MA:s past motives or capability perform such things might aswell be "just" bug.


Extra data is always good and appriciated.

Great thread! 👍
That was my thought too. If ubers could run 9999 EP3 on a bunch of planets, go hunting for that period of time, then to collect their earnings, it would surely wound the market heavily if drop rates were equal to regular crafting. My only hope is that this was intentional :')
That was my thought too. If ubers could run 9999 EP3 on a bunch of planets, go hunting for that period of time, then to collect their earnings, it would surely wound the market heavily if drop rates were equal to regular crafting. My only hope is that this was intentional :')
If it were intentional, it should be disclosed.

Enough with this black box shit.
If it were intentional, it should be disclosed.

Enough with this black box shit.
For real they need to show some transparency here. I won't touch auto-CON again until they do.

Plus someone gotta make a petition to rename that "CON" . Due to how the bp drop rates are it does feel like you're getting conned. :cautious:
Seems conclusive to me, thank you for the tests.

Tried a run on exp 2 after the change to the name of "Auto-Con"
First time ever 0 bps dropped. I can drop usually 10+ bps from such a run in manual mode.
@Ludvig|MindArk can you guys check this and get back to us because several players are saying the same thing. We need to know for real if it's bugged or intentional.